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the last of the plainsmen-第3章

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he two drinks I would get on the desert; so I availed myself heartily of the opportunity。 The water was full of sand; but cold and gratefully thirst…quenching。

The Little Colorado seemed no more to me than a shallow creek; I heard nothing sullen or menacing in its musical flow。

〃Doesn't look bad; eh?〃 queried Emmett; who read my thought。 〃You'd be surprised to learn how many men and Indians; horses; sheep and wagons are buried under that quicksand。〃

The secret was out; and I wondered no more。 At once the stream and wet bars of sand took on a different color。 I removed my boots; and waded out to a little bar。 The sand seemed quite firm; but water oozed out around my feet; and when I stepped; the whole bar shook like jelly。 I pushed my foot through the crust; and the cold; wet sand took hold; and tried to suck me down。

〃How can you ford this stream with horses?〃 I asked Emmett。

〃We must take our chances;〃 replied he。 〃We'll hitch two teams to one wagon; and run the horses。 I've forded here at worse stages than this。 Once a team got stuck; and I had to leave it; another time the water was high; and washed me downstream。

Emmett sent his son into the stream on a mule。 The rider lashed his mount; and plunging; splashing; crossed at a pace near a gallop。 He returned in the same manner; and reported one bad place near the other side。

Jones and I got on the first wagon and tried to coax up the dogs; but they would not come。 Emmett had to lash the four horses to start them; and other Mormons riding alongside; yelled at them; and used their whips。 The wagon bowled into the water with a tremendous splash。 We were wet through before we had gone twenty feet。 The plunging horses were lost in yellow spray; the stream rushed through the wheels; the Mormons yelled。 I wanted to see; but was lost in a veil of yellow mist。 Jones yelled in my ear; but I could not hear what he said。 Once the wagon wheels struck a stone or log; almost lurching us overboard。 A muddy splash blinded me。 I cried out in my excitement; and punched Jones in the back。 Next moment; the keen exhilaration of the ride gave way to horror。 We seemed to drag; and almost stop。 Some one roared: 〃Horse down!〃 One instant of painful suspense; in which imagination pictured another tragedy added to the record of this deceitful rivera moment filled with intense feeling; and sensation of splash; and yell; and fury of action; then the three able horses dragged their comrade out of the quicksand。 He regained his feet; and plunged on。 Spurred by fear; the horses increased their efforts; and amid clouds of spray; galloped the remaining distance to the other side。

Jones looked disgusted。 Like all plainsmen; he hated water。 Emmett and his men calmly unhitched。 No trace of alarm; or even of excitement showed in their bronzed faces。

〃We made that fine and easy;〃 remarked Emmett。

So I sat down and wondered what Jones and Emmett; and these men would consider really hazardous。 I began to have a feeling that I would find out; that experience for me was but in its infancy; that far across the desert the something which had called me would show hard; keen; perilous life。 And I began to think of reserve powers of fortitude and endurance。

The other wagons were brought across without mishap; but the dogs did not come with them。 Jones called and called。 The dogs howled and howled。 Finally I waded out over the wet bars and little streams to a point several hundred yards nearer the dogs。 Moze was lying down; but the others were whining and howling in a state of great perturbation。 I called and called。 They answered; and even ran into the water; but did not start across。

〃Hyah; Moze! hyah; you Indian!〃 I yelled; losing my patience。 〃You've already swum the Big Colorado; and this is only a brook。 Come on!〃

This appeal evidently touched Moze; for he barked; and plunged in。 He made the water fly; and when carried off his feet; breasted the current with energy and power。 He made shore almost even with me; and wagged his tail。 Not to be outdone; Jude; Tige and Don followed suit; and first one and then another was swept off his feet and carried downstream。 They landed below me。 This left Ranger; the pup; alone on the other shore。 Of all the pitiful yelps ever uttered by a frightened and lonely puppy; his were the most forlorn I had ever heard。 Time after time he plunged in; and with many bitter howls of distress; went back。 I kept calling; and at last; hoping to make him come by a show of indifference; I started away。 This broke his heart。 Putting up his head; he let out a long; melancholy wail; which for aught I knew might have been a prayer; and then consigned himself to the yellow current。 Ranger swam like a boy learning。 He seemed to be afraid to get wet。 His forefeet were continually pawing the air in front of his nose。 When he struck the swift place; he went downstream like a flash; but still kept swimming valiantly。 I tried to follow along the sand…bar; but found it impossible。 I encouraged him by yelling。 He drifted far below; stranded on an island; crossed it; and plunged in again; to make shore almost out of my sight。 And when at last I got to dry sand; there was Ranger; wet and disheveled; but consciously proud and happy。

After lunch we entered upon the seventy…mile stretch from the Little to the Big Colorado。

Imagination had pictured the desert for me as a vast; sandy plain; flat and monotonous。 Reality showed me desolate mountains gleaming bare in the sun; long lines of red bluffs; white sand dunes; and hills of blue clay; areas of level groundin all; a many…hued; boundless world in itself; wonderful and beautiful; fading all around into the purple haze of deceiving distance。

Thin; clear; sweet; dry; the desert air carried a languor; a dreaminess; tidings of far…off things; and an enthralling promise。 The fragrance of flowers; the beauty and grace of women; the sweetness of music; the mystery of lifeall seemed to float on that promise。 It was the air breathed by the lotus…eaters; when they dreamed; and wandered no more。

Beyond the Little Colorado; we began to climb again。 The sand was thick; the horses labored; the drivers shielded their faces。 The dogs began to limp and lag。 Ranger had to be taken into a wagon; and then; one by one; all of the other dogs except Moze。 He refused to ride; and trotted along with his head down。

Far to the front the pink cliffs; the ragged mesas; the dark; volcanic spurs of the Big Colorado stood up and beckoned us onward。 But they were a far hundred miles across the shifting sands; and baked day; and ragged rocks。 Always in the rear rose the San Francisco peaks; cold and pure; startlingly clear and close in the rare atmosphere。

We camped near another water hole; located in a deep; yellow…colored gorge; crumbling to pieces; a ruin of rock; and silent as the grave。 In the bottom of the canyon was a pool of water; covered with green scum。 My thirst was effectually quenched by the mere sight of it。 I slept poorly; and lay for hours watching the great stars。 The silence was painfully oppressive。 If Jones had not begun to give a respectable imitation of the exhaust pipe on a steamboat; I should have been compelled to shout aloud; or get up; but this snoring would have dispelled anything。 The morning came gray and cheerless。 I got up stiff and sore; with a tongue like a rope。

All day long we ran the gauntlet of the hot; flying sand。 Night came again; a cold; windy night。 I slept well until a mule stepped on my bed; which was conducive to restlessness。 At dawn; cold; gray clouds tried to blot out the rosy east。 I could hardly get up。 My lips were cracked; my tongue swollen to twice its natural size; my eyes smarted and burned。 The barrels and kegs of water were exhausted。 Holes that had been dug in the dry sand of a dry streambed the night before in the morning yielded a scant supply of muddy alkali water; which went to the horses。

Only twice that day did I rouse to anything resembling enthusiasm。 We came to a stretch of country showing the wonderful diversity of the desert land。 A long range of beautifully rounded clay stones bordered the trail。 So symmetrical were they that I imagined them works of sculptors。 Light blue; dar
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