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the adventure of the blanced soldier-第5章

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It was deadly cold。 You remember the kind of numb cold which used to

come at evening; a deadly; sickening sort of cold; very different from

a crisp healthy frost。 Well I was chilled to the bone; and my only

hope seemed to lie in reaching that house。 I staggered to my feet

and dragged myself along; hardly conscious of what I did。 I have a dim

memory of slowly ascending the steps; entering a wide…opened door;

passing into a large room which contained several beds; and throwing

myself down with a gasp of satisfaction upon one of them。 It was

unmade; but that troubled me not at all。 I drew the clothes over my

shivering body and in a moment I was in a deep sleep。

  〃It was morning when I wakened; and it seemed to me that instead

of coming out into a world of sanity I had emerged into some

extraordinary nightmare。 The out African sun flooded through the

big; curtainless windows; and every detail of the great; bare;

whitewashed dormitory stood out hard and clear。 In front of me was

standing a small; dwarf…like man with a huge; bulbous head; who was

jabbering excitedly in Dutch; waving two horrible hands which looked

to me like brown sponges。 Behind him stood a group of people who

seemed to be intensely amused by the situation; but a chill came

over me as I looked at them。 Not one of them was a normal human being。

Every one was twisted or swollen or disfigured in some strange way。

The laughter of these strange monstrosities was a dreadful thing to


  〃It seemed that none of them could speak English; but the

situation wanted clearing up; for the creature with the big head was

growing furiously angry; and; uttering wild…beast cries; he had laid

his deformed hands upon me and was dragging me out of bed;

regardless of the fresh flow of blood from my wound。 The little

monster was as strong as a bull; and I don't know what he might have

done to me had not an elderly man who was clearly in authority been

attracted to the room by the hubbub。 He said a few stern words in

Dutch; and my persecutor shrank away。 Then he turned upon me; gazing

at me in the utmost amazement。

  〃'How in the world did you come here?' he asked in amazement。

'Wait a bit! I see that you are tired out and that wounded shoulder of

yours wants looking after。 I am a doctor; and I'll soon have you

tied up。 But; man alive! you are in far greater danger here than

ever you were on the battlefield。 You are in the Leper Hospital; and

you have slept in a leper's bed。'

  〃Need I tell you more; Jimmie? It seems that in view of the

approaching battle all these poor creatures had been evacuated the day

before。 Then; as the British advanced; they had been brought back by

this; their medical superintendent; who assured me that; though he

believed he was immune to the disease; he would none the less never

have dared to do what I had done。 He put me in a private room; treated

me kindly; and within a week or so I was removed to the general

hospital at Pretoria。

  〃So there you have my tragedy。 I hoped against hope; but it was

not until I had reached home that the terrible signs which you see

upon my face told me that I had not escaped。 What was I to do? I was

in this lonely house。 We had two servants whom we could utterly trust。

There was a house where I could live。 Under pledge of secrecy; Mr。

Kent; who is a surgeon; was prepared to stay with me。 It seemed simple

enough on those lines。 The alternative was a dreadful one… segregation

for life among strangers with never a hope of release。 But absolute

secrecy was necessary; or even in this quiet countryside there would

have been an outcry; and I should have been dragged to my horrible

doom。 Even you; Jimmie… even you had to be kept in the dark。 Why my

father has relented I cannot imagine。〃

  Colonel Emsworth pointed to me。

  〃This is the gentleman who forced my hand。〃 He unfolded the scrap of

paper on which I had written the word 〃Leprosy。〃 〃It seemed to me that

if he knew so much as that it was safer that he should know all。〃

  〃And so it was;〃 said I。 〃Who knows but good may come of it? I

understand that only Mr。 Kent has seen the patient。 May I ask; sir; if

you are an authority on such complaints; which are; I understand;

tropical or semi…tropical in their nature?〃

  〃I have the ordinary knowledge of the educated medical man;〃 he

observed with some stiffness。

  〃I have no doubt; sir; that you are fully competent; but I am sure

that you will agree that in such a case a second opinion is

valuable。 You have avoided this; I understand; for fear that

pressure should be put upon you to segregate the patient。〃

  〃That is so;〃 said Colonel Emsworth。

  〃I foresaw this situation;〃 I explained; 〃and I have brought with me

a friend whose discretion may absolutely be trusted。 I was able once

to do him a professional service; and he is ready to advise as a

friend rather than as a specialist。 His name is Sir James Saunders。〃

  The prospect of an interview with Lord Roberts would not have

excited greater wonder and pleasure in a raw subaltern than was now

reflected upon the face of Mr。 Kent。

  〃I shall indeed be proud;〃 he murmured。

  〃Then I will ask Sir James to step this way。 He is at present in the

carriage outside the door。 Meanwhile; Colonel Emsworth; we may perhaps

assemble in your study; where I could give the necessary


  And here it is that I miss my Watson。 By cunning questions and

ejaculations of wonder he could elevate my simple art; which is but

systematized common sense; into a prodigy。 When I tell my own story

I have no such aid。 And yet I will give my process of thought even

as I gave it to my small audience; which included Godfrey's mother

in the study of Colonel Emsworth。

  〃That process;〃 said I; 〃starts upon the supposition that when you

have eliminated all which is impossible; then whatever remains;

however improbable; must be the truth。 It may well be that several

explanations remain; in which case one tries test after test until one

or other of them has a convincing amount of support。 We will now apply

this principle to the case in point。 As it was first presented to

me; there were three possible explanations of the seclusion or

incarceration of this gentleman in an outhouse of his father's

mansion。 There was the explanation; that he was in hiding for a crime;

or that he was mad and that they wished to avoid an asylum; or that he

had some disease which caused his segregation。 I could think of no

other adequate solutions。 These; then; had to be sifted and balanced

against each other。

  〃The criminal solution would not bear inspection。 No unsolved

crime had been reported from that district。 I was sure of that。 If

it were some crime not yet discovered; then clearly it would be to the

interest of the family to get rid of the delinquent and send him

abroad rather than keep him concealed at home。 I could see no

explanation for such a line of conduct。

  〃Insanity was more plausible。 The presence of the second person in

the outhouse suggested a keeper。 The fact that he locked the door when

he came out strengthened the supposition and gave the idea of

constraint。 On the other hand; this constraint could not be severe

or the young man could not have got loose and come down to have a look

at his friend。 You; will remember; Mr。 Dodd; that I felt round for

points; asking you; for example; about the paper which Mr。 Kent was

reading。 Had it been the Lancet or the British Medical Journal it

would have helped me。 It is not illegal; however; to keep a lunatic

upon private premises so long as there is a qualified person in

attendance and that the authorities have been duly notified。 Why;

then; all this desperate desire for secrecy? Once again I could not

get the theory to fit the facts。

  〃There remained the third possibility; into which; rare and unlikely

as it was; everything seemed to fit。 Leprosy is not uncommon in

South Africa。 By some extraordinary chance this youth might have

contracted it。 His people would be placed in a very dreadful position;

since they would desire to save him
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