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于一(弗1:8,10)。   他称他们为弟兄,也不以为耻(来2:11)。看哪,我的母亲,我的弟兄。凡遵行我天父旨意的人,就是我的弟兄、姐妹和母亲了(太12:49,50)。你往我弟兄那里去,告诉他们说:我要升上去见我的父,也是你们的父(约20:17)。 我看见在祭坛底下,有为 神的道并为作见证被杀之人的灵魂。于是有白衣赐给他们各人,又有话对他们说:还要安息片时,等着一同作仆人的和他们的弟兄也像他们被杀,满足了数目(启6:9,11)。他们若不与我们同得,就不能完全(来11:40)。 The whole family in heaven and earth。          One God and Father of all; who is above all; and through all; and in you all。 — Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus。 — That in the dispensation of the fulness of times; he might gather together in one all things in Christ; both which are in heaven; and which are on earth; even in him。 He is not ashamed to call them brethren。 — Behold my mother and my brethren! Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven; the same is my brother; and sister; and mother。 — Go to my brethren; and say unto them; I ascend unto my Father; and your Father。 I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God; and for the testimony which they held: 。。。 and white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them; that they should rest for a little season; until their fellow…servants also and their brethren; that should be killed as they were; should be fulfilled。 — That they without us should not be made perfect。 EPH。 3:15。  Eph。 4:6。 …Gal。 3:26。 …Eph。 1:10。 Heb。 2:11。 …Matt。 12:49;50。 …John  20:17。 Rev。 6:9…11。 …Heb。 11:40。 
十月十日  晚课 
  你们祷告要这样说:我们在天上的父(太6:9)。   我的父,也是你们的父(约20:17)。   耶稣说了这话,就举目望天说:父啊(约17:1)。   你们因信基督耶稣都是 神的儿子(加3:26)。 
乃是儿子的心,因此我们呼叫:阿爸,父!圣灵与我们的心同证我们是 神的儿女(罗8:15,16)。你们既为儿子, 神就差他儿子的灵进入你们的心,呼叫:阿爸,父!可见,从此以后,你不是奴仆,乃是儿子了(加4:6,7)。我实实在在的告诉你们:你们若向父求什么,他必因我的名赐给你们,向来你们没有奉我的名求什么,如今你们求就必得着,叫你们的喜乐可以满足(约16:23,24)。我就收纳你们。我要作你们的父,你们要作我的儿女。这是全能的主说的(林后6:17,18)。 After this manner 。。。 pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven。          Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven; and said; Father。 — My Father; and your Father。 Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus。 — Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption; whereby we cry; Abba; Father。 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit; that we are the children of God。 Because ye are sons; God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts; crying; Abba; Father。 Wherefore thou art no more a servant; but a son。   Verily; verily; I say unto you; Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name; he will give it you。 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask; and ye shall receive; that your joy may be full。  I will receive you; and will be a Father unto you; and ye shall be my sons and daughters; saith the Lord Almighty。  MATT。 6:9。  John 17:1。 …John 20:17。 Gal。 3:26。 …Rom。 8:15;16。 Gal。 4:6;7。 John 16:23;24。 II Cor。 6:17;18。 
十月十一日  早课 
  求你不要远离我,因为急难临近了(诗22:11)。   耶和华啊,你忘记我要到几时呢?要到永远吗?你掩面不顾我要到几时呢?我心里筹算,终日愁苦,要到几时呢(诗13:1,2)?不要向我掩面。不要发怒赶逐仆人,你向来是帮助我的。救我的 神啊,不要丢掉我,也不要离弃我(诗27:9)。   他若求告我,我就应允他;他在急难中,我要与他同在。我要搭救他,使他尊贵(诗91:15)。凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告他的,耶和华便与他们相近。敬畏他的,他必成就他们的心愿,也必听他们的呼求,拯救他们(诗145:18,19)。 我不撇下你们为孤儿。我必到你们这里来(约14:18)。我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了(太28:20)。 神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助(诗46:1)。我的心默默无声,专等候 神,我的救恩是从他而来。我的心哪,你当默默无声,专等候 神,因为我的盼望是从他而来(诗62:1,5)。 Be not far from me; for trouble is near。          
How long wilt thou forget me; O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul; having sorrow in my heart daily? — Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not; neither forsake me; O God of my salvation。 He shall call upon me; and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him; and honour him。 — The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him; to all that call upon him in truth。 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry; and will save them。 I will not leave you fortless: I will e to you。 — Lo; I am with you alway; even unto the end of the world。 God is our refuge and strength; a very present help in trouble。 — Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him eth my salvation。 — My soul; wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him。          PSA。 22:11。  Psa。 13:1;2。 …Psa。 27:9。 Psa。 91:15。 …Psa。 145:18;19。 John 14:18。 …Matt。 28:20。 Psa。 46:1。 …Psa。 62:1。 …Psa。 62:5。 
十月十一日  晚课 
  愿人都尊你的名为圣(太6:9)。   不可敬拜别 神,因为耶和华是忌邪的 神,名为忌邪者(出34:11)。耶和华啊,众 神之中谁能像你?谁能像你至圣至荣,可颂可畏,施行奇事(出15:11)?圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,主 神,全能者(启4:8)!当以圣洁的妆饰敬拜耶和华(代上16:29)。 我见主坐在高高的宝座上。他的衣裳垂下,遮满圣殿。其上有撒拉弗侍立。彼此呼喊说:圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!万军之耶和华,他的荣光充满全地!那时我说:祸哉!我灭亡了(赛6:1…3,5)!我从前风闻有你,现在亲眼看见你。因此我厌恶自己(伯42:5,6)。他儿子耶稣的血也洗净我们一切的罪(约壹1:7)。使我们在他的圣洁上有份(来12:10)。我们既因耶稣的血得以坦然进入至圣所,就当存着诚心来到 神面前(来10:19,22)。 Hallowed be thy name。          Thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD; whose name is Jealous; is a jealous God。 Who is like unto thee; O LORD; among the gods? who is like thee; glorious in holiness; fearful in praises; doing wonders? — Holy; holy; holy; Lord God Almighty。 Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness。 — I saw 。。。 the Lord sitting upon a throne; high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple。 Above it stood the seraphims。 And one cried unto another; and said; Holy; holy; holy; is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory。 Then said I; Woe is me! for I am undone。 — I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee。 Wherefore I abhor myself。 
The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin。 — That we might be partakers of his holiness。 — 
Having therefore; brethren; boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus; let us draw near with a true heart。 MATT。 6:9。  Exo。 34:14。 Exo。 15:11。 …Rev。 4:8。 I Chr。 16:29。 …Isa。 6:1…3;5。 …Job 42:5;6。 I John 1:7。 …Heb。 12:10。 …Heb。 10:19;22。 
十月十二日  早课 
  神在基督里叫世人与自己和好,不将他们的过犯归到他们身上(林后5:19)。 父喜欢叫一切的丰盛在他里面居住。既然藉着他在十字架上所流的血成就了和平,便藉着他叫万有与自己和好了(西1:19,20)。慈爱和诚实彼此相遇;公义和平安彼此相亲(诗85:10)。耶和华说:我知道我向你们所怀的意念,是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念(耶29:11)。耶和华说:你们来,我们彼此辩论。你们的罪虽像朱红,必变成雪白;虽红如丹颜,必白如羊毛(赛1:18)。 神啊,有何 神像你,赦免罪孽(弥7:18)。你要认识 神,就得平安(伯22:21)。当恐惧战兢,作成你们得救的工夫;因为你们立志行事,都是 神在你们心里运行,惟要成就他的美意(腓2:12,13)。耶和华啊,你必派定我们得平安,因为我们所作的事,都是你给我们成就的(赛26:12)。 God was in Christ; reconciling the world unto himself; not imputing their tres…passes unto them。 It pleased the Father; that in him should all fulness dwell; and; having made peace through the blood of his cross; by him to reconcile all things unto himself。 — Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other。 I know the thoughts that I think toward you; saith the LORD; thoughts of peace; and not of evil。 — e now; and let us reason together; saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet; they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson; they shall be as wool。 Who is a God like unto thee; that pardoneth iniquity?  Acquaint now thyself with him; and be at peace。 — Work out your own salvation with fear
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