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essays and lectures-第12章

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explaining history without it。  Polybius enters at length into the

whole question and explains its origin and the method of treating

it。  Herodotus would have believed in Scipio's dream。  Thucydides

would have ignored it entirely。  Polybius explains it。  He is the

culmination of the rational progression of Dialectic。  'Nothing;'

he says; 'shows a foolish mind more than the attempt to account for

any phenomena on the principle of chance or supernatural

intervention。  History is a search for rational causes; and there

is nothing in the world … even those phenomena which seem to us the

most remote from law and improbable … which is not the logical and

inevitable result of certain rational antecedents。'

Some things; of course; are to be rejected A PRIORI without

entering into the subject:  'As regards such miracles;' he says;

(15) 'as that on a certain statue of Artemis rain or snow never

falls though the statue stands in the open air; or that those who

enter God's shrine in Arcadia lose their natural shadows; I cannot

really be expected to argue upon the subject。  For these things are

not only utterly improbable but absolutely impossible。'

'For us to argue reasonably on an acknowledged absurdity is as vain

a task as trying to catch water in a sieve; it is really to admit

the possibility of the supernatural; which is the very point at


What Polybius felt was that to admit the possibility of a miracle

is to annihilate the possibility of history:  for just as

scientific and chemical experiments would be either impossible or

useless if exposed to the chance of continued interference on the

part of some foreign body; so the laws and principles which govern

history; the causes of phenomena; the evolution of progress; the

whole science; in a word; of man's dealings with his own race and

with nature; will remain a sealed book to him who admits the

possibility of extra…natural interference。

The stories of miracles; then; are to be rejected on A PRIORI

rational grounds; but in the case of events which we know to have

happened the scientific historian will not rest till he has

discovered their natural causes which; for instance; in the case of

the wonderful rise of the Roman Empire … the most marvellous thing;

Polybius says; which God ever brought about (16) … are to be found

in the excellence of their constitution ('Greek text which cannot

be reproduced'); the wisdom of their advisers; their splendid

military arrangements; and their superstition ('Greek text which

cannot be reproduced')。  For while Polybius regarded the revealed

religion as; of course; objective reality of truth; (17) he laid

great stress on its moral subjective influence; going; in one

passage on the subject; even so far as almost to excuse the

introduction of the supernatural in very small quantities into

history on account of the extremely good effect it would have on

pious people。

But perhaps there is no passage in the whole of ancient and modern

history which breathes such a manly and splendid spirit of

rationalism as one preserved to us in the Vatican … strange

resting…place for it! … in which he treats of the terrible decay of

population which had fallen on his native land in his own day; and

which by the general orthodox public was regarded as a special

judgment of God sending childlessness on women as a punishment for

the sins of the people。  For it was a disaster quite without

parallel in the history of the land; and entirely unforeseen by any

of its political…economy writers who; on the contrary; were always

anticipating that danger would arise from an excess of population

overrunning its means of subsistence; and becoming unmanageable

through its size。  Polybius; however; will have nothing to do with

either priest or worker of miracles in this matter。  He will not

even seek that 'sacred Heart of Greece;' Delphi; Apollo's shrine;

whose inspiration even Thucydides admitted and before whose wisdom

Socrates bowed。  How foolish; he says; were the man who on this

matter would pray to God。  We must search for the rational causes;

and the causes are seen to be clear; and the method of prevention

also。  He then proceeds to notice how all this arose from the

general reluctance to marriage and to bearing the expense of

educating a large family which resulted from the carelessness and

avarice of the men of his day; and he explains on entirely rational

principles the whole of this apparently supernatural judgment。

Now; it is to be borne in mind that while his rejection of miracles

as violation of inviolable laws is entirely A PRIORI … for

discussion of such a matter is; of course; impossible for a

rational thinker … yet his rejection of supernatural intervention

rests entirely on the scientific grounds of the necessity of

looking for natural causes。  And he is quite logical in maintaining

his position on these principles。  For; where it is either

difficult or impossible to assign any rational cause for phenomena;

or to discover their laws; he acquiesces reluctantly in the

alternative of admitting some extra…natural interference which his

essentially scientific method of treating the matter has logically

forced on him; approving; for instance; of prayers for rain; on the

express ground that the laws of meteorology had not yet been

ascertained。  He would; of course; have been the first to welcome

our modern discoveries in the matter。  The passage in question is

in every way one of the most interesting in his whole work; not; of

course; as signifying any inclination on his part to acquiesce in

the supernatural; but because it shows how essentially logical and

rational his method of argument was; and how candid and fair his


Having now examined Polybius's attitude towards the supernatural

and the general ideas which guided his research; I will proceed to

examine the method he pursued in his scientific investigation of

the complex phenomena of life。  For; as I have said before in the

course of this essay; what is important in all great writers is not

so much the results they arrive at as the methods they pursue。  The

increased knowledge of facts may alter any conclusion in history as

in physical science; and the canons of speculative historical

credibility must be acknowledged to appeal rather to that

subjective attitude of mind which we call the historic sense than

to any formulated objective rules。  But a scientific method is a

gain for all time; and the true if not the only progress of

historical criticism consists in the improvement of the instruments

of research。

Now first; as regards his conception of history; I have already

pointed out that it was to him essentially a search for causes; a

problem to be solved; not a picture to be painted; a scientific

investigation into laws and tendencies; not a mere romantic account

of startling incident and wondrous adventure。  Thucydides; in the

opening of his great work; had sounded the first note of the

scientific conception of history。  'The absence of romance in my

pages;' he says; 'will; I fear; detract somewhat from its value;

but I have written my work not to be the exploit of a passing hour

but as the possession of all time。' (18)  Polybius follows with

words almost entirely similar。  If; he says; we banish from history

the consideration of causes; methods and motives ('Greek text which

cannot be reproduced'); and refuse to consider how far the result

of anything is its rational consequent; what is left is a mere

'Greek text which cannot be reproduced'; not a 'Greek text which

cannot be reproduced'; an oratorical essay which may give pleasure

for the moment; but which is entirely without any scientific value

for the explanation of the future。  Elsewhere he says that 'history

robbed of the exposition of its causes and laws is a profitless

thing; though it may allure a fool。'  And all through his history

the same point is p
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