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anecdotes of the late samuel johnson-第33章

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r yet anything written by mere man that was wished longer by its readers; excepting 'Don Quixote;' 'Robinson Crusoe;' and the 'Pilgrim's Progress?'〃  After Homer's Iliad; Mr。 Johnson confessed that the work of Cervantes was the greatest in the world; speaking of it I mean as a book of entertainment。  And when we consider that every other author's admirers are confined to his countrymen; and perhaps to the literary classes among THEM; while 〃Don Quixote〃 is a sort of common property; an universal classic; equally tasted by the court and the cottage; equally applauded in France and England as in Spain; quoted by every servant; the amusement of every age from infancy to decrepitude; the first book you see on every shelf; in every shop; where books are sold; through all the states of Italy; who can refuse his consent to an avowal of the superiority of Cervantes to all other modern writers?  Shakespeare himself has; till lately; been worshipped only at home; though his plays are now the favourite amusements of Vienna; and when I was at Padua some months ago; Romeo and Juliet was acted there under the name of Tragedia Veronese; while engravers and translators LIVE by the hero of La Mancha in every nation; and the sides of miserable inns all over England and France; and I have heard Germany too; are adorned with the exploits of Don Quixote。 May his celebrity procure my pardon for a digression in praise of a writer who; through four volumes of the most exquisite pleasantry and genuine humour; has never been seduced to overstep the limits of propriety; has never called in the wretched auxiliaries of obscenity or profaneness; who trusts to nature and sentiment alone; and never misses of that applause which Voltaire and Sterne labour to produce; while honest merriment bestows her unfading crown upon Cervantes。

Dr。 Johnson was a great reader of French literature; and delighted exceedingly in Boileau's works。  Moliere; I think; he had hardly sufficient taste of; and he used to condemn me for preferring La Bruyere to the Duc de Rochefoucault; who; he said; was the only gentleman writer who wrote like a professed author。  The asperity of his harsh sentences; each of them a sentence of condemnation; used to disgust me; however; though it must be owned that; among the necessaries of human life; a rasp is reckoned one as well as a razor。

Mr。 Johnson did not like any one who said they were happy; or who said any one else was so。  〃It is all cant;〃 he would cry; 〃the dog knows he is miserable all the time。〃  A friend whom he loved exceedingly; told him on some occasion; notwithstanding; that his wife's sister was REALLY happy; and called upon the lady to confirm his assertion; which she did somewhat roundly; as we say; and with an accent and manner capable of offending Mr。 Johnson; if her position had not been sufficient; without anything more; to put him in very ill…humour。  〃If your sister…in…law is really the contented being she professes herself; sir;〃 said he; 〃her life gives the lie to every research of humanity; for she is happy without health; without beauty; without money; and without understanding。〃  This story he told me himself; and when I expressed something of the horror I felt; 〃The same stupidity;〃 said he; 〃which prompted her to extol felicity she never felt; hindered her from feeling what shocks you on repetition。  I tell you; the woman is ugly and sickly and foolish and poor; and would it not make a man hang himself to hear such a creature say it was happy?

〃The life of a sailor was also a continual scene of danger and exertion;〃 he said; 〃and the manner in which time was spent shipboard would make all who saw a cabin envy a gaol。〃  The roughness of the language used on board a man…of…war; where he passed a week on a visit to Captain Knight; disgusted him terribly。  He asked an officer what some place was called; and received for answer; that it was where the loplolly man kept his loplolly; a reply he considered; not unjustly; as disrespectful; gross; and ignorant; for though in the course of these memoirs I have been led to mention Dr。 Johnson's tenderness towards POOR people; I do not wish to mislead my readers; and make them think he had any delight in MEAN manners or coarse expressions。  Even dress itself; when it resembled that of the vulgar; offended him exceedingly; and when he had condemned me many times for not adorning my children with more show than I thought useful or elegant; I presented a little girl to him who came o'visiting one evening covered with shining ornaments; to see if he would approve of the appearance she made。  When they were gone home; 〃Well; sir;〃 said I; 〃how did you like little miss?  I hope she was FINE enough。〃  〃It was the finery of a beggar;〃 said he; 〃and you know it was; she looked like a native of Cow Lane dressed up to be carried to Bartholomew Fair。〃

His reprimand to another lady for crossing her little child's handkerchief before; and by that operation dragging down its head oddly and unintentionally; was on the same principle。  〃It is the beggar's fear of cold;〃 said he; 〃that prevails over such parents; and so they pull the poor thing's head down; and give it the look of a baby that plays about Westminster Bridge; while the mother sits shivering in a niche。〃

I commended a young lady for her beauty and pretty behaviour one day; however; to whom I thought no objection could have been made。  〃I saw her;〃 says Dr。 Johnson; 〃take a pair of scissors in her left hand; though; and for all her father is now become a nobleman; and as you say; excessively rich; I should; were I a youth of quality ten years hence; hesitate between a girl so neglected; and a NEGRO。〃

It was indeed astonishing how he COULD remark such minutenesses with a sight so miserably imperfect; but no accidental position of a ribband escaped him; so nice was his observation; and so rigorous his demands of propriety。  When I went with him to Lichfield and came downstairs to breakfast at the inn; my dress did not please him; and he made me alter it entirely before he would stir a step with us about the town; saying most satirical things concerning the appearance I made in a riding…habit; and adding; 〃'Tis very strange that such eyes as yours cannot discern propriety of dress。  If I had a sight only half as good; I think I should see to the centre。〃

My compliances; however; were of little worth。  What really surprised me was the victory he gained over a lady little accustomed to contradiction; who had dressed herself for church at Streatham one Sunday morning in a manner he did not approve; and to whom he said such sharp and pungent things concerning her hat; her gown; etc。; that she hastened to change them; and returning quite another figure received his applause; and thanked him for his reproofs; much to the amazement of her husband; who could scarcely believe his own ears。

Another lady; whose accomplishments he never denied; came to our house one day covered with diamonds; feathers; etc。; and he did not seem inclined to chat with her as usual。  I asked him why; when the company was gone。  〃Why; her head looked so like that of a woman who shows puppets;〃 said he; 〃and her voice so confirmed the fancy; that I could not bear her today。  When she wears a large cap I can talk to her。〃

When the ladies wore lace trimmings to their clothes he expressed his contempt of the reigning fashion in these terms:  〃A Brussels trimming is like bread sauce;〃 said he; 〃it takes away the glow of colour from the gown; and gives you nothing instead of it。  But sauce was invented to heighten the flavour of our food; and trimming is an ornament to the manteau or it is nothing。  Learn;〃 said he; 〃that there is propriety or impropriety in everything how slight soever; and get at the general principles of dress and of behaviour; if you then transgress them you will at least know that they are not observed。〃

All these exactnesses in a man who was nothing less than exact himself made him extremely impracticable as an inmate; though most instructive as companion and useful as a friend。  Mr。 Thrale; too; could sometimes overrule his rigidity by saying coldly; 〃There; there; now we have had enough for one lecture; Dr。 Johnson。  We will n
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