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the malay archipelago-2-第50章

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t colours in our garments; and in the decorations of our dwellings; because it was supposed that we should be thereby acting in opposition to the teachings of nature。 The argument itself is a very poor one; since it might with equal justice be maintained; that as we possess faculties for the appreciation of colours; we should make up for the deficiencies of nature and use the gayest tints in those regions where the landscape is most monotonous。 But the assumption on which the argument is founded is totally false; so that even if the reasoning were valid; we need not be afraid of outraging nature; by decorating our houses and our persons with all those gay hues which are so lavishly spread over our fields and mountains; our hedges; woods; and meadows。

It is very easy to see what has led to this erroneous view of the nature of tropical vegetation。 In our hothouses and at our flower…shows we gather together the finest flowering plants from the most distant regions of the earth; and exhibit them in a proximity to each other which never occurs in nature。 A hundred distinct plants; all with bright; or strange; or gorgeous flowers; make a wonderful show when brought together; but perhaps no two of these plants could ever be seen together in a state of nature; each inhabiting a distant region or a different station。 Again; all moderately warm extra…European countries are mixed up with the tropics in general estimation; and a vague idea is formed that whatever is preeminently beautiful must come from the hottest parts of the earth。 But the fact is quite the contrary。 Rhododendrons and azaleas are plants of temperate regions; the grandest lilies are from temperate Japan; and a large proportion of our most showy flowering plants are natives of the Himalayas; of the Cape; of the United States; of Chili; or of China and Japan; all temperate regions。 True; there are a great number of grand and gorgeous flowers in the tropics; but the proportion they bear to the mass of the vegetation is exceedingly small; so that what appears an anomaly is nevertheless a fact; and the effect of flowers on the general aspect of nature is far less in the equatorial than in the temperate regions of the earth。




AFTER my return from Gilolo to Ternate; in March 1858; I made arrangements for my long…wished…for voyage to the mainland of New Guinea; where I anticipated that my collections would surpass those which I had formed at the Aru Islands。 The poverty of Ternate in articles used by Europeans was shown; by my searching in vain through all the stores for such common things as flour; metal spoons; wide…mouthed phials; beeswax; a penknife; and a stone or metal pestle and mortar。 I took with me four servants: my head man Ali; and a Ternate lad named Jumaat (Friday); to shoot; Lahagi; a steady middle…aged man; to cut timber and assist me in insect…collecting; and Loisa; a Javanese cook。 As I knew I should have to build a house at Dorey; where I was going; I took with me eighty cadjans; or waterproof mats; made of pandanus leaves; to cover over my baggage on first landing; and to help to roof my house afterwards。

We started on the 25th of March in the schooner Hester Helena; belonging to my friend Mr。 Duivenboden; and bound on a trading voyage along the north coast of New Guinea。 Having calms and light airs; we were three days reaching Gane; near the south end of Gilolo; where we stayed to fill。 up our water…casks and buy a few provisions。 We obtained fowls; eggs; sago; plantains; sweet potatoes; yellow pumpkins; chilies; fish; and dried deer's meat; and on the afternoon of the 29th proceeded on our voyage to Dorey harbour。 We found it; however; by no means easy to get along; for so near to the equator the monsoons entirely fail of their regularity; and after passing the southern point of Gilolo we had calms; light puffs of wind; and contrary currents; which kept us for five days in sight of the same islands between it and Poppa。 A squall them brought us on to the entrance of Dampier's Straits; where we were again becalmed; and were three more days creeping through them。 Several native canoes now came off to us from Waigiou on one side; and Batanta on the other; bringing a few common shells; palm…leaf mats; cocoa…nuts; and pumpkins。 They were very extravagant in their demands; being accustomed to sell their trifles to whalers and China ships; whose crews will purchase anything at ten times its value。 My only purchases were a float belonging to a turtle…spear; carved to resemble a bird; and a very well made palm…leaf box; for which articles I gave a copper ring and a yard of calico。 The canoes were very narrow and furnished with an outrigger; and in some of them there was only one man; who seemed to think nothing of coming out alone eight or ten miles from shore。 The people were Papuans; much resembling the natives of Aru。

When we had got out of the Straits; and were fairly in the great Pacific Ocean; we had a steady wind for the first time since leaving Ternate; but unfortunately it was dead ahead; and we had to beat against it; tacking on and off the coast of New Guinea。 I looked with intense interest on those rugged mountains; retreating ridge behind ridge into the interior; where the foot of civilized man had never trod。 There was the country of the cassowary and the tree…kangaroo; and those dark forests produced the most extraordinary and the most beautiful of the feathered inhabitants of the earththe varied species of Birds of Paradise。 A few days more and I hoped to be in pursuit of these; and of the scarcely less beautiful insects which accompany them。 We had still; however; for several days only calms and light head…winds; and it was not till the l0th of April that a fine westerly breeze set in; followed by a squally night; which kept us off the entrance of Dorey harbour。 The next morning we entered; and came to anchor off the small island of Mansinam; on which dwelt two German missionaries; Messrs。 Otto and Geisler。 The former immediately came on board to give us welcome; and invited us to go on shore and breakfast with him。 We were then introduced to his companion who was suffering dreadfully from an abscess on the heel; which had confined him to the house for six monthsand to his wife; a young German woman; who had been out only three months。 Unfortunately she could speak no Malay or English; and had to guess at our compliments on her excellent breakfast by the justice we did to it。

These missionaries were working men; and had been sent out; as being more useful among savages than persons of a higher class。 They had been here about two years; and Mr。 Otto had already learnt to speak the Papuan language with fluency; and had begun translating some portions of the Bible。 The language; however; is so poor that a considerable number of Malay words have to be used; and it is very questionable whether it is possible to convey any idea of such a book; to a people in so low a state of civilization。 The only nominal converts yet made are a few of the women; and some few of the children attend school; and are being taught to read; but they make little progress。 There is one feature of this mission which I believe will materially interfere with its moral effect。 The missionaries are allowed to trade to eke out the very small salaries granted them from Europe; and of course are obliged to carry out the trade principle of buying cheap and selling dear; in order to make a profit。 Like all savages the natives are quite careless of the future; and when their small rice crops are gathered they bring a large portion of it to the missionaries; and sell it for knives; beads; axes; tobacco; or any other articles they may require。 A few months later; in the wet season; when food is scarce; they come to buy it back again; and give in exchange tortoiseshell; tripang; wild nutmegs; or other produce。 Of course the rice is sold at a much higher rate than it was bought; as is perfectly fair and just and the operation is on the whole thoroughly beneficial to the natives; who would otherwise consume and waste their food when it was abundant; and then starveyet I cannot imagine that the natives see it in this light。 
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