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the new machiavelli-第24章

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thing he would have told a lie about。

When I think of Codger I am reminded of an inscription I saw on some 

occasion in Regent's Park above two eyes scarcely more limpidly 

innocent than his〃Born in the Menagerie。〃  Never once since Codger 

began to display the early promise of scholarship at the age of 

eight or more; had he been outside the bars。  His utmost travel had 

been to lecture here and lecture there。  His student phase had 

culminated in papers of quite exceptional brilliance; and he had 

gone on to lecture with a cheerful combination of wit and mannerism 

that had made him a success from the beginning。  He has lectured 

ever since。  He lectures still。  Year by year he has become plumper; 

more rubicund and more and more of an item for the intelligent 

visitor to see。  Even in my time he was pointed out to people as 

part of our innumerable enrichments; and obviously he knew it。  He 

has become now almost the leading Character in a little donnish 

world of much too intensely appreciated Characters。

He boasted he took no exercise; and also of his knowledge of port 

wine。  Of other wines he confessed quite frankly he had no 〃special 

knowledge。〃  Beyond these things he had little pride except that he 

claimed to have read every novel by a woman writer that had ever 

entered the Union Library。  This; however; he held to be remarkable 

rather than ennobling; and such boasts as he made of it were tinged 

with playfulness。  Certainly he had a scholar's knowledge of the 

works of Miss Marie Corelli; Miss Braddon; Miss Elizabeth Glyn and 

Madame Sarah Grand that would have astonished and flattered those 

ladies enormously; and he loved nothing so much in his hours of 

relaxation as to propound and answer difficult questions upon their 

books。  Tusher of King's was his ineffectual rival in this field; 

their bouts were memorable and rarely other than glorious for 

Codger; but then Tusher spread himself too much; he also undertook 

to rehearse whole pages out of Bradshaw; and tell you with all the 

changes how to get from any station to any station in Great Britain 

by the nearest and cheapest routes。 。 。 。

Codger lodged with a little deaf innocent old lady; Mrs。 Araminta 

Mergle; who was understood to be herself a very redoubtable 

Character in the Gyp…Bedder class; about her he related quietly 

absurd anecdotes。  He displayed a marvellous invention in ascribing 

to her plausible expressions of opinion entirely identical in import 

with those of the Oxford and Harvard Pragmatists; against whom he 

waged a fierce obscure war。 。 。 。

It was Codger's function to teach me philosophy; philosophy! the 

intimate wisdom of things。  He dealt in a variety of Hegelian stuff 

like nothing else in the world; but marvellously consistent with 

itself。  It was a wonderful web he spun out of that queer big active 

childish brain that had never lusted nor hated nor grieved nor 

feared nor passionately loved;a web of iridescent threads。  He had 

luminous final theories about Love and Death and Immortality; odd 

matters they seemed for him to think about! and all his woven 

thoughts lay across my perception of the realities of things; as 

flimsy and irrelevant and clever and beautiful; oh!as a dew…wet 

spider's web slung in the morning sunshine across the black mouth of 

a gun。 。 。 。


All through those years of development I perceive now there must 

have been growing in me; slowly; irregularly; assimilating to itself 

all the phrases and forms of patriotism; diverting my religious 

impulses; utilising my esthetic tendencies; my dominating idea; the 

statesman's idea; that idea of social service which is the 

protagonist of my story; that real though complex passion for 

Making; making widely and greatly; cities; national order; 

civilisation; whose interplay with all those other factors in life I 

have set out to present。  It was growing in meas one's bones grow; 

no man intending it。

I have tried to show how; quite early in my life; the fact of 

disorderliness; the conception of social life as being a 

multitudinous confusion out of hand; came to me。  One always of 

course simplifies these things in the telling; but I do not think I 

ever saw the world at large in any other terms。  I never at any 

stage entertamed the idea which sustained my mother; and which 

sustains so many people in the world;the idea that the universe; 

whatever superficial discords it may present; is as a matter of fact 

〃all right;〃 is being steered to definite ends by a serene and 

unquestionable God。  My mother thought that Order prevailed; and 

that disorder was just incidental and foredoomed rebellion; I feel 

and have always felt that order rebels against and struggles against 

disorder; that order has an up…hill job; in gardens; experiments; 

suburbs; everything alike; from the very beginnings of my experience 

I discovered hostility to order; a constant escaping from control。

The current of living and contemporary ideas in which my mind was 

presently swimming made all in the same direction; in place of my 

mother's attentive; meticulous but occasionally extremely irascible 

Providence; the talk was all of the Struggle for Existenc and the 

survival not of the Bestthat was nonsense; but of the fittest to 


The attempts to rehabilitate Faith in the form of the 

Individualist's LAISSEZ FAIRE never won upon me。  I disliked Herbert 

Spencer all my life until I read his autobiography; and then I 

laughed a little and loved him。  I remember as early as the City 

Merchants' days how Britten and I scoffed at that pompous question…

begging word 〃Evolution;〃 having; so to speak; found it out。  

Evolution; some illuminating talker had remarked at the Britten 

lunch table; had led not only to man; but to the liver…fluke and 

skunk; obviously it might lead anywhere; order came into things only 

through the struggling mind of man。  That lit things wonderfully for 

us。  When I went up to Cambridge I was perfectly clear that life was 

a various and splendid disorder of forces that the spirit of man 

sets itself to tame。  I have never since fallen away from that 


I do not think I was exceptionally precocious in reaching these 

conclusions and a sort of religious finality for myself by eighteen 

or nineteen。  I know men and women vary very much in these matters; 

just as children do in learning to talk。  Some will chatter at 

eighteen months and some will hardly speak until three; and the 

thing has very little to do with their subsequent mental quality。  

So it is with young people; some will begin their religious; their 

social; their sexual interests at fourteen; some not until far on in 

the twenties。  Britten and I belonged to one of the precocious 

types; and Cossington very probably to another。  It wasn't that 

there was anything priggish about any of us; we should have been 

prigs to have concealed our spontaneous interests and ape the 

theoretical boy。

The world of man centred for my imagination in London; it still 

centres there; the real and present world; that is to say; as 

distinguished from the wonder…lands of atomic and microscopic 

science and the stars and future time。  I had travelled scarcely at 

all; I had never crossed the Channel; but I had read copiously and I 

had formed a very good working idea of this round globe with its 

mountains and wildernesses and forests and all the sorts and 

conditions of human life that were scattered over its surface。  It 

was all alive; I felt; and changing every day; how it was changing; 

and the changes men might bring about; fascinated my mind beyond 


I used to find a charm in old maps that showed The World as Known to 

the Ancients; and I wish I could now without any suspicion of self…

deception write down compactly the world as it was known to me at 

nineteen。  So far as 
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