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the mansion-第4章

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a breath of spring…time in the misty trees; a harmony of joy in 

the dancing figures; that wakened in him a feeling of


and half…envy。  It represented something that he had never known

in his

calculated; orderly life。  He was dimly mistrustful of it。

〃It is certainly very beautiful;〃 he thought; 〃but it is

distinctly pagan;

that altar is built to some heathen god。  It does not fit into 

the scheme of a Christian life。  I doubt whether it is consistent


the tone of my house。  I will sell it this winter。  It will bring

three or four times what I paid for it。  That was a good


a very good bargain。〃

He dropped into the revolving chair before his big library table。 

It was covered with pamphlets and reports of the various


in which he was interested。  There was a pile of newspaper


in which his name was mentioned with praise for his sustaining

power as 

a pillar of finance; for his judicious benevolence; for his

support of 

wise and prudent reform movements; for his discretion in making


public gifts〃the Weightman Charities;〃 one very complaisant


called them; as if they deserved classification as a distinct


He turned he papers over listlessly。  There was a description and

a picture of the 〃Weightman Wing of the Hospital for Cripples;〃 

of which he was president; and an article on the new professor in

the 〃Weightman Chair of Political Jurisprudence〃 in Jackson


of which he was a trustee; and an illustrated account of the

opening of 

the 〃Weightman Grammar…School〃 at Dulwich…on…the…Sound; where he

had his

legal residence for purposes of taxation。

This last was perhaps the most carefully planned of all the 

Weightman Charities。  He desired to win the confidence and

support of 

his rural neighbors。  It had pleased him much when the local


had spoken of him as an ideal citizen and the logical candidate


the Governorship of the State; but upon the whole it seemed to


wiser to keep out of active politics。  It would be easier and

better to 

put Harold into the running; to have him sent to the Legislature


the Dulwich district; then to the national House; then to the


Why not?  The Weightman interests were large enough to need a


representative and guardian at Washington。

But to…night all these plans came back to him with dust upon


They were dry and crumbling like forsaken habitations。  The son 

upon whom his complacent ambition had rested had turned his back


the mansion of his father's hopes。  The break might not be final;

and in any event there would be much to live for; the fortunes of

the family would be secure。  But the zest of it all would be gone


John Weightman had to give up the assurance of perpetuating his


and his principles in his son。  It was a bitter disappointment; 

and he felt that he had not deserved it。

He rose from the chair and paced the room with leaden feet。  

For the first time in his life his age was visibly upon him。  

His head was heavy and hot; and the thoughts that rolled in it 

were confused and depressing。  Could it be that he had made a


in the principles of his existence?  There was no argument in 

what Harold had saidit was almost childishand yet 

it had shaken the elder man more deeply than he cared to show。  

It held a silent attack which touched him more than open


Suppose the end of his life were nearer than he thoughtthe end 

must come some timewhat if it were now?  Had he not 

founded his house upon a rock?  Had he not kept the Commandments? 

Was he not; 〃touching the law; blameless〃?  And beyond this; 

even if there were some faults in his characterand all men are


yet he surely believed in the saving doctrines of religionthe


of sins; the resurrection of the body; the life everlasting。  

Yes; that was the true source of comfort; after all。  He would

read a bit

in the Bible; as he did every night; and go to bed and to sleep。

He went back to his chair at the library table。  A strange weight


weariness rested upon him; but he opened the book at a familiar


and his eyes fell upon the verse at the bottom of the page。

〃Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth。〃

That had been the text of the sermon a few weeks before。  

Sleepily; heavily; he tried to fix his mind upon it and recall


What was it that Doctor Snodgrass had said?  Ah; yesthat it was

a mistake to pause here in reading the verse。  We must read on


a pauseLay not up treasures upon earth where moth and rust do


and where thieves break through and stealthat was the true


We may have treasures upon earth; but they must not be put into 

unsafe places; but into safe places。  A most comforting doctrine! 

He had always followed it。  Moths and rust and thieves had done

no harm 

to his investments。

John Weightman's drooping eyes turned to the next verse; 

at the top of the second column。

〃But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven。〃

Now what had the Doctor said about that?  How was it to 

be understoodin what sensetreasuresin heaven?

The book seemed to float away from him。  The light vanished。  

He wondered dimly if this could be Death; coming so suddenly; so


so irresistibly。  He struggled for a moment to hold himself up; 

and then sank slowly forward upon the table。  His head rested


his folded hands。  He slipped into the unknown。

How long afterward conscious life returned to him he did not


The blank might have been an hour or a century。  He knew only


omething had happened in the interval。  What is was he could not


He found great difficulty in catching the thread of his identity


He felt that he was himself; but the trouble was to make his


to verify and place himself; to know who and where he was。

At last it grew clear。  John Weightman was sitting on a stone; 

not far from a road in a strange land。

The road was not a formal highway; fenced and graded。  It was

more like 

a great travel…trace; worn by thousands of feet passing across 

the open country in the same direction。  Down in the valley; 

into which he could look; the road seemed to form itself

gradually out of 

many minor paths; little footways coming across the meadows; 

winding tracks following along beside the streams; faintly marked


emerging from the woodlands。  But on the hillside the threads

were more

firmly woven into one clear band of travel; though there were


a few dim paths joining it here and there; as if persons had been

climbing up the hill by other ways and had turned at last to seek

the road。

From the edge of the hill; where John Weightman sat; he could see

the travelers; in little groups or larger companies; gathering


time to time by the different paths; and making the ascent。  

They were all clothed in white; and the form of their garments


strange to him; it was like some old picture。  They passed him; 

group after group; talking quietly together or singing; not


in haste; but with a certain air of eagerness and joy as if they


glad to be on their way to an appointed place。  They did not stay


speak to him; but they looked at him often and spoke to one


as they looked; and now and then one of them would smile and 

beckon him a friendly greeting; so that he felt they would like


to be with them。

There was quite an interval between the groups; and he followed 

each of them with his eyes after it had passed; blanching the 

long ribbon of the road for a little transient space; rising and


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