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new york-第4章

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appear to us to have crept into the political creed of the

Republic; purely from the struggles of faction。 When men have a

specific and important purpose in view; it is but natural they

should bend most of its collateral connections to the support of

their own objects。 We conceive that the Constitution has thus

been largely misinterpreted; and they who live at the epoch of

the renowned 〃equilibrium〃 and of the 〃rights of the people of

the Sovereign States;〃 will have seen memorable examples of the

truth of this position。

The first popular error; then; that we shall venture to assail;

is that connected with the prevalent notion of the sovereignty of

the States。 We do not believe that the several States of this

Union are; in any legitimate meaning of the term; sovereign at

all。 We are fully aware that this will be regarded as a bold; and

possibly as a presuming proposition; but we shall endeavor to

work it out with such means as we may have at command。

We lay down the following premises as too indisputable to need

any arguments to sustain them: viz。; the authority which formed

the present Constitution of the United States had the legal power

to do so。 That authority was in the Government of the States;

respectively; and not in their people in the popular

signification; but through their people in the political meaning

of the term; and what was then done must be regarded as acts

connected with the composition and nature of governments; and of

no minor or different interests of human affairs。

It being admitted; that the power which formed the government;

was legitimate; we obtain one of the purest compacts for the

organization of human society that probably ever existed。 The

ancient allegiance; under which the Colonies had grown up to

importance; had been extinguished by solemn treaty; and the

States met in Convention; sustained by all the law they had and

backed in every instance by institutions that were more or less

popular。 The history of the world cannot; probably; furnish

another instance of the settlement of the fundamental compact of

a great nation under circumstances of so much obvious justice。

This gives unusual solemnity and authority to the Constitution of

1787; and invests it with additional claims to our admiration and


The authority which formed the Constitution admitted; we come

next to the examination of its acts。 It is apparent from the

debates and proceedings of the Convention; that two opinions

existed in that body; the one leaning strongly toward the

concentration of power in the hands of the Federal Government;

and the other desirous of leaving as much as possible with the

respective States。 The principle that the powers which are not

directly conceded to the Union should remain in first hands;

would seem never to have been denied; and some years after the

organization of the Government; it was solemnly recognized in an

amendment。 We are not disposed; however; to look for arguments to

the debates and discussions of the Convention; in our view often

a deceptive and dangerous method of construing a law; since the

vote is very frequently given on even conflicting reasons。

Different minds arrive at the same results by different

processes; and it is no unusual thing for men to deny each

other's premises while they accept their conclusions。 We shall

look; therefore; solely to the compact itself; as the most

certain mode of ascertaining what was done。

No one will deny that all the great powers of sovereignty are

directly conceded to the Union。 The right to make war and peace;

to coin money; maintain armies and navies; &c。; &c。; in

themselves overshadow most of the sovereignty of the States。 The

amendatory clause would seem to annihilate it。 By the provisions

of that clause three fourths of the States can take away all the

powers and rights now resting in the hands of the respective

States; with a single exception。 This exception gives breadth and

emphasis to the efficiency of the clause。 It will be remembered

that all this can be done within the present Constitution。 It is

a part of the original bargain。 Thus; New York can legally be

deprived of the authority to punish for theft; to lay out

highways; to incorporate banks; and all the ordinary interests

over which she at present exercises control; every human being

within her limits dissenting。 Now as sovereignty means power in

the last resort; this amendatory clause most clearly deprives the

State of all sovereign power thus put at the disposition of

Conventions of the several States; in fact; the votes of these

Conventions; or that of the respective legislatures acting in the

same capacity; is nothing but the highest species of legislation

known to the country; and no other mode of altering the

institutions would be legal。 It follows unavoidably; we repeat;

that the sovereignty which remains in the several States must be

looked for solely in the exception。 What then is this exception?

It is a provision which says; that no State may be deprived of

its equal representation in the Senate; without its own consent。

It might well be questioned whether this provision of the

Constitution renders a Senate indispensable to the Government。

But we are willing to concede this point and admit that it does。

Can the vote of a single State; which is one of a body of thirty;

and which is bound to submit to the decision of a legal majority;

be deemed a sovereign vote? Assuming that the whole power of the

Government of the United States were in the Senate; would any one

State be sovereign in such a condition of things? We think not。

But the Senate does not constitute by any means the whole or the

half of the authority of this Government; its legislative power

is divided with a popular body; without the concurrence of which

it can do nothing; this dilutes the sovereignty to a degree that

renders it very imperceptible; if not very absurd。 Nor is this

all。 After a law is passed by the concurrence of the two houses

of Congress it is sent to a perfectly independent tribunal to

decide whether it is in conformity with the principles of the

great national compact; thus demonstrating; as we assume; that

the sovereignty of this whole country rests; not in its people;

not in its States; but in the Government of the Union。

Sovereignty; and that of the most absolute character; is

indispensable to the right of secession: Nay; sovereignty; in the

ordinary acceptation of the meaning of the term; might exist in a

State without this right of secession。 We doubt if it would be

held sound doctrine to maintain that any single State had a right

to secede from the German Confederation; for instance; and many

alliances; or mere treaties; are held to be sacred and

indissoluble; they are only broken by an appeal to violence。

Every human contract may be said to possess its distinctive

character。 Thus; marriage is to be distinguished from a

partnership in trade; without recurrence to any particular form

of words。 Marriage; contracted by any ceremony whatever; is held

to be a contract for life。 The same is true of governments: in

their nature they are intended to be indissoluble。 We doubt if

there be an instance on record of a government that ever existed;

under conditions; expressed or implied; that the parts of its

territory might separate at will。 There are so many controlling

and obvious reasons why such a privilege should not remain in the

hands of sections or districts; that it is unnecessary to advert

to them。 But after a country has rounded its territory;

constructed its lines of defence; established its system of

custom…houses; and made all the other provisions for security;

convenience; and concentration; that are necessary to the affairs

of a great nation; it would seem to be very presumptuous to

impute to any particular district the right to destroy or

mutilate a system regulated with so much c
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