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anecdotes of the late samuel johnson-第34章

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ity by saying coldly; 〃There; there; now we have had enough for one lecture; Dr。 Johnson。  We will not be upon education any more till after dinner; if you please;〃 or some such speech。  But when there was nobody to restrain his dislikes it was extremely difficult to find anybody with whom he could converse without living always on the verge of a quarrel; or of something too like a quarrel to be pleasing。  I came into the room; for example; one evening where he and a gentleman; whose abilities we all respect exceedingly; were sitting。  A lady who walked in two minutes before me had blown 'em both into a flame by whispering something to Mr。 S…d; which he endeavoured to explain away so as not to affront the Doctor; whose suspicions were all alive。  〃And have a care; sir;〃 said he; just as I came in; 〃the Old Lion will not bear to be tickled。〃  The other was pale with rage; the lady wept at the confusion she had caused; and I could only say with Lady Macbeth

     〃Soh! you've displac'd the mirth; broke the good meeting       With most admir'd disorder。〃

Such accidents; however; occurred too often; and I was forced to take advantage of my lost lawsuit and plead inability of purse to remain longer in London or its vicinage。  I had been crossed in my intentions of going abroad; and found it convenient; for every reason of health; peace; and pecuniary circumstances; to retire to Bath; where I knew Mr。 Johnson would not follow me; and where I could for that reason command some little portion of time for my own use; a thing impossible while I remained at Streatham or at London; as my hours; carriage; and servants had long been at his command; who would not rise in the morning till twelve o'clock; perhaps; and oblige me to make breakfast for him till the bell rung for dinner; though much displeased if the toilet was neglected; and though much of the time we passed together was spent in blaming or deriding; very justly; my neglect of economy and waste of that money which might make many families happy。  The original reason of our connection; his PARTICULARLY DISORDERED HEALTH AND SPIRITS; had been long at an end; and he had no other ailments than old age and general infirmity; which every professor of medicine was ardently zealous and generally attentive to palliate; and to contribute all in their power for the prolongation of a life so valuable。 Veneration for his virtue; reverence for his talents; delight in his conversation; and habitual endurance of a yoke my husband first put upon me; and of which he contentedly bore his share for sixteen or seventeen years; made me go on so long with Mr。 Johnson; but the perpetual confinement I will own to have been terrifying in the first years of our friendship and irksome in the last。  Nor could I pretend to support it without help; when my coadjutor was no more。  To the assistance we gave him; the shelter our house afforded to his uneasy fancies; and to the pains we took to soothe or repress them; the world perhaps is indebted for the three political pamphlets; the new edition and correction of his 〃Dictionary;〃 and for the 〃Poets' Lives;〃 which he would scarce have lived; I think; and kept his faculties entire to have written; had not incessant care been exerted at the time of his first coming to be our constant guest in the country; and several times after that; when he found himself particularly oppressed with diseases incident to the most vivid and fervent imaginations。  I shall for ever consider it as the greatest honour which could be conferred on any one to have been the confidential friend of Dr。 Johnson's health; and to have in some measure; with Mr。 Thrale's assistance; saved from distress at least; if not worse; a mind great beyond the comprehension of common mortals; and good beyond all hope of imitation from perishable beings。

Many of our friends were earnest that he should write the lives of our famous prose authors; but he never made any answer that I can recollect to the proposal; excepting when Sir Richard Musgrave once was singularly warm about it; getting up and entreating him to set about the work immediately; he coldly replied; 〃SIT DOWN; SIR!〃

When Mr。 Thrale built the new library at Streatham; and hung up over the books the portraits of his favourite friends; that of Dr。 Johnson was last finished; and closed the number。  It was almost impossible NOT to make verses on such an accidental combination of circumstances; so I made the following ones。  But as a character written in verse will for the most part be found imperfect as a character; I have therefore written a prose one; with which I mean; not to complete; but to conclude these 〃Anecdotes〃 of the best and wisest man that ever came within the reach of my personal acquaintance; and I think I might venture to add; that of all or any of my readers:

     Gigantic in knowledge; in virtue; in strength;      Our company closes with JOHNSON at length;      So the Greeks from the cavern of Polypheme past;      When wisest; and greatest; Ulysses came last。      To his comrades contemptuous we see him look down;      On their wit and their worth with a general frown。      Since from Science' proud tree the rich fruit he receives;      Who could shake the whole trunk while they turned a few leaves。      His piety pure; his morality nice      Protector of virtue; and terror of vice;      In these features Religion's firm champion displayed;      Shall make infidels fear for a modern crusade。      While th' inflammable temper; the positive tongue;      Too conscious of right for endurance of wrong:      We suffer from JOHNSON; contented to find;      That some notice we gain from so noble a mind;      And pardon our hurts; since so often we've found      The balm of instruction poured into the wound。      'Tis thus for its virtues the chemists extol      Pure rectified spirit; sublime alcohol;      From noxious putrescence; preservative pure;      A cordial in health; and in sickness a cure;      But exposed to the sun; taking fire at his rays;      Burns bright to the bottom; and ends in a blaze。

It is usual; I know not why; when a character is given; to begin with a description of the person。  That which contained the soul of Mr。 Johnson deserves to be particularly described。  His stature was remarkably high; and his limbs exceedingly large。  His strength was more than common; I believe; and his activity had been greater; I have heard; than such a form gave one reason to expect。  His features were strongly marked; and his countenance particularly rugged; though the original complexion had certainly been fair; a circumstance somewhat unusual。  His sight was near; and otherwise imperfect; yet his eyes; though of a light grey colour; were so wild; so piercing; and at times so fierce; that fear was; I believe; the first emotion in the hearts of all his beholders。  His mind was so comprehensive; that no language but that he used could have expressed its contents; and so ponderous was his language; that sentiments less lofty and less solid than his were would have been encumbered; not adorned by it。

Mr。 Johnson was not intentionally; however; a pompous converser; and though he was accused of using big words; as they are called; it was only when little ones would not express his meaning as clearly; or when; perhaps; the elevation of the thought would have been disgraced by a dress less superb。 He used to say; 〃that the size of a man's understanding might always be justly measured by his mirth;〃 and his own was never contemptible。  He would laugh at a stroke of genuine humour; or sudden sally of odd absurdity; as heartily and freely as I ever yet saw any man; and though the jest was often such as few felt besides himself; yet his laugh was irresistible; and was observed immediately to produce that of the company; not merely from the notion that it was proper to laugh when he did; but purely out of want of power to forbear it。  He was no enemy to splendour of apparel or pomp of equipage。  〃Life;〃 he would say; 〃is barren enough surely with all her trappings; let us therefore be cautious how we strip her。〃  In matters of still higher moment he once observed; when speaking on the subject of sudden innovation; 〃He who plants a fo
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