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小说类别:文学名著 上传者:尘小春 作者:未知
小说大小:186K 更新时间:2023-08-16 完结状态:全本
小说热度:15 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


380 BCGORGIASby Platotranslated by Benjamin JowettGORGIASPERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE: CALLICLES; SOCRATES; CHAEREPHON; GORGIAS; POLUS Scene: The house of Callicles.Callicles. The wise man, as the proverb says, is late for a fray, but not for a feast. Socrates. And are we late for a feast? Cal. Yes, and a delightful feast; for Gorgias has just been exhibiting to us many fine things. Soc. It is not my fault, Callicles; our friend Chaerephon is to blame; for he would keep us loitering in the Agora. Chaerephon. Never mind, Socrates; the misfortune of which I have been the cause I will also repair; for Gorgias is a friend of mine, and I will make him give the exhibition again either now, or, if you prefer, at some other time. Cal. What is the matter, Chaerephon-does Socrates want to hear Gorgias? Chaer. Yes, that was our intention in coming. Cal. Come into my house, then; for Gor
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