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the black dwarf-第41章

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ency of the Duke of Orleans; and was at one time supposed to be immensely rich。  But; on the bursting of that famous bubble; he was so much chagrined at being again reduced to a moderate annuity (although he saw thousands of his companions in misfortune absolutely starving); that vexation of mind brought on a paralytic stroke; of which he died; after lingering under its effects a few weeks。

Willie of Westburnflat fled from the wrath of Hobbie Elliot; as his betters did from the pursuit of the law。  His patriotism urged him to serve his country abroad; while his reluctance to leave his native soil pressed him rather to remain in the beloved island; and collect purses; watches; and rings on the highroads at home。  Fortunately for him; the first impulse prevailed; and he joined the army under Marlborough; obtained a commission to which he was recommended by his services in collecting cattle for the commissariat; returned home after many years; with some money (how come by Heaven only knows);demolished the peel…house at Westburnflat; and built; in its stead; a high narrow ONSTEAD; of three stories; with a chimney at each enddrank brandy with the neighbours; whom; in his younger days; he had plundereddied in his bed; and is recorded upon his tombstone at Kirkwhistle (still extant); as having played all the parts of a brave soldier; a discreet neighbour; and a sincere Christian。

Mr。 Ratcliffe resided usually with the family at Ellieslaw; but regularly every spring and autumn he absented himself for about a month。  On the direction and purpose of his periodical journey he remained steadily silent; but it was well understood that he was then in attendance on his unfortunate patron。  At length; on his return from one of these visits; his grave countenance; and deep mourning dress; announced to the Ellieslaw family that their benefactor was no more。  Sir Edward's death made no addition to their fortune; for he had divested himself of his property during his lifetime; and chiefly in their favour。  Ratcliffe; his sole confidant; died at a good old age; but without ever naming the place to which his master had finally retired; or the manner of his death; or the place of his burial。  It was supposed that on all these particulars his patron had enjoined him strict secrecy。

The sudden disappearance of Elshie from his extraordinary hermitage corroborated the reports which the common people had spread concerning him。  Many believed that; having ventured to enter a consecrated building; contrary to his paction with the Evil One; he had been bodily carried off while on his return to his cottage; but most are of opinion that he only disappeared for a season; and continues to be seen from time to time among the hills。  And retaining; according to custom; a more vivid recollection of his wild and desperate language; than of the benevolent tendency of most of his actions; he is usually identified with the malignant demon called the Man of the Moors; whose feats were quoted by Mrs。 Elliot to her grandsons; and; accordingly; is generally represented as bewitching the sheep; causing the ewes to KEB; that is; to cast their lambs; or seen loosening the impending wreath of snow to precipitate its weight on such as take shelter; during the storm; beneath the bank of a torrent; or under the shelter of a deep glen。  In short; the evils most dreaded and deprecated by the inhabitants of that pastoral country; are ascribed to the agency of the BLACK DWARF。

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