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what is property-第113章

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e an appeal to the public; submit to it his observations on events which occur around him and in the ranks above him; taking care; however; to avoid offences which are punishable。

〃Reason; then; as much as you like; only; obey。〃Kant:  Fragment on the Liberty of Thought and of the Press。  Tissot's Translation。

These words of the great philosopher outline for me my duty。  I have delayed the reprint of the work entitled 〃What is Property?〃 in order that I might lift the discussion to the philosophical height from which ridiculous clamor has dragged it down; and that; by a new presentation of the question; I might dissipate the fears of good citizens。  I now reenter upon the public use of my reason; and give truth full swing。  The second edition of the First Memoir on Property will immediately follow the publication of this letter。  Before issuing any thing further; I shall await the observations of my critics; and the co…operation of the friends of the people and of equality。

Hitherto; I have spoken in my own name; and on my own personal responsibility。  It was my duty。  I was endeavoring to call attention to principles which antiquity could not discover; because it knew nothing of the science which reveals them; political economy。  I have; then; testified as to FACTS; in short; I have been a WITNESS。  Now my role changes。  It remains for me to deduce the practical consequences of the facts proclaimed。  The position of PUBLIC PROSECUTOR is the only one which I am henceforth fitted to fill; and I shall sum up the case in the name of the PEOPLE。

I am; sir; with all the consideration that I owe to your talent and your character;

          Your very humble and most obedient servant;                               P。 J。 PROUDHON;                     Pensioner of the Academy of Besancon。

P。S。  During the session of April 2; the Chamber of Deputies rejected; by a very large majority; the literary…property bill; BECAUSE IT DID NOT UNDERSTAND IT。  Nevertheless; literary property is only a special form of the right of property; which everybody claims to understand。  Let us hope that this legislative precedent will not be fruitless for the cause of equality。  The consequence of the vote of the Chamber is the abolition of capitalistic property;property incomprehensible; contradictory; impossible; and absurd。

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