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three men on the bummel-第47章

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angel; she proceeds of malice and intent to spoil。  She sells her
birth…right of admiration and devotion for a mess of sweets。  Every
afternoon you may see her at the cafe; loading herself with rich
cream…covered cakes; washed down by copious draughts of chocolate。
In a short time she becomes fat; pasty; placid; and utterly

When the German woman gives up her afternoon coffee and her evening
beer; takes sufficient exercise to retain her shape; and continues
to read after marriage something else than the cookery…book; the
German Government will find it has a new and unknown force to deal
with。  And everywhere throughout Germany one is confronted by
unmistakable signs that the old German Frauen are giving place to
the newer Damen。

Concerning what will then happen one feels curious。  For the German
nation is still young; and its maturity is of importance to the
world。  They are a good people; a lovable people; who should help
much to make the world better。

The worst that can be said against them is that they have their
failings。  They themselves do not know this; they consider
themselves perfect; which is foolish of them。  They even go so far
as to think themselves superior to the Anglo…Saxon:  this is
incomprehensible。  One feels they must be pretending。

〃They have their points;〃 said George; 〃but their tobacco is a
national sin。  I'm going to bed。〃

We rose; and leaning over the low stone parapet; watched the
dancing lights upon the soft; dark river。

〃It has been a pleasant Bummel; on the whole;〃 said Harris; 〃I
shall be glad to get back; and yet I am sorry it is over; if you
understand me。〃

〃What is a 'Bummel'?〃 said George。  〃How would you translate it?〃

〃A 'Bummel';〃 I explained; 〃I should describe as a journey; long or
short; without an end; the only thing regulating it being the
necessity of getting back within a given time to the point from
which one started。  Sometimes it is through busy streets; and
sometimes through the fields and lanes; sometimes we can be spared
for a few hours; and sometimes for a few days。  But long or short;
but here or there; our thoughts are ever on the running of the
sand。  We nod and smile to many as we pass; with some we stop and
talk awhile; and with a few we walk a little way。  We have been
much interested; and often a little tired。  But on the whole we
have had a pleasant time; and are sorry when 'tis over。〃

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