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representative government-第58章

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erest; they all require to have the same things done; the same expenses incurred; and; except as to their churches; which it is probably desirable to leave under simply parochial management; the same arrangements may be made to serve for all。 Paving; lighting; water supply; drainage; port and market regulations; cannot without great waste and inconvenience be different for different quarters of the same town。 The subdivision of London into six or seven independent districts; each with its separate arrangements for local business (several of them without unity of administration even within themselves); prevents the possibility of consecutive or well regulated cooperation for common objects; precludes any uniform principle for the discharge of local duties; compels the general government to take things upon itself which would be best left to local authorities if there were any whose authority extended to the entire metropolis; and answers no purpose but to keep up the fantastical trappings of that union of modern jobbing and antiquated foppery; the Corporation of the City of London。   Another equally important principle is; that in each local circumscription there should be but one elected body for all local business; not different bodies for different parts of it。 Division of labour does not mean cutting up every business into minute fractions; it means the union of such operations as are fit to be performed by the same persons; and the separation of such as can be better performed by different persons。 The executive duties of the locality do indeed require to be divided into departments; for the same reason as those of the State; because they are of diverse kinds; each requiring knowledge peculiar to itself; and needing; for its due performance; the undivided attention of a specially qualified functionary。 But the reasons for subdivision which apply to the execution do not apply to the control。 The business of the elective body is not to do the work; but to see that it is properly done; and that nothing necessary is left undone。 This function can be fulfilled for all departments by the same superintending body; and by a collective and comprehensive far better than by a minute and microscopic view。 It is as absurd in public affairs as it would be in private that every workman should be looked after by a superintendent to himself。 The Government of the Crown consists of many departments; and there are many ministers to conduct them; but those ministers have not a Parliament apiece to keep them to their duty。 The local; like the national Parliament; has for its proper business to consider the interest of the locality as a whole; composed of parts all of which must be adapted to one another; and attended to in the order and ratio of their importance。   There is another very weighty reason for uniting the control of all the business of a locality under one body。 The greatest imperfection of popular local institutions; and the chief cause of the failure which so often attends them; is the low calibre of the men by whom they are almost always carried on。 That these should be of a very miscellaneous character is; indeed; part of the usefulness of the institution; it is that circumstance chiefly which renders it a school of political capacity and general intelligence。 But a school supposes teachers as well as scholars; the utility of the instruction greatly depends on its bringing inferior minds into contact with superior; a contact which in the ordinary course of life is altogether exceptional; and the want of which contributes more than anything else to keep the generality of mankind on one level of contented ignorance。 The school; moreover; is worthless; and a school of evil instead of good; if through the want of due surveillance; and of the presence within itself of a higher order of characters; the action of the body is allowed; as it so often is; to degenerate into an equally unscrupulous and stupid pursuit of the self…interest of its members。 Now it is quite hopeless to induce persons of a high class; either socially or intellectually; to take a share of local administration in a corner by piece…meal; as members of a Paving Board or a Drainage Commission。 The entire local business of their town is not more than a sufficient object to induce men whose tastes incline them and whose knowledge qualifies them for national affairs to become members of a mere local body; and devote to it the time and study which are necessary to render their presence anything more than a screen for the jobbing of inferior persons under the shelter of their responsibility。 A mere Board of Works; though it comprehend the entire metropolis; is sure to be composed of the same class of persons as the vestries of the London parishes; nor is it practicable; or even desirable; that such should not form the majority; but it is important for every purpose which local bodies are designed to serve; whether it be the enlightened and honest performance of their special duties; or the cultivation of the political intelligence of the nation; that every such body should contain a portion of the very best minds of the locality: who are thus brought into perpetual contact; of the most useful kind; with minds of a lower grade; receiving from them what local or professional knowledge they have to give; and in return inspiring them with a portion of their own more enlarged ideas; and higher and more enlightened purposes。   A mere village has no claim to a municipal representation。 By a village I mean a place whose inhabitants are not markedly distinguished by occupation or social relations from those of the rural districts adjoining; and for whose local wants the arrangements made for the surrounding territory will suffice。 Such small places have rarely a sufficient public to furnish a tolerable municipal council: if they contain any talent or knowledge applicable to public business; it is apt to be all concentrated in some one man; who thereby becomes the dominator of the place。 It is better that such places should be merged in a larger circumscription。 The local representation of rural districts will naturally be determined by geographical considerations; with due regard to those sympathies of feeling by which human beings are so much aided to act in concert; and which partly follow historical boundaries; such as those of counties or provinces; and partly community of interest and occupation; as in agriculture; maritime; manufacturing; or mining districts。 Different kinds of local business require different areas of representation。 The Unions of parishes have been fixed on as the most appropriate basis for the representative bodies which superintend the relief of indigence; while; for the proper regulation of highways; or prisons; or police; a large extent; like that of an average county; is not more than sufficient。 In these large districts; therefore; the maxim; that an elective body constituted in any locality should have authority over all the local concerns common to the locality; requires modification from another principle… as well as from the competing consideration of the importance of obtaining for the discharge of the local duties the highest qualifications possible。 For example; if it be necessary (as I believe it to be) for the proper administration of the Poor Laws that the area of rating should not be more extensive than most of the present Unions; a principle which requires a Board of Guardians for each Union… yet; as a much more highly qualified class of persons is likely to be obtainable for a County Board than those who compose an average Board of Guardians; it may on that ground be expedient to reserve for the County Boards some higher descriptions of local business; which might otherwise have been conveniently managed within itself by each separate Union。   Besides the controlling council; or local sub…Parliament; local business has its executive department。 With respect to this; the same questions arise as with respect to the executive authorities in the State; and they may; for the most part; be answered in the same manner。 The principles applicable to all public trusts are in substance the same。 In the first place; each executive officer should be single;
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