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fall; I shall arise; when I sit in darkness; the LORD shall be a light unto me。          LUKE 10:19。  I Pet。 5:8。 …Jas。 4:7。 Eph。 6:11…16。 Mic。 7:8。 
十月二十九日  早课 
  他全然可爱(歌5:16)。   我的良人,超乎万人之上(歌5:10)。所拣选、所宝贵的房角石,信靠他的人必不至于羞愧(彼前2:6)。 
  你比世人更美,在你嘴里满有恩惠(诗45:2)。 神将他升为至高,又赐给他那超乎万名之上的名(腓2:9)。父喜欢叫一切的丰盛在他里面居住(西1:19)。 
  你们虽然没有见过他,却是爱他。如今虽不得看见,却因信他就有说不出来、满有荣光的大喜乐(彼前1:8)。   我将万事当作有损的,因我以认识我主基督耶稣为至宝。我为他已经丢弃万事,看作粪土,为要得着基督,并且得以在他里面,不是有自己因律法而得的义,乃是有信基督的义,就是因信 神而来的义(腓3:8,9)。 愿他以我的默念为甘甜(诗104:34)。 He is altogether lovely。          My meditation of him shall be sweet。 — My beloved is 。。。 the chiefest among ten thousand。 — A chief corner stone; elect; precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded。 — Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips。 — God 。。。 hath highly exalted him; and given him a name which is above every name。 — It pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell。 Whom having not seen; ye love; in whom; though now ye see him not; yet believing; ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory。 I count all things but loss; for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things; and do count them but dung; that I may win Christ; and be found in him; not having mine own righteousness which is of the law; but that which is through the faith of Christ; the righteousness which is of God by faith。          SONG 5:16。  Psa。104:34。 …Song 5:10。 …I Pet。 2:6。 …Psa。 45:2。 …Phi。 2:9。 …Col。 1:19。 I Pet。 1:8。 Phi。 3:8;9。 
十月二十九日  晚课 
  大卫却倚靠耶和华他的 神,心里坚固(撒上30:6)。   主啊,你有永生之道,我们还归从谁呢(约6:68)?   因为知道我所信的是谁,也深信他能保全我所交付他的,直到那日(提后1:12)。   我在急难中求告耶和华,向我的 神呼求。他从殿中听了我的声音,我在他面前的呼求入了他的耳中。我遭遇灾难的日子,他们攻击我,但耶和华是我的倚靠。他又领我到宽阔之处,他救拔我,因他喜悦我(诗18:6,18,19)。 我要时时称颂耶和华,赞美他的话必常在我口中。我的心必因耶和华夸耀;谦卑人听见,就要喜乐。你们和我当称耶和华为大,一同高举他的名。你们要尝尝主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善,投靠他的人有福了(诗34:1…4,8)! David encouraged himself in the Lord his God。          Lord; to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life。 — I know whom I have believed; and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have mitted unto him against that day。 
In my distress I called upon the LORD; and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple; and my cry came before him; even into his ears。 They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the LORD was my stay。 He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me; because he de…lighted in me。 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth。 My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof; and be glad。 O magnify the LORD with me; and let us exalt his name together。 I sought the LORD; and he heard me; and delivered me from all my fears。 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him。 I SAM。 30:6。  John 6:68。 …II Tim。 1:12。 Psa。 18:6;18;19。 Psa。 34:1…4;8。 
十月三十日  早课 
  人仰望耶和华,静默等候他的救恩,这原是好的(耶哀3:26)。 难道 神忘记开恩,因发怒就止住他的慈悲吗(诗77:9)?我曾急促的说:我从你眼前被隔绝,然而,我呼求你的时候,你仍听我恳求的声音(诗31:22)。 神的选民昼夜呼吁他,他纵然为他们忍了多时,岂不终久给他们伸冤吗?我告诉你们:要快快地给他们伸冤了(路18:7,8)。要等候耶和华,他必拯救你(箴20:22)。你当默然倚靠耶和华,耐性等候他。不要因那道路通达的和那恶谋成就的心怀不平(诗37:7)。这次你们不要争战,要摆阵站着,看耶和华为你们施行拯救(代下20:17)。我们行善,不可丧志,若不灰心,到了时候就要收成(加6:9)。看哪,农夫忍耐等候地里宝贵的出产,直到得了秋雨春雨。你们也当忍耐,坚固你们的心(雅5:7,8)。 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord。          Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? — I said in my haste; I am cut off from before thine eyes: neverthe…less thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee。 Shall not God avenge his own elect; which cry day and night unto him; though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily。 — Wait on the LORD; and he shall save thee。 — Rest in the LORD; and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way; because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass。 Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves; stand ye still; and see the salvation of the LORD。 Let us not be weary in well doing: 。。。 in due season we shall reap; if we faint not。 — Behold; the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth; and hath long patience for it; until he receive the early and latter rain。 
LAM。 3:26。  Psa。 77:9。 …Psa。31:22。 Luke 18:7;8。 …Prov。 20:22。 …Psa。 37:7。 II Chr。 20:17。 Gal。 6:9。 …Jas。 5:7。 
十月三十日  晚课 
  要给我们擒拿狐狸,就是毁坏葡萄园的小狐狸,因为我们的葡萄正在开花(歌2:15)。 谁能知道自己的错失呢?愿你赦免我隐而未现的过错(诗19:12)。要谨慎,恐怕有人失了 神的恩,恐怕有毒根生出来扰乱你们,因此叫众人沾染污秽(来12:15)。你们向来跑得好,有谁拦阻你们,叫你们不顺从真理呢(加5:7)?那在你们心里动了善工的,必成全这工,直到耶稣基督的日子。只要你们行事为人与基督的福音相称(腓1:6,27)。舌头在百体里也是最小的,却能说大话。看哪,最小的火能点着最大的树林。舌头就是火,在我们百体中,舌头是个罪恶的世界,能污秽全身,也能把生命的轮子点起来,并且是从地狱里点着的。惟独舌头没有人能制伏,是不止息的恶物,满了害死人的毒气(雅3:5,6,8)。你们的言语要常常带着和气,好像用盐调和,就可知道该怎样回答各人(西4:6)。 Take us the foxes; the little foxes; that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes。          Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults。 — Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you; and thereby many be defiled。 — Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: only let your conversation be as it beeth the gospel of Christ。 — The tongue is a little member; and boasteth great things。 Behold; how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire; a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members; that it defileth the whole body; and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell。 The tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil; full of deadly poison。 — Let your speech be alway with grace; seasoned with salt。 SONG 2:15。  Psa。 19:12。 …Heb。 12:15。 …Gal。 5:7。 Phi。 1:6;27。 …Jas。 3:5;6。 …Col。 4:6。 
十月三十一日  早课 
  万军之耶和华说:不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的灵方能成事(亚4:6)。   谁曾测度耶和华的心,或作他的谋士指教他呢(赛40:13)? 神却拣选了世上愚拙的,叫有智慧的羞愧;又拣选了世上软弱的,叫那强壮的羞愧。 神也拣选了世上卑贱的,被人厌恶的,以及那无有的,为要废掉那有的,使一切有血气的,在 神面前一个也不能自夸(林前1:27…29)。风随着意思吹,你听见风的响声,却不晓得从哪里来,往哪里去。凡从圣灵生的,也是如此(约3:8)。这等人不是从血气生的,不是从情欲生的,也不是从人意生的,乃是从 神生的(约1:13)。我的灵住在你们中间,你们不要惧怕(该2:5)。胜败不在乎你们,乃在乎 神(代下20:15)。 
耶和华使人得胜,不是用刀用枪,因为争战的胜败全在乎耶和华(撒上17:47)。 Not by might; nor by power; but by my Spirit; saith the Lord of hosts。 Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD; or being his counsellor hath taught him? God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world; and things which are despised; hath God chosen; yea; and things which are not; to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence。 The wind bloweth where it listeth; and thou hearest the sound thereof; but canst not tell whence it eth; and whither it goeth: so is every one that is b
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