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the game-第3章

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slipped by。  Her acquaintances were few。  She had elected to have no

girl chum for the reason that no satisfactory girl had appeared。

Nor did she choose to walk with the young fellows of the

neighbourhood; as was the custom of girls from their fifteenth year。

〃That stuck…up doll…face;〃 was the way the girls of the

neighbourhood described her; and though she earned their enmity by

her beauty and aloofness; she none the less commanded their respect。

〃Peaches and cream;〃 she was called by the young menthough softly

and amongst themselves; for they were afraid of arousing the ire of

the other girls; while they stood in awe of Genevieve; in a dimly

religious way; as a something mysteriously beautiful and


For she was indeed beautiful。  Springing from a long line of

American descent; she was one of those wonderful working…class

blooms which occasionally appear; defying all precedent of forebears

and environment; apparently without cause or explanation。  She was a

beauty in color; the blood spraying her white skin so deliciously as

to earn for her the apt description; 〃peaches and cream。〃  She was a

beauty in the regularity of her features; and; if for no other

reason; she was a beauty in the mere delicacy of the lines on which

she was moulded。  Quiet; low…voiced; stately; and dignified; she

somehow had the knack of dress; and but befitted her beauty and

dignity with anything she put on。  Withal; she was sheerly feminine;

tender and soft and clinging; with the smouldering passion of the

mate and the motherliness of the woman。  But this side of her nature

had lain dormant through the years; waiting for the mate to appear。

Then Joe came into Silverstein's shop one hot Saturday afternoon to

cool himself with ice…cream soda。  She had not noticed his entrance;

being busy with one other customer; an urchin of six or seven who

gravely analyzed his desires before the show…case wherein truly

generous and marvellous candy creations reposed under a cardboard

announcement; 〃Five for Five Cents。〃

She had heard; 〃Ice…cream soda; please;〃 and had herself asked;

〃What flavor?〃 without seeing his face。  For that matter; it was not

a custom of hers to notice young men。  There was something about

them she did not understand。  The way they looked at her made her

uncomfortable; she knew not why; while there was an uncouthness and

roughness about them that did not please her。  As yet; her

imagination had been untouched by man。  The young fellows she had

seen had held no lure for her; had been without meaning to her。  In

short; had she been asked to give one reason for the existence of

men on the earth; she would have been nonplussed for a reply。

As she emptied the measure of ice…cream into the glass; her casual

glance rested on Joe's face; and she experienced on the instant a

pleasant feeling of satisfaction。  The next instant his eyes were

upon her face; her eyes had dropped; and she was turning away toward

the soda fountain。  But at the fountain; filling the glass; she was

impelled to look at him againbut for no more than an instant; for

this time she found his eyes already upon her; waiting to meet hers;

while on his face was a frankness of interest that caused her

quickly to look away。

That such pleasingness would reside for her in any man astonished

her。  〃What a pretty boy;〃 she thought to herself; innocently and

instinctively trying to ward off the power to hold and draw her that

lay behind the mere prettiness。  〃Besides; he isn't pretty;〃 she

thought; as she placed the glass before him; received the silver

dime in payment; and for the third time looked into his eyes。  Her

vocabulary was limited; and she knew little of the worth of words;

but the strong masculinity of his boy's face told her that the term

was inappropriate。

〃He must be handsome; then;〃 was her next thought; as she again

dropped her eyes before his。  But all good…looking men were called

handsome; and that term; too; displeased her。  But whatever it was;

he was good to see; and she was irritably aware of a desire to look

at him again and again。

As for Joe; he had never seen anything like this girl across the

counter。  While he was wiser in natural philosophy than she; and

could have given immediately the reason for woman's existence on the

earth; nevertheless woman had no part in his cosmos。  His

imagination was as untouched by woman as the girl's was by man。  But

his imagination was touched now; and the woman was Genevieve。  He

had never dreamed a girl could be so beautiful; and he could not

keep his eyes from her face。  Yet every time he looked at her; and

her eyes met his; he felt painful embarrassment; and would have

looked away had not her eyes dropped so quickly。

But when; at last; she slowly lifted her eyes and held their gaze

steadily; it was his own eyes that dropped; his own cheek that

mantled red。  She was much less embarrassed than he; while she

betrayed her embarrassment not at all。  She was aware of a flutter

within; such as she had never known before; but in no way did it

disturb her outward serenity。  Joe; on the contrary; was obviously

awkward and delightfully miserable。

Neither knew love; and all that either was aware was an overwhelming

desire to look at the other。  Both had been troubled and roused; and

they were drawing together with the sharpness and imperativeness of

uniting elements。  He toyed with his spoon; and flushed his

embarrassment over his soda; but lingered on; and she spoke softly;

dropped her eyes; and wove her witchery about him。

But he could not linger forever over a glass of ice…cream soda;

while he did not dare ask for a second glass。  So he left her to

remain in the shop in a waking trance; and went away himself down

the street like a somnambulist。  Genevieve dreamed through the

afternoon and knew that she was in love。  Not so with Joe。  He knew

only that he wanted to look at her again; to see her face。  His

thoughts did not get beyond this; and besides; it was scarcely a

thought; being more a dim and inarticulate desire。

The urge of this desire he could not escape。  Day after day it

worried him; and the candy shop and the girl behind the counter

continually obtruded themselves。  He fought off the desire。  He was

afraid and ashamed to go back to the candy shop。  He solaced his

fear with; 〃I ain't a ladies' man。〃  Not once; nor twice; but scores

of times; he muttered the thought to himself; but it did no good。

And by the middle of the week; in the evening; after work; he came

into the shop。  He tried to come in carelessly and casually; but his

whole carriage advertised the strong effort of will that compelled

his legs to carry his reluctant body thither。  Also; he was shy; and

awkwarder than ever。  Genevieve; on the contrary; was serener than

ever; though fluttering most alarmingly within。  He was incapable of

speech; mumbled his order; looked anxiously at the clock; despatched

his ice…cream soda in tremendous haste; and was gone。

She was ready to weep with vexation。  Such meagre reward for four

days' waiting; and assuming all the time that she loved!  He was a

nice boy and all that; she knew; but he needn't have been in so

disgraceful a hurry。  But Joe had not reached the corner before he

wanted to be back with her again。  He just wanted to look at her。

He had no thought that it was love。  Love?  That was when young

fellows and girls walked out together。  As for himAnd then his

desire took sharper shape; and he discovered that that was the very

thing he wanted her to do。  He wanted to see her; to look at her;

and well could he do all this if she but walked out with him。  Then

that was why the young fellows and girls walked out together; he

mused; as the week…end drew near。  He had remotely considered this

walking out to be a mere form or observance preliminary to

matrimony。  Now he saw the deeper wisdom in it; wanted it himsel
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