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thoughts on man-第23章

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ed; when the weakness of our nature was ready to give in from despair。

But the thing that in this place it was most appropriate to say; is; that we ought not quietly to affirm; of the man whose mind nature or education has enriched with extraordinary powers; 〃Let him maintain himself; and be his own provider:  why should we help him?〃  It is a thing deeply to be regretted; that such a man will frequently be compelled to devote himself to pursuits comparatively vulgar and inglorious; because he must live。  Much of this is certainly inevitable。  But what glorious things might a man with extraordinary powers effect; were he not hurried unnumbered miles awry by the unconquerable power of circumstances? The life of such a man is divided between the things which his internal monitor strongly prompts him to do; and those which the external power of nature and circumstances compels him to submit to。  The struggle on the part of his better self is noble and admirable。  The less he gives way; provided he can accomplish the purpose to which he has vowed himself; the more he is worthy of the admiration of the world。  If; in consequence of listening too much to the loftier aspirations of his nature; he fails; it is deeply to be regrettedit is a man to a certain degree lostbut surely; if his miscarriage be not caused by undue presumption; or the clouds and unhealthful atmosphere of self…conceit; he is entitled to the affectionate sympathy and sorrow of every generous mind。


The active and industrious portion of the human species in civilised countries; is composed of those who are occupied in the labour of the hand; and in the labour of the head。

The following remarks expressly apply only to the latter of these classes; principally to such as are occupied in productive literature。  They may however have their use to all persons a considerable portion of whose time is employed in study and contemplation; as; if well founded; they will form no unimportant chapter in the science of the human mind。

In relation to all the members of the second class then; I should say; that human life is made up of term and vacation; in other words; of hours that may be intellectually employed; and of hours that cannot be so employed。

Human life consists of years; months and days:  each day contains twenty…four hours。  Of these hours how many belong to the province of intellect?

〃There is;〃 as Solomon says; 〃a time for all things。〃  There must be a time for sleep; a time for recreation; a time for exercise; a time for supplying the machine with nourishment; and a time for digestion。  When all these demands have been supplied; how many hours will be left for intellectual occupation?

These remarks; as I have said; are intended principally to apply to the subject of productive literature。  Now; of the hours that remain when all the necessary demands of human life have been supplied; it is but a portion; perhaps a small portion; that can be beneficially; judiciously; employed in productive literature; or literary composition。

It is true; that there are many men who will occupy eight; ten; or twelve hours in a day; in the labour of composition。  But it may be doubted whether they are wisely so occupied。

It is the duty of an author; inasmuch as he is an author; to consider; that he is to employ his pen in putting down that which shall be fit for other men to read。  He is not writing a letter of business; a letter of amusement; or a letter of sentiment; to his private friend。  He is writing that which shall be perused by as many men as can be prevailed on to become his readers。  If he is an author of spirit and ambition; he wishes his productions to be read; not only by the idle; but by the busy; by those who cannot spare time to peruse them but at the expence of some occupations which ought not to be suspended without an adequate occasion。  He wishes to be read not only by the frivolous and the lounger; but by the wise; the elegant; and the fair; by those who are qualified to appreciate the merit of a work; who are endowed with a quick sensibility and a discriminating taste; and are able to pass a sound judgment on its beauties and defects。  He advances his claim to permanent honours; and desires that his lucubrations should be considered by generations yet unborn。

A person; so occupied; and with such aims; must not attempt to pass his crudities upon the public。  If I may parody a celebrated aphorism of Quintilian; I would say; 〃Magna debetur hominibus reverentia'8':〃 in other words; we should carefully examine what it is that we propose to deliver in a permanent form to the taste and understanding of our species。  An author ought only to commit to the press the first fruits of his field; his best and choicest thoughts。  He ought not to take up the pen; till he has brought his mind into a fitting tone; and ought to lay it down; the instant his intellect becomes in any degree clouded; and his vital spirits abate of their elasticity。

'8' Mankind is to be considered with reverence。

There are extraordinary cases。  A man may have so thoroughly prepared himself by long meditation and study; he may have his mind so charged with an abundance of thought; that it may employ him for ten or twelve hours consecutively; merely to put down or to unravel the conceptions already matured in his soul。  It was in some such way; that Dryden; we are told; occupied a whole night; and to a late hour in the next morning; in penning his Alexander's Feast。  But these are the exceptions。  In most instances two or three hours are as much as an author can spend at a time in delivering the first fruits of his field; his choicest thoughts; before his intellect becomes in some degree clouded; and his vital spirits abate of their elasticity。

Nor is this all。  He might go on perhaps for some time longer with a reasonable degree of clearness。  But the fertility which ought to be his boast; is exhausted。  He no longer sports in the meadows of thought; or revels in the exuberance of imagination; but becomes barren and unsatisfactory。  Repose is necessary; and that the soil should be refreshed with the dews of another evening; the sleep of a night; and the freshness and revivifying influence of another morning。

These observations lead; by a natural transition; to the question of the true estimate and value of human life; considered as the means of the operations of intellect。

A primary enquiry under this head is as to the duration of life:  Is it long; or short?

The instant this question is proposed; I hear myself replied to from all quarters:  What is there so well known as the brevity of human life?  〃Life is but a span。〃  It is 〃as a tale that is told。〃  〃Man cometh forth like a flower; and is cut down:  he fleeth also as a shadow; and continueth not。〃  We are 〃as a sleep; or as grass:  in the morning it flourisheth; and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down; and withereth。〃

The foundation of this sentiment is obvious。  Men do not live for ever。  The longest duration of human existence has an end:  and whatever it is of which that may be affirmed; may in some sense be pronounced to be short。  The estimation of our existence depends upon the point of view from which we behold it。  Hope is one of our greatest enjoyments。  Possession is something。  But the past is as nothing。  Remorse may give it a certain solidity; the recollection of a life spent in acts of virtue may be refreshing。  But fruition; and honours; and fame; and even pain; and privations; and torment; when they ere departed; are but like a feather; we regard them as of no account。  Taken in this sense; Dryden's celebrated verses are but a maniac's rant:

     To…morrow; do thy worst; for I have lived to…day:          Be fair; or foul; or rain; or shine;      The joys I have possessed; in spite of fate are mine。         Not heaven itself upon the past has power;      But what has been has been; and I have had my hour。

But this way of removing the picture of human life to a certain distance from us; and considering those things which were once in a high degree interesting as frivolous and unworthy of regard; is not the way by which we shall a
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