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memoirs of carwin the biloquist-第5章

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had made no other provision for the future; I hated manual labour; or any task of which the object was gain。  To be guided in my choice of occupations by any motive but the pleasure which the occupation was qualified to produce; was intolerable to my proud; indolent; and restive temper。

This resource was now cut off; the means of immediate subsistence were denied me:  If I had determined to acquire the knowledge of some lucrative art; the acquisition would demand time; and; meanwhile; I was absolutely destitute of support。  My father's house was; indeed; open to me; but I preferred to stifle myself with the filth of the kennel; rather than to return to it。

Some plan it was immediately necessary to adopt。  The exigence of my affairs; and this reverse of fortune; continually occupied my thoughts; I estranged myself from society and from books; and devoted myself to lonely walks and mournful meditation。

One morning as I ranged along the bank of Schuylkill; I encountered a person; by name Ludloe; of whom I had some previous knowledge。  He was from Ireland; was a man of some rank and apparently rich:  I had met with him before; but in mixed companies; where little direct intercourse had taken place between us。  Our last meeting was in the arbour where Ariel was so unexpectedly introduced。

Our acquaintance merely justified a transient salutation; but he did not content himself with noticing me as I passed; but joined me in my walk and entered into conversation。  It was easy to advert to the occasion on which we had last met; and to the mysterious incident which then occurred。  I was solicitous to dive into his thoughts upon this head and put some questions which tended to the point that I wished。

I was somewhat startled when he expressed his belief; that the performer of this mystic strain was one of the company then present; who exerted; for this end; a faculty not commonly possessed。  Who this person was he did not venture to guess; and could not discover; by the tokens which he suffered to appear; that his suspicions glanced at me。  He expatiated with great profoundness and fertility of ideas; on the uses to which a faculty like this might be employed。  No more powerful engine; he said; could be conceived; by which the ignorant and credulous might be moulded to our purposes; managed by a man of ordinary talents; it would open for him the straightest and surest avenues to wealth and power。

His remarks excited in my mind a new strain of thoughts。  I had not hitherto considered the subject in this light; though vague ideas of the importance of this art could not fail to be occasionally suggested:  I ventured to inquire into his ideas of the mode; in which an art like this could be employed; so as to effect the purposes he mentioned。

He dealt chiefly in general representations。  Men; he said; believed in the existence and energy of invisible powers; and in the duty of discovering and conforming to their will。  This will was supposed to be sometimes made known to them through the medium of their senses。  A voice coming from a quarter where no attendant form could be seen would; in most cases; be ascribed to supernal agency; and a command imposed on them; in this manner; would be obeyed with religious scrupulousness。  Thus men might be imperiously directed in the disposal of their industry; their property; and even of their lives。  Men; actuated by a mistaken sense of duty; might; under this influence; be led to the commission of the most flagitious; as well as the most heroic acts: If it were his desire to accumulate wealth; or institute a new sect; he should need no other instrument。

I listened to this kind of discourse with great avidity; and regretted when he thought proper to introduce new topics。  He ended by requesting me to visit him; which I eagerly consented to do。 When left alone; my imagination was filled with the images suggested by this conversation。  The hopelessness of better fortune; which I had lately harboured; now gave place to cheering confidence。  Those motives of rectitude which should deter me from this species of imposture; had never been vivid or stable; and were still more weakened by the artifices of which I had already been guilty。  The utility or harmlessness of the end; justified; in my eyes; the means。

No event had been more unexpected; by me; than the bequest of my aunt to her servant。  The will; under which the latter claimed; was dated prior to my coming to the city。  I was not surprised; therefore; that it had once been made; but merely that it had never been cancelled or superseded by a later instrument。  My wishes inclined me to suspect the existence of a later will; but I had conceived that; to ascertain its existence; was beyond my power。

Now; however; a different opinion began to be entertained。 This woman like those of her sex and class was unlettered and superstitious。  Her faith in spells and apparitions; was of the most lively kind。  Could not her conscience be awakened by a voice from the grave!  Lonely and at midnight; my aunt might be introduced; upbraiding her for her injustice; and commanding her to attone for it by acknowledging the claim of the rightful proprietor。

True it was; that no subsequent will might exist; but this was the fruit of mistake; or of negligence。  She probably intended to cancel the old one; but this act might; by her own weakness; or by the artifices of her servant; be delayed till death had put it out of her power。  In either case a mandate from the dead could scarcely fail of being obeyed。

I considered this woman as the usurper of my property。  Her husband as well as herself; were laborious and covetous; their good fortune had made no change in their mode of living; but they were as frugal and as eager to accumulate as ever。  In their hands; money was inert and sterile; or it served to foster their vices。 To take it from them would; therefore; be a benefit both to them and to myself; not even an imaginary injury would be inflicted。 Restitution; if legally compelled to it; would be reluctant and painful; but if enjoined by Heaven would be voluntary; and the performance of a seeming duty would carry with it; its own reward。

These reasonings; aided by inclination; were sufficient to determine me。  I have no doubt but their fallacy would have been detected in the sequel; and my scheme have been productive of nothing but confusion and remorse。  From these consequences; however; my fate interposed; as in the former instance; to save me。

Having formed my resolution; many preliminaries to its execution were necessary to be settled。  These demanded deliberation and delay; meanwhile I recollected my promise to Ludlow; and paid him a visit。  I met a frank and affectionate reception。  It would not be easy to paint the delight which I experienced in this man's society。  I was at first oppressed with the sense of my own inferiority in age; knowledge and rank。  Hence arose numberless reserves and incapacitating diffidences; but these were speedily dissipated by the fascinations of this man's address。 His superiority was only rendered; by time; more conspicuous; but this superiority; by appearing never to be present to his own mind; ceased to be uneasy to me。  My questions required to be frequently answered; and my mistakes to be rectified; but my keenest scrutiny; could detect in his manner; neither arrogance nor contempt。  He seemed to talk merely from the overflow of his ideas; or a benevolent desire of imparting information。

Chapter IV。

My visits gradually became more frequent。  Meanwhile my wants increased; and the necessity of some change in my condition became daily more urgent。  This incited my reflections on the scheme which I had formed。  The time and place suitable to my design; were not selected without much anxious inquiry and frequent waverings of purpose。  These being at length fixed; the interval to elapse; before the carrying of my design into effect; was not without perturbation and suspense。  These could not be concealed from my new friend and at length prompted him to inquire into the cause。

It was not possible to communicate the whole truth; but the warmth of his manner inspired me with some degree of ingenuo
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