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19-the story of pretty goldilocks-第4章

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Now it happened that one of the Princess's ladies in chasing

a spider had knocked the flask off the shelf and broken

it; and every drop of the water had been spilt。 Not knowing

what to do; she had hastily swept away the pieces of

crystal; and then remembered that in the King's room

she had seen a flask of exactly the same shape; also filled

with sparkling water。 So; without saying a word; she

fetched it and stood it upon the Queen's shelf。

Now the water in this flask was what was used in the

kingdom for getting rid of troublesome people。 Instead

of having their heads cut off in the usual way; their faces

were bathed with the water; and they instantly fell asleep

and never woke up any more。 So; when the King; thinking

to improve his beauty; took the flask and sprinkled

the water upon his face; HE fell asleep; and nobody could

wake him。

Little Frisk was the first to hear the news; and he ran

to tell Charming; who sent him to beg the Princess not to

forget the poor prisoner。 All the palace was in confusion

on account of the King's death; but tiny Frisk made his

way through the crowd to the Princess's side; and said:

〃Madam; do not forget poor Charming。〃

Then she remembered all he had done for her; and without

saying a word to anyone went straight to the tower;

and with her own hands took off Charming's chains。

Then; putting a golden crown upon his head; and the royal

mantle upon his shoulders; she said:

〃Come; faithful Charming; I make you king; and will

take you for my husband。〃

Charming; once more free and happy; fell at her feet

and thanked her for her gracious words。

Everybody was delighted that he should be king; and

the wedding; which took place at once; was the prettiest

that can be imagined; and Prince Charming and Princess

Goldilocks lived happily ever after。'1'

'1' Madame d'Aulnoy。

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