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26-the white duck-第2章

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            Changed me; from a happy wife;

           To a duck for all my life。

            Would I were the Queen again;

           Would that you had never been slain。'

And as the King heard her words he began to suspect that he had

been deceived; and he called out to the servants; 'Catch that

duck; and bring it here。'  But; though they ran to and fro; the

duck always fled past them; and would not let herself be caught。 

So the King himself stepped down amongst them; and instantly the

duck fluttered down into his hands。  And as he stroked her wings

she was changed into a beautiful woman; and he recognised his

dear wife。  And she told him that a bottle would be found in her

nest in the garden; containing some drops from the spring of

healing。  And it was brought to her; and the ducklings and little

drake were sprinkled with the water; and from the little dead

bodies three lovely children arose。  And the King and Queen were

overjoyed when they saw their children; and they all lived

happily together in the beautiful palace。  But the wicked witch

was taken by the King's command; and she came to no good end。

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