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what is property-第60章

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Let us commence with the simplest and least doubtful cases。

The mother; who protects her son at the peril of her life; and sacrifices every thing to his support; is in society with him she is a good mother。  She; on the contrary; who abandons her child; is unfaithful to the social instinct;maternal love being one of its many features; she is an unnatural mother。

If I plunge into the water to rescue a drowning man; I am his brother; his associate; if; instead of aiding him; I sink him; I am his enemy; his murderer。

Whoever bestows alms treats the poor man as his associate; not thoroughly; it is true; but only in respect to the amount which he shares with him。  Whoever takes by force or stratagem that which is not the product of his labor; destroys his social characterhe is a brigand。

The Samaritan who relieves the traveller lying by the wayside; dresses his wounds; comforts him; and supplies him with money; thereby declares himself his associatehis neighbor; the priest; who passes by on the other side; remains unassociated; and is his enemy。

In all these cases; man is moved by an internal attraction towards his fellow; by a secret sympathy which causes him to love; congratulate; and condole; so that; to resist this attraction; his will must struggle against his nature。

But in these respects there is no decided difference between man and the animals。  With them; as long as the weakness of their young endears them to their mothers;in a word; associates them with their mothers;the latter protect the former; at the peril of their lives; with a courage which reminds us of our heroes dying for their country。  Certain species unite for hunting purposes; seek each other; call each other (a poet would say invite each other); to share their prey; in danger they aid; protect; and warn each other。  The elephant knows how to help his companion out of the ditch into which the latter has fallen。  Cows form a circle; with their horns outward and their calves in the centre; in order to repel the attacks of wolves。  Horses and pigs; on hearing a cry of distress from one of their number; rush to the spot whence it comes。  What descriptions I might give of their marriages; the tenderness of the males towards the females; and the fidelity of their loves!  Let us add; however;to be entirely justthat these touching demonstrations of society; fraternity; and love of neighbor; do not prevent the animals from quarrelling; fighting; and outrageously abusing one another while gaining their livelihood and showing their gallantry; the resemblance between them and ourselves is perfect。

The social instinct; in man and beast; exists to a greater or less degreeits nature is the same。  Man has the greater need of association; and employs it more; the animal seems better able to endure isolation。  In man; social needs are more imperative and complex; in the beast; they seem less intense; less diversified; less regretted。  Society; in a word; aims; in the case of man; at the preservation of the race and the individual; with the animals; its object is more exclusively the preservation of the race。

As yet; we have met with no claim which man can make for himself alone。  The social instinct and the moral sense he shares with the brutes; and when he thinks to become god…like by a few acts of charity; justice; and devotion; he does not perceive that in so acting he simply obeys an instinct wholly animal in its nature。  As we are good; loving; tender; just; so we are passionate; greedy; lewd; and vindictive; that is; we are like the beasts。  Our highest virtues appear; in the last analysis; as blind; impulsive instincts。  What subjects for canonization and apotheosis!

There is; however; a difference between us two…handed bipeds and other living creatureswhat is it?

A student of philosophy would hasten to reply:  〃This difference lies in the fact that we are conscious of our social faculty; while the animals are unconscious of theirsin the fact that while we reflect and reason upon the operation of our social instinct; the animals do nothing of the kind。〃

I will go farther。  It is by our reflective and reasoning powers; with which we seem to be exclusively endowed; that we know that it is injurious; first to others and then to ourselves; to resist the social instinct which governs us; and which we call JUSTICE。  It is our reason which teaches us that the selfish man; the robber; the murdererin a word; the traitor to societysins against Nature; and is guilty with respect to others and himself; when he does wrong wilfully。  Finally; it is our social sentiment on the one hand; and our reason on the other; which cause us to think that beings such as we should take the responsibility of their acts。  Such is the principle of remorse; revenge; and penal justice。

But this proves only an intellectual diversity between the animals and man; not at all an affectional one; for; although we reason upon our relations with our fellows; we likewise reason upon our most trivial actions;such as drinking; eating; choosing a wife; or selecting a dwelling…place。  We reason upon things earthly and things heavenly; there is nothing to which our reasoning powers are not applicable。  Now; just as the knowledge of external phenomena; which we acquire; has no influence upon their causes and laws; so reflection; by illuminating our instinct; enlightens us as to our sentient nature; but does not alter its character; it tells us what our morality is; but neither changes nor modifies it。  Our dissatisfaction with ourselves after doing wrong; the indignation which we feel at the sight of injustice; the idea of deserved punishment and due remuneration; are effects of reflection; and not immediate effects of instinct and emotion。  Our appreciation (I do not say exclusive appreciation; for the animals also realize that they have done wrong; and are indignant when one of their number is attacked; but); our infinitely superior appreciation of our social duties; our knowledge of good and evil; does not establish; as regards morality; any vital difference between man and the beasts。

% 2。Of the first and second degrees of Sociability。

I insist upon the fact; which I have just pointed out; as one of the most important facts of anthropology。

The sympathetic attraction; which causes us to associate; is; by reason of its blind; unruly nature; always governed by temporary impulse; without regard to higher rights; and without distinction of merit or priority。  The bastard dog follows indifferently all who call it; the suckling child regards every man as its father and every woman as its nurse; every living creature; when deprived of the society of animals of its species; seeks companionship in its solitude。  This fundamental characteristic of the social instinct renders intolerable and even hateful the friendship of frivolous persons; liable to be infatuated with every new face; accommodating to all whether good or bad; and ready to sacrifice; for a passing liaison; the oldest and most honorable affections。  The fault of such beings is not in the heartit is in the judgment。  Sociability; in this degree; is a sort of magnetism awakened in us by the contemplation of a being similar to ourselves; but which never goes beyond the person who feels it; it may be reciprocated; but not communicated。  Love; benevolence; pity; sympathy; call it what you will; there is nothing in it which deserves esteem;nothing which lifts man above the beast。

The second degree of sociability is justice; which may be defined as the RECOGNITION OF THE EQUALITY BETWEEN ANOTHER'S PERSONALITY AND OUR OWN。  The sentiment of justice we share with the animals; we alone can form an exact idea of it; but our idea; as has been said already; does not change its nature。  We shall soon see how man rises to a third degree of sociability which the animals are incapable of reaching。  But I must first prove by metaphysics that SOCIETY; JUSTICE; and EQUALITY; are three equivalent terms;three expressions meaning the same thing; whose mutual conversion is always allowable。

If; amid the confusion of a shipwreck; having escaped in a boat with some provisions; I see a man struggling with the waves; am I bound to go to 
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