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the malay archipelago-2-第31章

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stone of which it is entirely composed。 In all the little swampy inlets and valleys sago trees abound; and these supply the main subsistence of the natives; who grow no rice; and have scarcely any other cultivated products but cocoa…nuts; plantains; and yams。 From the cocoa…nuts; which surround every hut; and which thrive exceedingly on the porous limestone soil and under the influence of salt breezes; oil is made which is sold at a good price to the Aru traders; who all touch here to lay in their stuck of this article; as well as to purchase boats and native crockery。 Wooden bowls; pans; and trays are also largely made here; hewn out of solid blocks of wood with knife and adze; and these are carried to all parts of the Moluccas。 But the art in which the natives of Ke pre…eminently excel is that of boat building。 Their forests supply abundance of fine timber; though; probably not more so than many other islands; and from some unknown causes these remote savages have come to excel in what seems a very difficult art。 Their small canoes are beautifully formed; broad and low in the centre; but rising at each end; where they terminate in high…pointed beaks more or less carved; and ornamented with a plume of feathers。 They are not hollowed out of a tree; but are regularly built of planks running from ego to end; and so accurately fitted that it is often difficult to find a place where a knife…blade can be inserted between the joints。 The larger ones are from 20 to 30 tons burthen; and are finished ready for sea without a nail or particle of iron being used; and with no other tools than axe; adze; and auger。 These vessels are handsome to look at; good sailers; and admirable sea…boats; and will make long voyages with perfect safety; traversing the whole Archipelago from New Guinea to Singapore in seas which; as every one who has sailed much in them can testify; are not so smooth and tempest…free as word… painting travellers love to represent them。

The forests of Ke produce magnificent timber; tall; straight; and durable; of various qualities; some of which are said to be superior to the best Indian teak。 To make each pair of planks used in the construction of the larger boats an entire tree is consumed。 It is felled; often miles away from the shore; cut across to the proper length; and then hewn longitudinally into two equal portions。 Each of these forms a plank by cutting down with the axe to a uniform thickness of three or four inches; leaving at first a solid block at each end to prevent splitting。 Along the centre of each plank a series of projecting pieces are left; standing up three or four inches; about the same width; and a foot long; these are of great importance in the construction of the vessel。 When a sufficient number of planks have been made; they are laboriously dragged through the forest by three or four men each to the beach; where the boat is to be built。 A foundation piece; broad in the middle and rising considerably at each end; is first laid on blocks and properly shored up。 The edges of this are worked true and smooth with the adze; and a plank; properly curved and tapering at each end; is held firmly up against it; while a line is struck along it which allows it to be cut so as to fit exactly。 A series of auger holes; about as large as one's finger; are then bored along the opposite edges; and pins of very hard wood are fitted to these; so that the two planks are held firmly; and can be driven into the closest contact; and difficult as this seems to do without any other aid than rude practical skill in forming each edge to the true corresponding curves; and in poring the holes so as exactly to match both in position and direction; yet so well is it done that the best European shipwright cannot produce sounder or closer… fitting joints。 The boat is built up in this way by fitting plank to plank till the proper height and width are obtained。 We have now a skin held together entirely by the hardwood pins connecting the edges of the planks; very strong and elastic; but having nothing but the adhesion of these pins to prevent the planks gaping。 In the smaller boats seats; in the larger ones cross… beams; are now fixed。 They are sprung into slight notches cut to receive them; and are further secured to the projecting pieces of the plank below by a strong lashing of rattan。 Ribs are now formed of single pieces of tough wood chosen and trimmed so as exactly to fit on to the projections from each plank; being slightly notched to receive them; and securely bound to them by rattans passed through a hole in each projecting piece close to the surface of the plank。 The ends are closed against the vertical prow and stern posts; and further secured with pegs and rattans; and then the boat is complete; and when fitted with rudders; masts; and thatched covering; is ready to do battle with; the waves。 A careful consideration of the principle of this mode of construction; and allowing for the strength and binding qualities of rattan (which resembles in these respects wire rather than cordage); makes me believe that a vessel carefully built in this manner is actually stronger and safer than one fastened in the ordinary way with nails。

During our stay here we were all very busy。 Our captain was daily superintending the completion of his two small praus。 All day long native boats were coming with fish; cocoa…nuts; parrots and lories; earthen pans; sirip leaf; wooden bowls; and trays; &c。 &e。; which every one of the fifty inhabitants of our prau seemed to be buying on his own account; till all available and most unavailable space of our vessel was occupied with these miscellaneous articles: for every man on board a prau considers himself at liberty to trade; and to carry with him whatever he can afford to buy。

Money is unknown and valueless hereknives; cloth; and arrack forming the only medium of exchange; with tobacco for small coin。 Every transaction is the subject of a special bargain; and the cause of much talking。 It is absolutely necessary to offer very little; as the natives are never satisfied till you add a little more。 They are then far better pleased than if you had given them twice the amount at first and refused to increase it。

I; too; was doing a little business; having persuaded some of the natives to collect insects for me; and when they really found that I gave them most fragrant tobacco for worthless black and green beetles; I soon had scores of visitors; men; women; and children; bringing bamboos full of creeping things; which; alas! too frequently had eaten each other into fragments during the tedium of a day's confinement。 Of one grand new beetle; glittering with ruby and emerald tints; I got a large quantity; having first detected one of its wing…cases ornamenting the outside of a native's tobacco pouch。 It was quite a new species; and had not been found elsewhere than on this little island。 It is one of the Buprestidae; and has been named Cyphogastra calepyga。

Each morning after an early breakfast I wandered by myself into the forest; where I found delightful occupation in capturing the large and handsome butterflies; which were tolerably abundant; and most of them new to me; for I was now upon the confines of the Moluccas and New Guinea;a region the productions of which were then among the most precious and rare in the cabinets of Europe。 Here my eyes were feasted for the first time with splendid scarlet lories on the wing; as well as by the sight of that most imperial butterfly; the 〃Priamus 〃of collectors; or a closely allied species; but flying so high that I did not succeed in capturing a specimen。 One of them was brought me in a bamboo; bored up with a lot of beetles; and of course torn to pieces。 The principal drawback of the place for a collector is the want of good paths; and the dreadfully rugged character of the surface; requiring the attention to be so continually directed to securing a footing; as to make it very difficult to capture active winged things; who pass out of reach while one is glancing to see that the next step may not plunge one into a chasm or over a precipice。 Another inconvenience is that there are no running streams; the rock being of so porous a nature that the surface… wate
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