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the new machiavelli-第85章

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square was a seething seat of excited people; and the array of 

police on horse and on foot might have been assembled for a 

revolutionary outbreak。  There were dense masses of people up 

Whitehall; and right on to Westminster Bridge。  The scuffle that 

ended in the arrests was the poorest explosion to follow such 

stupendous preparations。 。 。 。


Later on in that year the women began a new attack。  Day and night; 

and all through the long nights of the Budget sittings; at all the 

piers of the gates of New Palace Yard and at St。 Stephen's Porch; 

stood women pickets; and watched us silently and reproachfully as we 

went to and fro。  They were women of all sorts; though; of course; 

the independent worker…class predominated。  There were grey…headed 

old ladies standing there; sturdily charming in the rain; battered…

looking; ambiguous women; with something of the desperate bitterness 

of battered women showing in their eyes; north…country factory 

girls; cheaply…dressed suburban women; trim; comfortable mothers of 

families; valiant…eyed girl graduates and undergraduates; lank; 

hungry…looking creatures; who stirred one's imagination; one very 

dainty little woman in deep mourning; I recall; grave and steadfast; 

with eyes fixed on distant things。  Some of those women looked 

defiant; some timidly aggressive; some full of the stir of 

adventure; some drooping with cold and fatigue。  The supply never 

ceased。  I had a mortal fear that somehow the supply might halt or 

cease。  I found that continual siege of the legislature 

extraordinarily impressiveinfinitely more impressive than the 

feeble…forcible 〃ragging〃 of the more militant section。  I thought 

of the appeal that must be going through the country; summoning the 

women from countless scattered homes; rooms; colleges; to 


I remember too the petty little difficulty I felt whether I should 

ignore these pickets altogether; or lift a hat as I hurried past 

with averted eyes; or look them in the face as I did so。  Towards 

the end the House evoked an etiquette of salutation。


There was a tendency; even on the part of its sympathisers; to treat 

the whole suffrage agitation as if it were a disconnected issue; 

irrelevant to all other broad developments of social and political 

life。  We struggled; all of us; to ignore the indicating finger it 

thrust out before us。  〃Your schemes; for all their bigness;〃 it 

insisted to our reluctant; averted minds; 〃still don't go down to 

the essential things。 。 。 。〃

We have to go deeper; or our inadequate children's insufficient 

children will starve amidst harvests of earless futility。  That 

conservatism which works in every class to preserve in its 

essentials the habitual daily life is all against a profounder 

treatment of political issues。  The politician; almost as absurdly 

as the philosopher; tends constantly; in spite of magnificent 

preludes; vast intimations; to specialise himself out of the reality 

he has so stupendously summonedhe bolts back to littleness。  The 

world has to be moulded anew; he continues to admit; but without; he 

adds; any risk of upsetting his week…end visits; his morning cup of 

tea。 。 。 。

The discussion of the relations of men and women disturbs every one。  

It reacts upon the private life of every one who attempts it。  And 

at any particular time only a small minority have a personal 

interest in changing the established state of affairs。  Habit and 

interest are in a constantly recruited majority against conscious 

change and adjustment in these matters。  Drift rules us。  The great 

mass of people; and an overwhelming proportion of influential 

people; are people who have banished their dreams and made their 

compromise。  Wonderful and beautiful possibilities are no longer to 

be thought about。  They have given up any aspirations for intense 

love; their splendid offspring; for keen delights; have accepted a 

cultivated kindliness and an uncritical sense of righteousness as 

their compensation。  It's a settled affair with them; a settled; 

dangerous affair。  Most of them fear; and many hate; the slightest 

reminder of those abandoned dreams。  As Dayton once said to the 

Pentagram Circle; when we were discussing the problem of a universal 

marriage and divorce law throughout the Empire; 〃I am for leaving 

all these things alone。〃  And then; with a groan in his voice; 

〃Leave them alone!  Leave them all alone!〃

That was his whole speech for the evening; in a note of suppressed 

passion; and presently; against all our etiquette; he got up and 

went out。

For some years after my marriage; I too was for leaving them alone。  

I developed a dread and dislike for romance; for emotional music; 

for the human figure in artturning my heart to landscape。  I 

wanted to sneer at lovers and their ecstasies; and was uncomfortable 

until I found the effective sneer。  In matters of private morals 

these were my most uncharitable years。  I didn't want to think of 

these things any more for ever。  I hated the people whose talk or 

practice showed they were not of my opinion。  I wanted to believe 

that their views were immoral and objectionable and contemptible; 

because I had decided to treat them as at that level。  I was; in 

fact; falling into the attitude of the normal decent man。

And yet one cannot help thinking!  The sensible moralised man finds 

it hard to escape the stream of suggestion that there are still 

dreams beyond these commonplace acquiescences;the appeal of beauty 

suddenly shining upon one; the mothlike stirrings of serene summer 

nights; the sweetness of distant music。 。 。 。

It is one of the paradoxical factors in our public life at the 

present time; which penalises abandonment to love so abundantly and 

so heavily; that power; influence and control fall largely to 

unencumbered people and sterile people and people who have married 

for passionless purposes; people whose very deficiency in feeling 

has left them free to follow ambition; people beautyblind; who don't 

understand what it is to fall in love; what it is to desire children 

or have them; what it is to feel in their blood and bodies the 

supreme claim of good births and selective births above all other 

affairs in life; people almost of necessity averse from this most 

fundamental aspect of existence。 。 。 。


It wasn't; however; my deepening sympathy with and understanding of 

the position of women in general; or the change in my ideas about 

all these intimate things my fast friendship with Isabel was 

bringing about; that led me to the heretical views I have in the 

last five years dragged from the region of academic and timid 

discussion into the field of practical politics。  Those influences; 

no doubt; have converged to the same end; and given me a powerful 

emotional push upon my road; but it was a broader and colder view of 

things that first determined me in my attempt to graft the Endowment 

of Motherhood in some form or other upon British Imperialism。  Now 

that I am exiled from the political world; it is possible to 

estimate just how effectually that grafting has been done。

I have explained how the ideas of a trained aristocracy and a 

universal education grew to paramount importance in my political 

scheme。  It is but a short step from this to the question of the 

quantity and quality of births in the community; and from that again 

to these forbidden and fear…beset topics of marriage; divorce; and 

the family organisation。  A sporadic discussion of these aspects had 

been going on for years; a Eugenic society existed; and articles on 

the Falling Birth Rate; and the Rapid Multiplication of the Unfit 

were staples of the monthly magazines。  But beyond an intermittent 

scolding of prosperous childless people in generalone never 

addressed them in particularnothing w
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