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on sense and the sensible-第11章

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genus as regards some of its objects; in species as regards others。

Hence too; we may conclude that one can perceive 'numerically

different objects' coinstantaneously with a faculty which is

numerically one and the same; but not the same in its relationship

'sc。 according as the objects to which it is directed are not the


  That every sensible object is a magnitude; and that nothing which it

is possible to perceive is indivisible; may be thus shown。 The

distance whence an object could not be seen is indeterminate; but that

whence it is visible is determinate。 We may say the same of the

objects of Smelling and Hearing; and of all sensibles not discerned by

actual contact。 Now; there is; in the interval of distance; some

extreme place; the last from which the object is invisible; and the

first from which it is visible。 This place; beyond which if the object

be one cannot perceive it; while if the object be on the hither side

one must perceive it; is; I presume; itself necessarily indivisible。

Therefore; if any sensible object be indivisible; such object; if

set in the said extreme place whence imperceptibility ends and

perceptibility begins; will have to be both visible and invisible

their objects; whether regarded in general or at the same time; but

this is impossible。

  This concludes our survey of the characteristics of the organs of

Sense…perception and their objects; whether regarded in general or

in relation to each organ。 Of the remaining subjects; we must first

consider that of memory and remembering。

                                 …THE END…

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