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the flax-第2章

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soon alight。 〃Ugh;〃 cried the paper; as it burst into a bright

flame; 〃ugh。〃 It was certainly not very pleasant to be burning; but

when the whole was wrapped in flames; the flames mounted up into the

air; higher than the flax had ever been able to raise its little

blue flower; and they glistened as the white linen never could have

glistened。 All the written letters became quite red in a moment; and

all the words and thoughts turned to fire。

    〃Now I am mounting straight up to the sun;〃 said a voice in the

flames; and it was as if a thousand voices echoed the words; and the

flames darted up through the chimney; and went out at the top。 Then

a number of tiny beings; as many in number as the flowers on the

flax had been; and invisible to mortal eyes; floated above them。

They were even lighter and more delicate than the flowers from which

they were born; and as the flames were extinguished; and nothing

remained of the paper but black ashes; these little beings danced upon

it; and whenever they touched it; bright red sparks appeared。

    〃The children are all out of school; and the schoolmaster was

the last of all;〃 said the children。 It was good fun; and they sang

over the dead ashes;…

                     〃Snip; snap; snurre;

                      Basse lure:

                      The song is ended。〃

    But the little invisible beings said; 〃The song is never ended;

the most beautiful is yet to come。〃

    But the children could neither hear nor understand this; nor

should they; for children must not know everything。

                            THE END

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