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the little man-第2章

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GERMAN。  Cigarren!

WAITER。  'Komm' gleich'!

ENGLISHMAN。  'Consulting watch'  Train's late。

ENGLISHWOMAN。  Really!  Nuisance!

     'A station POLICEMAN; very square and uniformed; passes and


AMERICAN。  'Resuming his seatto the GERMAN'  Now; we don't have so

much of that in America。  Guess we feel more to trust in human


GERMAN。  Ah!  ha!  you will bresently find there is nothing in him

but self。

LITTLE MAN。  'Wistfully'  Don't you believe in human nature?

AMERICAN。  Very stimulating question。

     'He looks round for opinions。  The DUTCH YOUTH laughs。'

ENGLISHMAN。 'Holding out his half of the paper to his wife'  Swap!

     'His wife swaps。'

GERMAN。  In human nature I believe so far as I can see himno more。

AMERICAN。  Now that 'pears to me kind o' blasphemy。  I believe in

heroism。  I opine there's not one of us settin' around here that's

not a herogive him the occasion。

LITTLE MAN。  Oh!  Do you believe that?

AMERICAN。  Well!  I judge a hero is just a person that'll help

another at the expense of himself。  Take that poor woman there。

Well; now; she's a heroine; I guess。  She would die for her baby any

old time。

GERMAN。  Animals will die for their babies。  That is nothing。

AMERICAN。  I carry it further。  I postulate we would all die for that

baby if a locomotive was to trundle up right here and try to handle

it。  'To the GERMAN'  I guess you don't know how good you are。  'As

the GERMAN is twisting up the ends of his moustacheto the

ENGLISHWOMAN'  I should like to have you express an opinion; ma'am。

ENGLISHWOMAN。  I beg your pardon。

AMERICAN。  The English are very humanitarian; they have a very high

sense of duty。  So have the Germans; so have the Americans。  'To the

DUTCH YOUTH'  I judge even in your little country they have that。

This is an epoch of equality and high…toned ideals。  'To the LITTLE

MAN'  What is your nationality; sir?

LITTLE MAN。  I'm afraid I'm nothing particular。  My father was

half…English and half…American; and my mother half…German and


AMERICAN。  My!  That's a bit streaky; any old way。  'The POLICEMAN

passes again'  Now; I don't believe we've much use any more for those

gentlemen in buttons。  We've grown kind of mildwe don't think of

self as we used to do。

     'The WAITER has appeared in the doorway。'

GERMAN。  'In a voice of thunder' 'Cigarren!  Donnerwetter'!

AMERICAN。  'Shaking his fist at the vanishing WAITER'  That flash of


WAITER。  'Komm' gleich'!

AMERICAN。  A little more; and he will join George Washington!  I was

about to remark when he intruded: In this year of grace 1913 the

kingdom of Christ is quite a going concern。  We are mighty near

universal brotherhood。  The colonel here 'He indicates the GERMAN' is

a man of blood and iron; but give him an opportunity to be

magnanimous; and he'll be right there。  Oh; sir!  yep!

     'The GERMAN; with a profound mixture of pleasure and cynicism;

     brushes up the ends of his moustache。'

LITTLE MAN。  I wonder。  One wants to; but somehow 'He shakes his


AMERICAN。 You seem kind of skeery about that。  You've had experience;

maybe。  I'm an optimistI think we're bound to make the devil hum in

the near future。  I opine we shall occasion a good deal of trouble to

that old party。  There's about to be a holocaust of selfish

interests。  The colonel there with old…man Nietch he won't know

himself。  There's going to be a very sacred opportunity。

     'As he speaks; the voice of a RAILWAY OFFICIAL is heard an the

     distance calling out in German。  It approaches; and the words

     become audible。'

GERMAN。  'Startled' 'Der Teufel'!  'He gets up; and seizes the bag

beside him。'

     'The STATION OFFICIAL has appeared; he stands for a moment

     casting his commands at the seated group。  The DUTCH YOUTH also

     rises; and takes his coat and hat。  The OFFICIAL turns on his

     heel and retires still issuing directions。'

ENGLISHMAN。  What does he say?

GERMAN。  Our drain has come in; de oder platform; only one minute we


     'All; have risen in a fluster。'

AMERICAN。  Now; that's very provoking。  I won't get that flash of


     'There is a general scurry to gather coats and hats and wraps;

     during which the lowly WOMAN is seen making desperate attempts

     to deal with her baby and the two large bundles。  Quite

     defeated; she suddenly puts all down; wrings her hands; and

     cries out: 〃Herr Jesu!  Hilfe!〃  The flying procession turn

     their heads at that strange cry。'

AMERICAN。  What's that?  Help?

     'He continues to run。  The LITTLE MAN spins round; rushes back;

     picks up baby and bundle on which it was seated。'

LITTLE MAN。  Come along; good woman; come along!

     'The WOMAN picks up the other bundle and they run。'

     'The WAITER; appearing in the doorway with the bottle of beer;

     watches with his tired smile。'



     A second…class compartment of a corridor carriage; in motion。

     In it are seated the ENGLISHMAN and his WIFE; opposite each

     other at the corridor end; she with her face to the engine; he

     with his back。  Both are somewhat protected from the rest of the

     travellers by newspapers。  Next to her sits the GERMAN; and

     opposite him sits the AMERICAN; next the AMERICAN in one window

     corner is seated the DUTCH YOUTH; the other window corner is

     taken by the GERMAN'S bag。  The silence is only broken by the

     slight rushing noise of the train's progression and the

     crackling of the English newspapers。

AMERICAN。  'Turning to the DUTCH YOUTH'  Guess I'd like that window

raised; it's kind of chilly after that old run they gave us。

     'The DUTCH YOUTH laughs; and goes through the motions of raising

     the window。  The ENGLISH regard the operation with uneasy

     irritation。  The GERMAN opens his bag; which reposes on the

     corner seat next him; and takes out a book。'

AMERICAN。  The Germans are great readers。  Very stimulating practice。

I read most anything myself!

     'The GERMAN holds up the book so that the title may be read。'

〃Don Quixote〃fine book。  We Americans take considerable stock in

old man Quixote。  Bit of a wild…catbut we don't laugh at him。

GERMAN。  He is dead。  Dead as a sheep。  A good thing; too。

AMERICAN。  In America we have still quite an amount of chivalry。

GERMAN。  Chivalry is nothing 'sentimentalisch'。  In modern daysno

good。  A man must push; he must pull。

AMERICAN。  So you say。  But I judge your form of chivalry is

sacrifice to the state。  We allow more freedom to the individual

soul。  Where there's something little and weak; we feel it kind of

noble to give up to it。  That way we feel elevated。

     'As he speaks there is seen in the corridor doorway the LITTLE

     MAN; with the WOMAN'S BABY still on his arm and the bundle held

     in the other hand。  He peers in anxiously。  The ENGLISH; acutely

     conscious; try to dissociate themselves from his presence with

     their papers。  The DUTCH YOUTH laughs。'

GERMAN。  'Ach'!  So!

AMERICAN。  Dear me!

LITTLE MAN。  Is there room?  I can't find a seat。

AMERICAN。  Why; yes!  There's a seat for one。

LITTLE MAN。  'Depositing bundle outside; and heaving BABY'  May I?

AMERICAN。  Come right in!

     'The GERMAN sulkily moves his bag。  The LITTLE MAN comes in and

     seats himself gingerly。'

AMERICAN。  Where's the mother?

LITTLE MAN。  'Ruefully'  Afraid she got left behind。

     'The DUTCH YOUTH laughs。  The ENGLISH unconsciously emerge from

     their newspapers。'

AMERICAN。  My!  That would appear to be quite a domestic incident。

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