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the adventure of the blanced soldier-第2章

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to do so。 I was shown straight into his study; and there I found

him; a huge; bow…backed man with a smoky skin and a straggling gray

beard; seated behind his littered desk。 A red…veined nose jutted out

like a vulture's beak; and two fierce gray eyes glared at me from

under tufted brows。 I could understand now why Godfrey seldom spoke of

his father。

  〃'Well; sir;' said he in a rasping voice; 'I should be interested to

know the real reasons for this visit。'

  〃I answered that I had explained them in my letter to his wife。

  〃'Yes; yes; you said that you had known Godfrey in Africa。 We

have; of course; only your word for that。'

  〃'I have his letters to me in my pocket。'

  〃'Kindly let me see them。'

  〃He glanced at the two which I handed him; and then he tossed them


  〃'Well; what then?' he asked。

  〃'I was fond of your son Godfrey; sir。 Many ties and memories united

us。 Is it not natural that I should wonder at his sudden silence and

should wish to know what has become of him?'

  〃'I have some recollections; sir; that I had already corresponded

with you and had told you what had become of him。 He has gone upon a

voyage round the world。 His health was in a poor way after his African

experiences; and both his mother and I were of opinion that complete

rest and change were needed。 Kindly pass that explanation on to any

other friends who may be interested in the matter。'

  〃'Certainly;' I answered。 'But perhaps you would have the goodness

to let me have the name of the steamer and of the line by which he

sailed; together with the date。 I have no doubt that I should be

able to get a letter through to him。'

  〃My request seemed both to puzzle and to irritate my host。 His great

eyebrows came down over his eyes; and he tapped his fingers

impatiently on the table。 He looked up at last with the expression

of one who has seen his adversary make a dangerous move at chess;

and has decided how to meet it。

  〃'Many people; Mr。 Dodd;' said he; 'would take offence at your

infernal pertinacity and would think that this insistence had

reached the point of damned impertinence。'

  〃'You must put it down; sir; to my real love for your son。'

  〃'Exactly。 I have already made every allowance upon that score。 I

must ask you; however; to drop these inquiries。 Every family has its

own inner knowledge and its own motives; which cannot always be made

clear to outsiders; however well…intentioned。 My wife is anxious to

hear something of Godfrey's past which you are in a position to tell

her; but I would ask you to let the present and the future alone; Such

inquiries serve no useful purpose; sir; and place us in a delicate and

difficult position。'

  〃So I came to a dead end; Mr。 Holmes。 There was no getting past

it。 I could only pretend to accept the situation and register a vow

inwardly that I would never rest until my friend's fate had been

cleared up。 It was a dull evening。 We dined quietly; the three of

us; in a gloomy faded old room。 The lady questioned me eagerly about

her son; but the old man seemed morose and depressed。 I was so bored

by the whole proceeding that I made an excuse as soon as I decently

could and retired to my bedroom。 It was a large; bare room on the

ground floor; as gloomy as the rest of the house; but after a year

of sleeping upon the veldt; Mr。 Holmes; one is not too particular

about one's quarters。 I opened the curtains and looked out into the

garden; remarking that it was a fine night with a bright half…moon。

Then I sat down by the roaring fire with the lamp on a table beside

me; and endeavoured to distract my mind with a novel。 I was

interrupted; however; by Ralph; the old butler; who came in with a

fresh supply of coals。

  〃'I thought you might run short in the night…time; sir。 It is bitter

weather and these rooms are cold。'

  〃He hesitated before leaving the room; and when I looked round he

was standing facing me with a wistful look upon his wrinkled face。

  〃'Beg your pardon; sir; but I could not help hearing what you said

of young Master Godfrey at dinner。 You know; sir; that my wife

nursed him; and so I may say I am his foster…father。 It's natural we

should take an interest。 And you say he carried himself well; sir?'

  〃'There was never a braver man in the regiment。 He pulled me out

once from under the rifles of the Boers; or maybe I should not be


  〃The old butler rubbed his skinny hands。

  〃'Yes; sir; yes; that is Master Godfrey all over。 He was always

courageous。 There's not a tree in the park; sir; that he has not

climbed。 Nothing would stop him。 He was a fine boy… and oh; sir; he

was a fine man。'

  〃I sprang to my feet。

  〃'Look here!' I cried。 'You say he was。 You speak as if he were

dead。 What is all this mystery? What has become of Godfrey Emsworth?'

  〃I gripped the old man by the shoulder; but he shrank away。

  〃'I don't know what you mean; sir。 Ask the master about Master

Godfrey。 He knows。 It is not for me to interfere。'

  〃He was leaving the room; but I held his arm。

  〃'Listen;' I said。 'You are going to answer one question before

you leave if I have to hold you all night。 Is Godfrey dead?'

  〃He could not face my eyes。 He was like a man hypnotized。 The answer

was dragged from his lips。 It was a terrible and unexpected one。

  〃'I wish to God he was!' he cried; and; tearing himself free; he

dashed from the room。

  〃You will think; Mr。 Holmes; that I returned to my chair in no

very happy state of mind。 The old man's words seemed to me to bear

only one interpretation。 Clearly my poor friend had become involved in

some criminal or; at the least; disreputable transaction which touched

the family honour。 That stern old man had sent his son away and hidden

him from the world lest some scandal should come to light。 Godfrey was

a reckless fellow。 He was easily influenced by those around him。 No

doubt he had fallen into bad hands and been misled to his ruin。 It was

a piteous business; if it was indeed so; but even now it was my duty

to hunt him out and see if I could aid him。 I was anxiously

pondering the matter when I looked up; and there was Godfrey

Emsworth standing before me。〃

  My client had paused as one in deep emotion。

  〃Pray continue;〃 I said。 〃Your problem presents some very unusual


  〃He was outside the window; Mr。 Holmes; with his face pressed

against the glass。 I have told you that I looked out at the night。

When I did so I left the curtains partly open。 His figure was framed

in this gap。 The window came down to the ground and I could see the

whole length of it; but it was his face which held my gaze。 He was

deadly pale… never have I seen a man so white。 I reckon ghosts may

look like that; but his eyes met mine; and they were the eyes of a

living man。 He sprang back when he saw that I was looking at him;

and he vanished into the darkness。

  〃There was something shocking about the man; Mr。 Holmes。 It wasn't

merely that ghastly face glimmering as white as cheese in the

darkness。 It was more subtle than that… something slinking;

something furtive; something guilty… something very unlike the

frank; manly lad that I had known。 It left a feeling of horror in my


  〃But when a man has been soldiering for a year or two with brother

Boer as a playmate; he keeps his nerve and acts quickly。 Godfrey had

hardly vanished before I was at the window。 There was an awkward

catch; and I was some little time before I could throw it up。 Then I

nipped through and ran down the garden path in the direction that I

thought he might have taken。

  〃It was a long path and the light was not very good; but it seemed

to me something was moving ahead of me。 I ran on and called his

name; but it was no use。 When I got to the end of the path there

were several others branching in different directions to various

outhouses。 I stood hesitating; and as I did so I heard distinctly

the sound of a closing door。 It was not behind me in the house; but

ahead of me; somewhere in the darkness。 That was enough; Mr。 Holmes;

to assure me that what I had seen was not a visio
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