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rowdy of the cross l-第5章

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where stood the cabins。

Rowdy watched them impersonally; a glance proved that the man was not Wooden
Shoes; and so he was not particularly interested in him or his doings。 It
did occur to him; however; that if the fellow wanted to catch that brute; he
ought to have sense enough to get a horse。 No one but a plumb idiot would
mill around in that snow afoot。 He jogged down the slope at a shuffling
trot; grinning tolerantly at the pantomime below。

He of the bandy…legs stopped; evidently out of breath; the stallion stopped
also; snorting defiance。 Rowdy heard him plainly; even at that distance。 The
horse arched his neck and watched the man warily; ready to be off at the
first symptom of hostilitiesand Rowdy observed that a short rope hung from
his halter; swaying as he moved。

Bandy…legs seemed to have an idea; he turned and scuttled to the nearest
cabin; returning with what seemed a basin of oats; for he shook it
enticingly and edged cautiously toward the horse。 Rowdy could imagine him
coaxing; with hypocritically endearing names; such as 〃Good old boy!〃 and
〃Steady now; Billy〃or whatever the horse's name might be。 Rowdy chuckled
to himself; and hoped the horse saw through the subterfuge。

Perhaps the horse chuckled also; at any rate; he stood quite still; equally
prepared to bounce away on the instant or to don the mask of docility。
Bandy…legs drew nearer and nearer; shaking the basin briskly; like an old
woman sifting meal。 The horse waited; his nostrils quivering hungrily at the
smell of the oats; and with an occasional low nicker。

Bandy…legs went on tiptoesor as nearly as he could in the snowthe basin
at arm's length before。 The dainty; flaring nostrils sniffed tentatively;
dipped into the basin; and snuffed the oats about luxuriouslytill he felt
a stealthy hand seize the dangling rope。 At the touch he snorted protest;
and was off and away; upsetting Bandy…legs and the basin ignominiously into
a high…piled drift。

Bandy…legs sat up; scraped the snow out of his collar and his ears; and
swore。 It was then that Rowdy appeared like an angel of deliverance。

〃Want that horse caught?〃 he yelled cheerfully。

Bandy…legs lifted up his voice and bellowed things I should not like to
repeat verbatim。 But Rowdy gathered that the man emphatically did want that
so…and…so…and…then…some horse caught; and that it couldn't be done a blessed
minute too soon。 Whereat Rowdy smiled anew; with his face discreetly turned
away from Bandy…legs; and took down his rope and widened the loop。 Also; he
turned Chub loose。

The stallion evidently sensed what new danger threatened his stolen freedom;
and circled the yard with high; springy strides。 Rowdy circled after; saw
his chance; swirled the loop twice over his head; and hazarded a long throw。

Rowdy knew it for pure good luck that it landed right; but to this day
Bandy…legs looks upon him as a Wonder with a ropeand Bandy…legs would
insist upon the capital。

〃Where shall I take him?〃 Rowdy asked; coming up with his captive; and with
nothing but his eyes to show how he was laughing inwardly。

Bandy…legs crawled from the drift; still scraping snow from inside his
collar; and gave many directions about going through a certain gate into
such…and…such a corral; from there into a stable; and by seeming devious
ways into a minutely described stall。

〃All right;〃 said Rowdy; cutting short the last needless details。 〃I guess I
can find the trail;〃 and started off; leading the stallion。 Bandy…legs
followed; and Chub; observing the departure of Dixie; ambled faithfully in
the rear。

〃Much obliged;〃 conceded Bandy…legs; when the stallion was safely housed and
tied securely。 〃Where yuh headed for; young man?〃

〃Right here;〃 Rowdy told him calmly; loosening Dixie's cinch。 〃I'm the
long…lost top hand that the Cross L's been watching the sky…line for; lo!
these many moons; a…yearning for the privilege of handing me forty plunks
about twice as fast as I've got 'em coming。 Where's the boss?〃

〃ErI'm him;〃 confessed Bandy…legs meekly; and circled the two dubiously。
〃I guess you've heard uh Eagle Creek SmithI'm him。 The Cross L belongs to

Rowdy let out an explosive; and showed a row of nice teeth。 〃Well; I ain't
hard to please;〃 he added。 〃I won't kick on that; I guess。 I like your looks
tolerable well; and I'm willing to take yuh on for a boss。 If yuh do your
part; I bet we'll get along fine。〃 His tone was banteringly patronizing
〃Anyway; I'll try yuh for a spell。 You can put my name down as Rowdy
Vaughan; lately canned from the Horseshoe Bar。〃

〃What for?〃 ventured Bandy…legsrather; Eagle Creekstill circling Rowdy

〃What for was I canned?〃 repeated Rowdy easily。 〃Being a modest youth; I
hate t' tell yuh。 But the old man's son and me; we disagreed; and one of his
eyes swelled some; so did mine; a little。〃 He stood head and shoulders above
Eagle Creek; and he smiled down upon him engagingly。 Eagle Creek capitulated
before the smile。

〃Well; I ain't got any sonsthat I know of;〃 he grinned。 〃So I guess yuh
can consider yourself a Cross L man till further notice。〃

〃Why; sure!〃 The teeth gleamed again briefly。 〃That's what I've been telling
you right along。 Where's old Wooden Shoes? He's responsible for me being

〃Gone to Chinook。 He'll be back in a day or two。〃 Eagle Creek shifted his
feet awkwardly。 〃Say〃he glanced uneasily behind him〃yuh don't want t'
let it get around that yuh sort of hired mesee?〃

〃Of course not;〃 Rowdy assured him。 〃I was only joshing。 If you don't want
me; just tell me to hit the sod。〃

〃You stay right where you're at!〃 commanded Eagle Creek with returned
confidence in himself and his authority。 Of a truth; this self…assured;
straight…limbed young man had rather dazed him。 〃Take your bed and war…bag
up to the bunk…house and make yourself t' home till the boys get back;
andsay; where'd yuh git that pack…horse?〃

The laugh went out of Rowdy's tawny eyes。 The question hit a spot that was
becoming sore。 〃I borrowed him this morning from Mr。 Rodway;〃 he said
evenly。 〃I'm to take him back to…day。 I stopped there last night。〃

〃Oh!〃 Eagle Creek coughed apologetically; and said no word; while Rowdy led
Chub back to the cabin which he had pointed out as the bunk…house; he stood
by while Rowdy loosened the pack and dragged it inside。

〃I guess you can get located here;〃 he said。 〃I ain't workin' more'n three
or four men just now; but there's quite a few uh the boys stopping here; the
Cross L's a regular hang…out for cow…punchers。 You're a little early for the
season; but I'll see that yuh have something t' dojust t' keep yuh out uh

Rowdy's brows unbent; it would seem that Eagle Creek was capable of
〃joshing〃 also。 〃It's up t' you; old…timer;〃 he retorted。 〃I'm strong and
willing; and don't shy at anything but pitchforks。〃

Eagle Creek grinned。 〃This ain't no blamed cowhospital;〃 he gave as a
parting shot。 〃All the hay that's shoveled on this ranch needn't hurt
nobody's feelings。〃 With that he shut the door; and left Rowdy to acquaint
himself with his new home。


Pink as 〃Chappyrone。〃

Rowdy was sprawled ungracefully upon somebody's bunkhe neither knew nor
cared whoseand he was snoring unmelodiously; and not dreaming a thing; for
when a cow…puncher has nothing in particular to do; he sleeps to atone for
the weary hours when he must be very wide…awake。 An avalanche descended upon
his unwarned middle; and checked the rhythmic ebb and flow of sound。 He
squawked and came to life clawing viciously。

〃I'd like t' know where the devil yuh come from;〃 a voice remarked
plaintively in a soft treble。

Rowdy opened his eyes with a snap。 〃Pink! by all that's good and bad! Get up
off my diaphragm; you little fiend。〃

Pink absent…mindedly kneaded Rowdy's stomach with his knuckles; and
immediately found himself in a far corner。 He came back; dimpling
mischievously。 He looked much more an angel than a fiend; for all his Angora
chaps and flame…colored scarf。

〃Your bed and war…bag's on my bunk; you're on Smoky's; and Dixie's makin'
himself to home in the corral。 By all them signs and tokens; I give a
reckless guess you're here 
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