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the new machiavelli-第79章

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the Tories and peers and rich people are to blame for social 

injustice as we have it to…day?  Do you really see politics as a 

struggle of light on the Liberal side against darkness on the Tory?〃

〃They MUST know;〃 said Margaret。

I found myself questioning that。  I see now that to Margaret it must 

have seemed the perversest carping against manifest things; but at 

the time I was concentrated simply upon the elucidation of her view 

and my own; I wanted to get at her conception in the sharpest; 

hardest lines that were possible。  It was perfectly clear that she 

saw Toryism as the diabolical element in affairs。  The thing showed 

in its hopeless untruth all the clearer for the fine; clean emotion 

with which she gave it out to me。  My sleeping peer in the library 

at Stamford Court and Evesham talking luminously behind the 

Hartstein flowers embodied the devil; and my replete citizen sucking 

at his cigar in the National Liberal Club; Willie Crampton 

discussing the care and management of the stomach over a specially 

hygienic lemonade; and Dr。 Tumpany in his aggressive frock…coat 

pegging out a sort of copyright in Socialism; were the centre and 

wings of the angelic side。  It was nonsense。  But how was I to put 

the truth to her?

〃I don't see things at all as you do;〃 I said。  〃I don't see things 

in the same way。〃

〃Think of the poor;〃 said Margaret; going off at a tangent。

〃Think of every one;〃 I said。  〃We Liberals have done more mischief 

through well…intentioned benevolence than all the selfishness in the 

world could have done。  We built up the liquor interest。〃

〃WE!〃 cried Margaret。  〃How can you say that?  It's against us。〃

〃Naturally。  But we made it a monopoly in our clumsy efforts to 

prevent people drinking what they liked; because it interfered with 

industrial regularity〃

〃Oh!〃 cried Margaret; stung; and I could see she thought I was 

talking mere wickedness。

〃That's it;〃 I said。

〃But would you have people drink whatever they pleased?〃

〃Certainly。  What right have I to dictate to other men and women?〃

〃But think of the children!〃

〃Ah! there you have the folly of modern Liberalism; its half…

cunning; half…silly way of getting at everything in a roundabout 

fashion。  If neglecting children is an offence; and it IS an 

offence; then deal with it as such; but don't go badgering and 

restricting people who sell something that may possibly in some 

cases lead to a neglect of children。  If drunkenness is an offence; 

punish it; but don't punish a man for selling honest drink that 

perhaps after all won't make any one drunk at all。  Don't intensify 

the viciousness of the public…house by assuming the place isn't fit 

for women and children。  That's either spite or folly。  Make the 

public…house FIT for women and children。  Make it a real public…

house。  If we Liberals go on as we are going; we shall presently 

want to stop the sale of ink and paper because those things tempt 

men to forgery。  We do already threaten the privacy of the post 

because of betting tout's letters。  The drift of all that kind of 

thing is narrow; unimaginative; mischievous; stupid。 。 。 。〃

I stopped short and walked to the window and surveyed a pretty 

fountain; facsimile of one in Verona; amidst trim…cut borderings of 

yew。  Beyond; and seen between the stems of ilex trees; was a great 

blaze of yellow flowers。 。 。 。

〃But prevention;〃 I heard Margaret behind me; 〃is the essence of our 


I turned。  〃There's no prevention but education。  There's no 

antiseptics in life but love and fine thinking。  Make people fine; 

make fine people。  Don't be afraid。  These Tory leaders are better 

people individually than the average; why cast them for the villains 

of the piece?  The real villain in the piecein the whole human 

dramais the muddle…headedness; and it matters very little if it's 

virtuous…minded or wicked。  I want to get at muddle…headedness。  If 

I could do that I could let all that you call wickedness in the 

world run about and do what it jolly well pleased。  It would matter 

about as much as a slightly neglected dogin an otherwise well…

managed home。〃

My thoughts had run away with me。

〃I can't understand you;〃 said Margaret; in the profoundest 

distress。  〃I can't understand how it is you are coming to see 

things like this。〃


The moods of a thinking man in politics are curiously evasive and 

difficult to describe。  Neither the public nor the historian will 

permit the statesman moods。  He has from the first to assume he has 

an Aim; a definite Aim; and to pretend to an absolute consistency 

with that。  Those subtle questionings about the very fundamentals of 

life which plague us all so relentlessly nowadays are supposed to be 

silenced。  He lifts his chin and pursues his Aim explicitly in the 

sight of all men。  Those who have no real political experience can 

scarcely imagine the immense mental and moral strain there is 

between one's everyday acts and utterances on the one hand and the 

〃thinking…out〃 process on the other。  It is perplexingly difficult 

to keep in your mind; fixed and firm; a scheme essentially complex; 

to keep balancing a swaying possibility while at the same time under 

jealous; hostile; and stupid observation you tread your part in the 

platitudinous; quarrelsome; ill…presented march of affairs。 。 。 。

The most impossible of all autobiographies is an intellectual 

autobiography。  I have thrown together in the crudest way the 

elements of the problem I struggled with; but I can give no record 

of the subtle details; I can tell nothing of the long vacillations 

between Protean values; the talks and re…talks; the meditations; the 

bleak lucidities of sleepless nights。 。 。 。

And yet these things I have struggled with must be thought out; and; 

to begin with; they must be thought out in this muddled; 

experimenting way。  To go into a study to think about statecraft is 

to turn your back on the realities you are constantly needing to 

feel and test and sound if your thinking is to remain vital; to 

choose an aim and pursue it in despite of all subsequent 

questionings is to bury the talent of your mind。  It is no use 

dealing with the intricate as though it were simple; to leap 

haphazard at the first course of action that presents itself; the 

whole world of politicians is far too like a man who snatches a 

poker to a failing watch。  It is easy to say he wants to 〃get 

something done;〃 but the only sane thing to do for the moment is to 

put aside that poker and take thought and get a better implement。 。 。 。

One of the results of these fundamental preoccupations of mine was a 

curious irritability towards Margaret that I found difficult to 

conceal。  It was one of the incidental cruelties of our position 

that this should happen。  I was in such doubt myself; that I had no 

power to phrase things for her in a form she could use。  Hitherto I 

had stage…managed our 〃serious〃 conversations。  Now I was too much 

in earnest and too uncertain to go on doing this。  I avoided talk 

with her。  Her serene; sustained confidence in vague formulae and 

sentimental aspirations exasperated me; her want of sympathetic 

apprehension made my few efforts to indicate my changing attitudes 

distressing and futile。  It wasn't that I was always thinking right; 

and that she was always saying wrong。  It was that I was struggling 

to get hold of a difficult thing that was; at any rate; half true; I 

could not gauge how true; and that Margaret's habitual phrasing 

ignored these elusive elements of truth; and without premeditation 

fitted into the weaknesses of my new intimations; as though they had 

nothing but weaknesses。  It was; for example; obvious that these big 

people; who were the backbone of Imperialism and Conservatism; were 

temperamentally lax; much more indolent; 
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