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the malay archipelago-2-第32章

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ce is that there are no running streams; the rock being of so porous a nature that the surface… water everywhere penetrates its fissures; at least such is the character of the neighbourhood we visited; the only water being small springs trickling out close to the sea…beach。

In the forests of Ke; arboreal Liliaceae and Pandanaceae abound; and give a character to the vegetation in the more exposed rocky places。 Flowers were scarce; and there were not many orchids; but I noticed the fine white butterfly…orchis; Phalaenopsis grandiflora; or a species closely allied to it。 The freshness and vigour of the vegetation was very pleasing; and on such an arid rocky surface was a sure indication of a perpetually humid climate。 Tall clean trunks; many of them buttressed; and immense trees of the fig family; with aerial roots stretching out and interlacing and matted together for fifty or a hundred feet above the ground; were the characteristic features; and there was an absence of thorny shrubs and prickly rattans; which would have made these wilds very pleasant to roam in; had it not been for the sharp honeycombed rocks already alluded to。 In damp places a fine undergrowth of broadleaved herbaceous plants was found; about which swarmed little green lizards; with tails of the most 〃heavenly blue;〃 twisting in and out among the stalks and foliage so actively that I often caught glimpses of their tails only; when they startled me by their resemblance to small snakes。 Almost the only sounds in these primeval woods proceeded from two birds; the red lories; who utter shrill screams like most of the parrot tribe; and the large green nutmeg…pigeon; whose voice is either a loud and deep boom; like two notes struck upon a very large gong; or sometimes a harsh toad…like croak; altogether peculiar and remarkable。 Only two quadrupeds are said by the natives to inhabit the islanda wild pig and a Cuscus; or Eastern opossum; of neither of which could I obtain specimens。

The insects were more abundant; and very interesting。 Of butterflies I caught thirty…five species; most of them new to me; and many quite unknown in European collections。 Among them was the fine yellow and black Papilio euchenor; of which but few specimens had been previously captured; and several other handsome butterflies of large size; as well as some beautiful little 〃blues;〃 and some brilliant dayflying moths。 The beetle tribe were less abundant; yet I obtained some very fine and rare species。 On the leaves of a slender shrub in an old clearing I found several fine blue and black beetles of the genus Eupholus; which almost rival in beauty… the diamond beetles of South America。 Some cocoa…nut palms in blossom on the beach were frequented by a fine green floral beetle (Lomaptera which; when the flowers were shaken; flew off like a small swarm of bees。 I got one of our crew to climb up the tree; and he brought me a good number in his hand; and seeing they were valuable; I sent him up again with my net to shake the flowers into; and thus secured a large quantity。 My best capture; however; was the superb insect of the Buprestis family; already mentioned as having been obtained from the natives; who told me they found it in rotten trees in the mountains。

In the forest itself the only common and conspicuous coleoptera were two tiger beetles。 One; Therates labiata; was much larger than our green tiger beetle; of a purple black colour; with green metallic glosses; and the broad upper lip of a bright yellow。 It was always found upon foliage; generally of broad…leaned herbaceous plants; and in damp and gloomy situations; taking frequent short flights from leaf to leaf; and preserving an alert attitude; as if always looking out for its prey。 Its vicinity could be immediately ascertained; often before it was seen; by a very pleasant odour; like otto of roses; which it seems to emit continually; and which may probably be attractive to the small insects on which it feeds。 The other; Tricondyla aptera; is one of the most curious forms in the family of the Cicindelidae; and is almost exclusively confined to the Malay islands。 In shape it resembles a very large ant; more than an inch long; and of a purple black colour。 Like an ant also it is wingless; and is generally found ascending trees; passing around the trunks in a spiral direction when approached; to avoid capture; so that it requires a sudden run and active fingers to secure a specimen。 This species emits the usual fetid odour of the ground beetles。 My collections during our four days' stay at Ke were as follow: Birds; 13 species; insects; 194 species; and 3 kinds of land… shells。

There are two kinds of people inhabiting these islandsthe indigenes; who have the Papuan characters strongly marked; and who are pagans; and a mixed race; who are nominally Mahometans; and wear cotton clothing; while the former use only a waist cloth of cotton or bark。 These Mahometans are said to have been driven out of Banda by the early European settlers。 They were probably a brown race; more allied to the Malays; and their mixed descendants here exhibit great variations of colour; hair; and features; graduating between the Malay and Papuan types。 It is interesting to observe the influence of the early Portuguese trade with these countries in the words of their language; which still remain in use even among these remote and savage islanders。 〃Lenco〃 for handkerchief; and 〃faca〃 for knife; are here used to the exclusion of the proper Malay terms。 The Portuguese and Spaniards were truly wonderful conquerors and colonizers。 They effected more rapid changes in the countries they conquered than any other nations of modern times; resembling the Romans in their power of impressing their own language; religion; and manners on rode and barbarous tribes。

The striking contrast of character between these people and the Malays is exemplified in many little traits。 One day when I was rambling in the forest; an old man stopped to look at me catching an insect。 He stood very quiet till I had pinned and put it away in my collecting box; when he could contain himself no longer; but bent almost double; and enjoyed a hearty roar of laughter。 Every one will recognise this as a true negro trait。 A Malay would have stared; and asked with a tone of bewilderment what I was doing; for it is but little in his nature to laugh; never heartily; and still less at or in the presence of a stranger; to whom; however; his disdainful glances or whispered remarks are less agreeable than the most boisterous open expression of merriment。 The women here were not so much frightened at strangers; or made to keep themselves so much secluded as among the Malay races; the children were more merry and had the 〃nigger grin;〃 while the noisy confusion of tongues among the men; and their excitement on very ordinary occasions; are altogether removed from the general taciturnity and reserve of the Malay。

The language of the Ke people consists of words of one; two; or three syllables in about equal proportions; and has many aspirated and a few guttural sounds。 The different villages have slight differences of dialect; but they are mutually intelligible; and; except in words that have evidently been introduced during a long…continued commercial intercourse; seem to have no affinity whatever with the Malay languages。

Jan。 6th。…The small boats being finished; we sailed for Aru at 4 P。M。; and as we left the shores of Ke had a line view of its rugged and mountainous character; ranges of hills; three or four thousand feet high; stretching southwards as far as the eye could reach; everywhere covered with a lofty; dense; and unbroken forest。 We had very light winds; and it therefore took us thirty hours to make the passage of sixty miles to the low; or flat; but equally forest…covered Aru Islands; where we anchored in the harbour of Dobbo at nine in the evening of the next day。

My first voyage in a prau being thus satisfactorily terminated; I must; before taking leave of it for some months; bear testimony to the merits of the queer old…world vessel。 Setting aside all ideas of danger; which is probably; after all; not more than in any other craft; I must declare that I have never; either before or since; mad
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