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the snow queen in seven stories-第9章

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young reindeer with him; whose udders were full; and the children

drank her warm milk and kissed her on the mouth。 Then they carried Kay

and Gerda first to the Finland woman; where they warmed themselves

thoroughly in the hot room; and she gave them directions about their

journey home。 Next they went to the Lapland woman; who had made some

new clothes for them; and put their sleighs in order。 Both the

reindeer ran by their side; and followed them as far as the boundaries

of the country; where the first green leaves were budding。 And here

they took leave of the two reindeer and the Lapland woman; and all

said… Farewell。 Then the birds began to twitter; and the forest too

was full of green young leaves; and out of it came a beautiful

horse; which Gerda remembered; for it was one which had drawn the

golden coach。 A young girl was riding upon it; with a shining red

cap on her head; and pistols in her belt。 It was the little

robber…maiden; who had got tired of staying at home; she was going

first to the north; and if that did not suit her; she meant to try

some other part of the world。 She knew Gerda directly; and Gerda

remembered her: it was a joyful meeting。

    〃You are a fine fellow to go gadding about in this way;〃 said

she to little Kay; 〃I should like to know whether you deserve that any

one should go to the end of the world to find you。〃

    But Gerda patted her cheeks; and asked after the prince and


    〃They are gone to foreign countries;〃 said the robber…girl。

    〃And the crow?〃 asked Gerda。

    〃Oh; the crow is dead;〃 she replied; 〃his tame sweetheart is now a

widow; and wears a bit of black worsted round her leg。 She mourns very

pitifully; but it is all stuff。 But now tell me how you managed to get

him back。〃

    Then Gerda and Kay told her all about it。

    〃Snip; snap; snare! it's all right at last;〃 said the robber…girl。

    Then she took both their hands; and promised that if ever she

should pass through the town; she would call and pay them a visit。 And

then she rode away into the wide world。 But Gerda and Kay went

hand…in…hand towards home; and as they advanced; spring appeared

more lovely with its green verdure and its beautiful flowers。 Very

soon they recognized the large town where they lived; and the tall

steeples of the churches; in which the sweet bells were ringing a

merry peal as they entered it; and found their way to their

grandmother's door。 They went upstairs into the little room; where all

looked just as it used to do。 The old clock was going 〃tick; tick;〃

and the hands pointed to the time of day; but as they passed through

the door into the room they perceived that they were both grown up;

and become a man and woman。 The roses out on the roof were in full

bloom; and peeped in at the window; and there stood the little chairs;

on which they had sat when children; and Kay and Gerda seated

themselves each on their own chair; and held each other by the hand;

while the cold empty grandeur of the Snow Queen's palace vanished from

their memories like a painful dream。 The grandmother sat in God's

bright sunshine; and she read aloud from the Bible; 〃Except ye

become as little children; ye shall in no wise enter into the

kingdom of God。〃 And Kay and Gerda looked into each other's eyes;

and all at once understood the words of the old song;

                    〃Roses bloom and cease to be;

                     But we shall the Christ…child see。〃

And they both sat there; grown up; yet children at heart; and it was

summer;… warm; beautiful summer。

                            THE END

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