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小说类别:其他 上传者:中国长城网 作者:未知
小说大小:378K 更新时间:2020-07-17 完结状态:全本
小说热度:239 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


Mark TwainThe Adventures of Tom SawyerPREFACEMOST of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one or two were experiences of my own, the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of mine. Huck Finn is drawn from life; Tom Sawyer also, but not from an individual he is a combination of the characteristics of three boys whom I knew, and therefore belongs to the composite order of architecture.The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story that is to say, thirty or forty years ago.Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it will not be shunned by men and women on that account, for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of how they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes enga
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