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n once; and maybe these men were going to murder her。 He wished he dared venture to warn her; but he knew he didn't dare  they might come and catch him。 He thought all this and more in the moment that elapsed between the stranger's remark and Injun Joe's next  which was 
〃Because the bush is in your way。 Now  this way  now you see; don't you?〃
〃Yes。 Well; there IS company there; I reckon。 Better give it up。〃
〃Give it up; and I just leaving this country forever! Give it up and maybe never have another chance。 I tell you again; as I've told you before; I don't care for her swag  you may have it。 But her husband was rough on me  many times he was rough on me  and mainly he was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant。 And that ain't all。 It ain't a millionth part of it! He had me horsewhipped!  horsewhipped in front of the jail; like a nigger!  with all the town looking on! horsewhipped!  do you understand? He took advantage of me and died。 But I'll take it out of her。〃
〃Oh; don't kill her! Don't do that!〃
〃Kill? Who said anything about killing? I would kill him if he was here; but not her。 When you want to get revenge on a woman you don't kill her  bosh! you go for her looks。 You slit her nostrils  you notch her ears like a sow!〃
〃By God; that's 〃
〃Keep your opinion to yourself! It will be safest for you。 I'll tie her to the bed。 If she bleeds to death; is that my fault? I'll not cry; if she does。 My friend; you'll help me in this thing  for my sake  that's why you're here  I mightn't be able alone。 If you flinch; I'll kill you。 Do you understand that? And if I have to kill you; I'll kill her  and then I reckon nobody'll ever know much about who done this business。〃
〃Well; if it's got to be done; let's get at it。 The quicker the better  I'm all in a shiver。〃
〃Do it now? And company there? Look here  I'll get suspicious of you; first thing you know。 No  we'll wait till the lights are out  there's no hurry。〃
Huck felt that a silence was going to ensue  a thing still more awful than any amount of murderous talk; so he held his breath and stepped gingerly back; planted his foot carefully and firmly; after balancing; one…legged; in a precarious way and almost toppling over; first on one side and then on the other。 He took another step back; with the same elaboration and the same risks; then another and another; and  a twig snapped under his foot! His breath stopped and he listened。 There was no sound  the stillness was perfect。 His gratitude was measureless。 Now he turned in his tracks; between the walls of sumach bushes  turned himself as carefully as if he were a ship  and then stepped quickly but cautiously along。 When he emerged at the quarry he felt secure; and so he picked up his nimble heels and flew。 Down; down he sped; till he reached the Welshman's。 He banged at the door; and presently the heads of the old man and his two stalwart sons were thrust from windows。
〃What's the row there? Who's banging? What do you want?〃
〃Let me in  quick! I'll tell everything。〃
〃Why; who are you?〃
〃Huckleberry Finn  quick; let me in!〃
〃Huckleberry Finn; indeed! It ain't a name to open many doors; I judge! But let him in; lads; and let's see what's the trouble。〃
〃Please don't ever tell I told you;〃 were Huck's first words when he got in。 〃Please don't  I'd be killed; sure  but the widow's been good friends to me sometimes; and I want to tell  I will tell if you'll promise you won't ever say it was me。〃
〃By George; he has got something to tell; or he wouldn't act so!〃 exclaimed the old man; 〃out with it and nobody here'll ever tell; lad。〃
Three minutes later the old man and his sons; well armed; were up the hill; and just entering the sumach path on tiptoe; their weapons in their hands。 Huck accompanied them no further。 He hid behind a great bowlder and fell to listening。 There was a lagging; anxious silence; and then all of a sudden there was an explosion of firearms and a cry。
Huck waited for no particulars。 He sprang away and sped down the hill as fast as his legs could carry him。 
AS the earliest suspicion of dawn appeared on Sunday morning; Huck came groping up the hill and rapped gently at the old Welshman's door。 The inmates were asleep; but it was a sleep that was set on a hair…trigger; on account of the exciting episode of the night。 A call came from a window:
〃Who's there!〃
Huck's scared voice answered in a low tone:
〃Please let me in! It's only Huck Finn!〃
〃It's a name that can open this door night or day; lad!  and welcome!〃
These were strange words to the vagabond boy's ears; and the pleasantest he had ever heard。 He could not recollect that the closing word had ever been applied in his case before。 The door was quickly unlocked; and he entered。 Huck was given a seat and the old man and his brace of tall sons speedily dressed themselves。
〃Now; my boy; I hope you're good and hungry; because breakfast will be ready as soon as the sun's up; and we'll have a piping hot one; too  make yourself easy about that! I and the boys hoped you'd turn up and stop here last night。〃
〃I was awful scared;〃 said Huck; 〃and I run。 I took out when the pistols went off; and I didn't stop for three mile。 I've come now becuz I wanted to know about it; you know; and I come before daylight becuz I didn't want to run across them devils; even if they was dead。〃
〃Well; poor chap; you do look as if you'd had a hard night of it  but there's a bed here for you when you've had your breakfast。 No; they ain't dead; lad  we are sorry enough for that。 You see we knew right where to put our hands on them; by your description; so we crept along on tiptoe till we got within fifteen feet of them  dark as a cellar that sumach path was  and just then I found I was going to sneeze。 It was the meanest kind of luck! I tried to keep it back; but no use  'twas bound to come; and it did come! I was in the lead with my pistol raised; and when the sneeze started those scoundrels a…rustling to get out of the path; I sung out; 'Fire boys!' and blazed away at the place where the rustling was。 So did the boys。 But they were off in a jiffy; those villains; and we after them; down through the woods。 I judge we never touched them。 They fired a shot apiece as they started; but their bullets whizzed by and didn't do us any harm。 As soon as we lost the sound of their feet we quit chasing; and went down and stirred up the constables。 They got a posse together; and went off to guard the river bank; and as soon as it is light the sheriff and a gang are going to beat up the woods。 My boys will be with them presently。 I wish we had some sort of description of those rascals  'twould help a good deal。 But you couldn't see what they were like; in the dark; lad; I suppose?〃
〃Oh yes; I saw them down…town and follered them。〃
〃Splendid! Describe them  describe them; my boy!〃
〃One's the old deaf and dumb Spaniard that's ben around here once or twice; and t'other's a mean…looking; ragged 〃
〃That's enough; lad; we know the men! Happened on them in the woods back of the widow's one day; and they slunk away。 Off with you; boys; and tell the sheriff  get your breakfast to…morrow morning!〃
The Welshman's sons departed at once。 As they were leaving the room Huck sprang up and exclaimed:
〃Oh; please don't tell ANYbody it was me that blowed on them! Oh; please!〃
〃All right if you say it; Huck; but you ought to have the credit of what you did。〃
〃Oh no; no! Please don't tell!〃
When the young men were gone; the old Welshman said:
〃They won't tell  and I won't。 But why don't you want it known?〃
Huck would not explain; further than to say that he already knew too much about one of those men and would not have the man know that he knew anything against him for the whole world  he would be killed for knowing it; sure。
The old man promised secrecy once more; and said:
〃How did you come to follow these fellows; lad? Were they looking suspicious?〃
Huck was silent while he framed a duly cautious reply。 Then he said:
〃Well; you see; I'm a kind of a hard lot;  least everybody says so; and I don't see nothing agin it  and sometimes I can't sleep much; on account of thinking about it and sort of trying to strike out a new way of doing。 That was the way of it last night。
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