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the story of the glittering plain-第22章

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down the hillside he came upon a place where a spring came gushing up

out of the earth and ran down toward the plain; and about it was

green grass growing plentifully; and a little thicket of bramble and

wilding fruit…trees。  So he drank of the water; and plucked him a few

wilding apples somewhat better than crabs; and then went up the hill

again and fetched the seekers to that mountain hostelry; and while

they drank of the stream he plucked them apples and bramble…berries。

For indeed they were as men out of their wits; and were dazed by the

extremity of their jog; and as men long shut up in prison; to whom

the world of men…folk hath become strange。  Simple as the victual

was; they were somewhat strengthened by it and by the plentiful

water; and as night was now upon them; it was of no avail for them to

go further:  so they slept beneath the boughs of the thorn…bushes。


But on the morrow they arose betimes; and broke their fast on that

woodland victual; and then went speedily down the mountain…side; and

Hallblithe saw by the clear morning light that it was indeed the

Uttermost House which he had seen across the green waste。  So he told

the seekers; but they were silent and heeded nought; because of a

fear that had come upon them; lest they should die before they came

into that good land。  At the foot of the mountain they came upon a

river; deep but not wide; with low grassy banks; and Hallblithe; who

was an exceeding strong swimmer; helped the seekers over without much

ado; and there they stood upon the grass of that goodly waste。

Hallblithe looked on them to note if any change should come over

them; and he deemed that already they were become stronger and of

more avail。  But he spake nought thereof; and strode on toward the

Uttermost House; even as that other day he had stridden away from it。

Such diligence they made; that it was but little after noon when they

came to the door thereof。  Then Hallblithe took the horn and blew

upon it; while his fellows stood by murmuring; 〃It is the Land!  It

is the Land!〃

So came the Warden to the door; clad in red scarlet; and the elder

went up to him and said:  〃Is this the Land?〃

〃What land?〃 said the Warden。

〃Is it the Glittering Plain?〃 said the second of the seekers。

〃Yea; forsooth;〃 said the Warden。  Said the sad man:  〃Will ye lead

us to the King?

〃Ye shall come to the King;〃 said the Warden。

〃When; oh when?〃 cried they out all three。

〃The morrow of to…morrow; maybe;〃 said the Warden。

〃Oh! if to…morrow were but come!〃 they cried。

〃It will come;〃 said the red man; 〃enter ye the house; and eat and

drink and rest you。〃

So they entered; and the Warden heeded Hallblithe nothing。  They ate

and drank and then went to their rest; and Hallblithe lay in a shut…

bed off from the hall; but the Warden brought the seekers otherwhere;

so that Hallblithe saw them not after he had gone to bed; but as for

him he slept and forgot that aught was。

In the morning when he awoke he felt very strong and well…liking; and

he beheld his limbs that they were clear of skin and sleek and fair;

and he heard one hard by in the hall carolling and singing joyously。

So he sprang from his bed with the wonder of sleep yet in him; and

drew the curtains of the shut…bed and looked forth into the hall; and

lo on the high…seat a man of thirty winters by seeming; tall; fair of

fashion; with golden hair and eyes as grey as glass; proud and noble

of aspect; and anigh him sat another man of like age to look on; a

man strong and burly; with short curling brown hair and a red beard;

and ruddy countenance; and the mien of a warrior。  Also; up and down

the hall; paced a man younger of aspect than these two; tall and

slender; black…haired and dark…eyed; amorous of countenance; he it

was who was singing a snatch of song as he went lightly on the hall

pavement:  a snatch like to this

Fair is the world; now autumn's wearing;

And the sluggard sun lies long abed;

Sweet are the days; now winter's nearing;

And all winds feign that the wind is dead。

Dumb is the hedge where the crabs hang yellow;

Bright as the blossoms of the spring;

Dumb is the close where the pears grow mellow;

And none but the dauntless redbreasts sing。

Fair was the spring; but amidst his greening

Grey were the days of the hidden sun;

Fair was the summer; but overweening;

So soon his o'er…sweet days were done。

Come then; love; for peace is upon us;

Far off is failing; and far is fear;

Here where the rest in the end hath won us;

In the garnering tide of the happy year。

Come from the grey old house by the water;

Where; far from the lips of the hungry sea;

Green groweth the grass o'er the field of the slaughter;

And all is a tale for thee and me。

So Hallblithe did on his raiment and went into the hall; and when

those three saw him they smiled upon him kindly and greeted him; and

the noble man at the board said:  〃Thanks have thou; O Warrior of the

Raven; for thy help in our need:  thy reward from us shall not be


Then the brown…haired man came up to him; and clapped him on the back

and said to him:  〃Brisk man of the Raven; good is thy help at need;

even so shall be mine to thee henceforward。〃

But the young man stepped up to him lightly; and cast his arms about

him; and kissed him; and said:  〃O friend and fellow; who knoweth but

I may one day help thee as thou hast holpen me? though thou art one

who by seeming mayst well help thyself。  And now mayst thou be as

merry as I am to…day!〃

Then they all three cried out joyously:  〃It is the Land!  It is the


So Hallblithe knew that these men were the two elders and the sad man

of yesterday; and that they had renewed their youth。

Joyously now did those men break their fast:  nor did Hallblithe make

any grim countenance; for he thought:  〃That which these dotards and

drivellers have been mighty enough to find; shall I not be mighty

enough to flee from?〃  Breakfast done; the seekers made little delay;

so eager as they were to behold the King; and to have handsel of

their new sweet life。  So they got them ready to depart; and the

once…captain said:  〃Art thou able to lead us to the King; O Raven…

son; or must we seek another man to do so much for us?〃

Said Hallblithe:  〃I am able to lead you so nigh unto Wood…end

(where; as I deem; the King abideth) that ye shall not miss him。〃

Therewith they went to the door; and the Warden unlocked to them; and

spake no word to them when they departed; though they thanked him

kindly for the guesting。

When they were without the garth; the young man fell to running about

the meadow plucking great handfuls of the rich flowers that grew

about; singing and carolling the while。  But he who had been king

looked up and down and round about; and said at last:  〃Where be the

horses and the men?〃

But his fellow with the red beard said:  〃Raven…son; in this land

when they journey; what do they as to riding or going afoot?〃

Said Hallblithe:  〃Fair fellows; ye shall wot that in this land folk

go afoot for the most part; both men and women; whereas they weary

but little; and are in no haste。〃

Then the once…captain clapped the once…king on the shoulder; and

said:  〃Hearken; lord; and delay no longer; but gird up thy gown;

since here is no mare's son to help thee:  for fair is to…day that

lies before us; with many a new fair day beyond it。〃

So Hallblithe led the way inward; thinking of many things; yet but

little of his fellows。  Albeit they; and the younger man especially;

were of many words; for this black…haired man had many questions to

ask; chiefly concerning the women; what they were like to look on;

and of what mood they were。  Hallblithe answered thereto as long as

he might; but at last he laughed and said: 
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