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the country doctor-第20章

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gnize the value of the rites of religion and of religious observances in the family; and to discern the importance of household customs and domestic festivals。 The family will always be the basis of human society。 Law and authority are first felt there; there; at any rate; the habit of obedience should be learned。 Viewed in the light of all their consequences; the spirit of the family and paternal authority are two elements but little developed as yet in our new legislative system。 Yet in the family; the commune; the department; lies the whole of our country。 The laws ought therefore to be based on these three great divisions。

〃In my opinion; marriages; the birth of infants; and the deaths of heads of households cannot be surrounded with too much circumstance。 The secret of the strength of Catholicism; and of the deep root that it has taken in the ordinary life of man; lies precisely in thisthat it steps in to invest every important event in his existence with a pomp that is so naively touching; and so grand; whenever the priest rises to the height of his mission and brings his office into harmony with the sublimity of Christian doctrine。

〃Once I looked upon the Catholic religion as a cleverly exploited mass of prejudices and superstitions; which an intelligent civilization ought to deal with according to its desserts。 Here I have discovered its political necessity and its usefulness as a moral agent; here; moreover; I have come to understand its power; through a knowledge of the actual thing which the word expresses。 Religion means a bond or tie; and certainly a cultor; in other words; the outward and visible form of religion is the only force that can bind the various elements of society together and mould them into a permanent form。 Lastly; it was also here that I have felt the soothing influence that religion sheds over the wounds of humanity; and (without going further into the subject) I have seen how admirably it is suited to the fervid temperaments of southern races。

〃Let us take the road up the hillside;〃 said the doctor; interrupting himself; 〃we must reach the plateau up there。 Thence we shall look down upon both valleys; and you will see a magnificent view。 The plateau lies three thousand feet above the level of the Mediterranean; we shall see over Savoy and Dauphine; and the mountain ranges of the Lyonnais and Rhone。 We shall be in another commune; a hill commune; and on a farm belonging to M。 Gravier you will see the kind of scene of which I have spoken。 There the great events of life are invested with a solemnity which comes up to my ideas。 Mourning for the dead is vigorously prescribed。 Poor people will beg in order to purchase black clothing; and no one refuses to give in such a case。 There are few days in which the widow does not mention her loss; she always speaks of it with tears; and her grief is as deep after ten days of sorrow as on the morning after her bereavement。 Manners are patriarchal: the father's authority is unlimited; his word is law。 He takes his meals sitting by himself at the head of the table; his wife and children wait upon him; and those about him never address him without using certain respectful forms of speech; while every one remains standing and uncovered in his presence。 Men brought up in this atmosphere are conscious of their dignity; to my way of thinking; it is a noble education to be brought up among these customs。 And; for the most part; they are upright; thrifty; and hardworking people in this commune。 The father of every family; when he is old and past work; divides his property equally among his children; and they support him; that is the usual way here。 An old man of ninety; in the last century; who had divided everything he had among his four children; went to live with each in turn for three months in the year。 As he left the oldest to go to the home of a younger brother; one of his friends asked him; 'Well; are you satisfied with the arrangement?' 'Faith! yes;' the old man answered; 'they have treated me as if I had been their own child。' That answer of his seemed so remarkable to an officer then stationed at Grenoble; that he repeated it in more than one Parisian salon。 That officer was the celebrated moralist Vauvenargues; and in this way the beautiful saying came to the knowledge of another writer named Chamfort。 Ah! still more forcible phrases are often struck out among us; but they lack a historian worthy of them。〃

〃I have come across Moravians and Lollards in Bohemia and Hungary;〃 said Genestas。 〃They are a kind of people something like your mountaineers; good folk who endure the sufferings of war with angelic patience。〃

〃Men living under simple and natural conditions are bound to be almost alike in all countries。 Sincerity of life takes but one form。 It is true that a country life often extinguishes thought of a wider kind; but evil propensities are weakened and good qualities are developed by it。 In fact; the fewer the numbers of the human beings collected together in a place; the less crime; evil thinking; and general bad behavior will be found in it。 A pure atmosphere counts for a good deal in purity of morals。〃

The two horsemen; who had been climbing the stony road at a foot pace; now reached the level space of which Benassis had spoken。 It is a strip of land lying round about the base of a lofty mountain peak; a bare surface of rock with no growth of any kind upon it; deep clefts are riven in its sheer inaccessible sides。 The gray crest of the summit towers above the ledge of fertile soil which lies around it; a domain sometimes narrower; sometimes wider; and altogether about a hundred acres in extent。 Here; through a vast break in the line of the hills to the south; the eye sees French Maurienne; Dauphine; the crags of Savoy; and the far…off mountains of the Lyonnais。 Genestas was gazing from this point; over a land that lay far and wide in the spring sunlight; when there arose the sound of a wailing cry。

〃Let us go on;〃 said Benassis; 〃the wail for the dead has begun; that is the name they give to this part of the funeral rites。〃

On the western slope of the mountain peak; the commandant saw the buildings belonging to a farm of some size。 The whole place formed a perfect square。 The gateway consisted of a granite arch; impressive in its solidity; which added to the old…world appearance of the buildings with the ancient trees that stood about them; and the growth of plant life on the roofs。 The house itself lay at the farther end of the yard。 Barns; sheepfolds; stables; cowsheds; and other buildings lay on either side; and in the midst was the great pool where the manure had been laid to rot。 On a thriving farm; such a yard as this is usually full of life and movement; but to…day it was silent and deserted。 The poultry was shut up; the cattle were all in the byres; there was scarcely a sound of animal life。 Both stables and cowsheds had been carefully swept across the yard。 The perfect neatness which reigned in a place where everything as a rule was in disorder; the absence of stirring life; the stillness in so noisy a spot; the calm serenity of the hills; the deep shadow cast by the towering peakeverything combined to make a strong impression on the mind。

Genestas was accustomed to painful scenes; yet he could not help shuddering as he saw a dozen men and women standing weeping outside the door of the great hall。 〃THE MASTER IS DEAD!〃 they wailed; the unison of voices gave appalling effect to the words which they repeated twice during the time required to cross the space between the gateway and the farmhouse door。 To this wailing lament succeeded moans from within the house; the sound of a woman's voice came through the casements。

〃I dare not intrude upon such grief as this;〃 said Genestas to Benassis。

〃I always go to visit a bereaved family;〃 the doctor answered; 〃either to certify the death; or to see that no mischance caused by grief has befallen the living。 You need not hesitate to come with me。 The scene is impressive; and there will be such a great many people that no one will notice your presence。〃

As Genestas followed the doctor; he found; in fact; that the first room was full of relations of the dead。 They passed through 
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