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fatherhood。 Under these circumstances; if great schools of Vedaic

learning existed in India in very ancient times; as we have

strong reason to think they did; the relation between Teacher and

Pupil would closely follow and imitate the relation between

father and son。 A great profession would thus be formed; with

stores of common knowledge; but the tie between the members would

not be purely intellectual; it would from the first be conceived

as of the nature of kinship。 Such a system; as the old ideas

decayed; would tend infallibly to become one of real

consanguinity。 The aptitude for sacred know ledge would come to

be thought to run in the blood of sons whose fathers had been

instructed in it; and none but such sons would be received into

the schools。 A Caste would thus be formed; in the eyes of its

members the type of all Castes。

    We have thus strong reason for thinking that societies still

under the influence of primitive thought labour under a certain

incapacity for regarding men; grouped together by virtue of any

institutions whatsoever; as connected otherwise than through

blood…relationship。 We find that; through this barrenness of

conception; they are apt to extend the notion of consanguinity

and the language beginning in it to institutions of their own not

really founded on community of blood; and even to institutions of

foreign origin。 We find also that the association between

institutions arising from true kinship and institutions based on

artificial kinship is sometimes so strong; that the emotions

which they respectively call forth are practically

indistinguishable。 These phenomena of early thought and feeling

appear to me amply to account for some facts of Irish history

which nearly all English writers on Ireland have noticed with

extreme surprise or indignation。 The expressions of Sir John

Davis; while stating that many of the early Anglo…Norman

adventurers settled in Ireland became in time pure Irish

chieftains; reflect the violent astonishment and anger which the

transformation excited in Englishmen。 'The English Colonists did

embrace and use the Irish custom; after they had rejected the

Civil and Honourable Laws and Customs of England; whereby they

became degenerate and metamorphosed like Nebuchadnezzar; who;

although he had the face of a man; had the heart of a beast; or

like those who had drunk of Circe's cup and were turned into very

beasts; and yet took such pleasure in their beastly manner of

life as they would not return to their shape of men again;

insomuch as within less time than the age of a man; they had no

marks or difference left among them of that noble nation from

which they were descended。' The fact; stated in this bitter

language; is not especially marvellous。 We have seen the general

complexion of Irish society giving its colour to institutions of

all sorts  associations of kinsmen shading off into assemblages

of partners and guild…brothers  foster parentage; spiritual

parentage; and preceptorship taking their hue from natural

paternity  ecclesiastical organisation blending with tribal

organisation。 The Anglo…Norman captain who had thought to conquer

for himself an Irish signory passed insensibly in the same way

into the chieftain of an Irish tribe。 The dependants who

surrounded him did not possibly draw any clear distinction

between the actual depositary of power and the natural depositary

of power; and; as the contagiousness of ideas is in proportion to

their fewness; it is intelligible that he too was affected by the

mental atmosphere in which he lived。 Nor were other motives

wanting。 The extreme poverty and constant distractions of Ireland

did not prevent an extraordinary amount of the pride of

authority; of the pride of birth; and even of the pride of wealth

from centring in the dignity of an Irish Chief。

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