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the malay archipelago-2-第12章

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t; feeds on fallen fruits; and roosts in low trees like other ground pigeons。 The majority of the individuals; therefore; can never make full use of their enormously powerful wings; till the exceptional case occurs of an individual being blown out to sea; or driven to emigrate by the incursion of some carnivorous animal; or the pressure of scarcity of food。 A modification exactly opposite to that which produced the wingless birds (the Apteryx; Cassowary; and Dodo); appears to have here taken place; and it is curious that in both cases an insular habitat should have been the moving cause。 The explanation is probably the same as that applied by Mr。 Darwin to the case of the Madeira beetles; many of which are wingless; while some of the winged ones have the wings better developed than the same species on the continent。 It was advantageous to these insects either never to fly at all; and thus not run the risk of being blown out to sea; or to fly so well as to he able either to return to land; or to migrate safely to the continent。 Pad flying was worse than not flying at all。 So; while in such islands as New Zealand and Mauritius far from all land; it vas safer for a ground…feeding bird not to fly at all; and the short…winged individuals continually surviving; prepared the way for a wingless group of birds; in a vast Archipelago thickly strewn with islands and islets it was advantageous to be able occasionally to migrate; arid thus the long and strong…winged varieties maintained their existence longest; and ultimately supplanted all others; and spread the race over the whole Archipelago。

Besides this pigeon; the only new bird I obtained during the trip was a rare goat…sucker (Batrachostomus crinifrons); the only species of the genus yet found in the Moluccas。 Among my insects the best were the rare Pieris arum; of a rich chrome yellow colour; with a black border and remarkable white antennaperhaps the very finest butterfly of the genus; and a large black wasp… like insect; with immense jaws like a stag…beetle; which has been named Megachile Pluto by Mr。 B。 Smith。 I collected about a hundred species of beetles quite new to me; but mostly very minute; and also many rare and handsome ones which I had already found in Batchian。 On the whole I was tolerably satisfied with my seventeen days' excursion; which was a very agreeable one; and enabled me to sea a good deal of the island。 I had hired a roomy boat; and brought with me a small table and my rattan chair。 These were great comforts; as; wherever there was a roof; I could immediately instal myself; and work and eat at ease。 When I could not find accommodation on shore I slept in the boat; which was always drawn up on the beach if we stayed for a few days at one spot。

On my return to Batchian I packed up my collections; and prepared for my return to Ternate。 When I first came I had sent back my boat by the pilot; with two or three other men who had been glad of the opportunity。 I now took advantage of a Government boat which had just arrived with rice for the troops; and obtained permission to return in her; and accordingly started on the 13th of April; having resided only a week short of six months on the island of Batchian。 The boat was one of the kind called 〃Kora… kora;〃 quite open; very low; and about four tons burthen。 It had outriggers of bamboo about five feet off each side; which supported a bamboo platform extending the whole length of the vessel。 On the extreme outside of this sit the twenty rowers; while within was a convenient passage fore and aft。 The middle portion of the boat was covered with a thatch…house; in which baggage and passengers are stowed; the gunwale was not more than a foot above water; and from the great top and side weight; and general clumsiness; these boats are dangerous in heavy weather; and are not unfrequently lost。 A triangle mast and mat sail carried us on when the wind was favourable;which (as usual) it never was; although; according to the monsoon; it ought to have been。 Our water; carried in bamboos; would only last two days; and as the voyage occupied seven; we had to touch at a great many places。 The captain was not very energetic; and the men rowed as little as they pleased; or we might have reached Ternate in three days; having had fine weather and little wind all the way。

There were several passengers besides myself: three or four Javanese soldiers; two convicts whose time had expired (one; curiously enough; being the man who had stolen my cash…box and keys); the schoolmaster's wife and a servant going on a visit to Ternate; and a Chinese trader going to buy goods。 We had to sleep all together in the cabin; packed pretty close; but they very civilly allowed me plenty of room for my mattrass; and we got on very well together。 There was a little cookhouse in the bows; where we could boil our rice and make our coffee; every one of course bringing his own provisions; and arranging his meal…times as he found most convenient。 The passage would have been agreeable enough but for the dreadful 〃tom…toms;〃 or wooden drums; which are beaten incessantly while the men are rowing。 Two men were engaged constantly at them; making a fearful din the whole voyage。 The rowers are men sent by the Sultan of Ternate。 They get about threepence a day; and find their own provisions。 Each man had a strong wooden 〃betel〃 box; on which he generally sat; a sleeping…mat; and a change of clothesrowing naked; with only a sarong or a waistcloth。 They sleep in their places; covered with their mat; which keeps out the rain pretty well。 They chew betel or smoke cigarettes incessantly; eat dry sago and a little salt fish; seldom sing while rowing; except when excited and wanting to reach a stopping…place; and do not talk a great deal。 They are mostly Malays; with a sprinkling of Alfuros from Gilolo; and Papuans from Guebe or Waigiou。

One afternoon we stayed at Makian; many of the men went on shore; and a great deal of plantains; bananas; and other fruits were brought on board。 We then went on a little way; and in the evening anchored again。 When going to bed for the night; I put out my candle; there being still a glimmering lamp burning; and; missing my handkerchief; thought I saw it on a box which formed one side of my bed; and put out my hand to take it。 I quickly drew back on feeling something cool and very smooth; which moved as I touched it。 〃Bring the light; quick;〃 I cried; 〃here's a snake。〃 And there he was; sure enough; nicely coiled up; with his head just raised to inquire who had disturbed him。 It was mow necessary to catch or kill him neatly; or he would escape among the piles of miscellaneous luggage; and we should hardly sleep comfortably。 One of the ex…convicts volunteered to catch him with his hand wrapped up in a cloth; but from the way he went about it I saw he was nervous and would let the thing go; so I would mot allow him to make the attempt。 I them got a chopping…knife; and carefully moving my insect nets; which hung just over the snake and prevented me getting a free blow; I cut him quietly across the back; holding him down while my boy with another knife crushed his head。 On examination; I found he had large poison fangs; and it is a wonder he did not bite me when I first touched him。

Thinking it very unlikely that two snakes had got on board at the same time; I turned in and went to sleep; but having all the time a vague dreamy idea that I might put my hand on another one; I lay wonderfully still; not turning over once all night; quite the reverse of my usual habits。 The next day we reached Ternate; and I ensconced myself in my comfortable house; to examine all my treasures; and pack them securely for the voyage home。



(OCTOBER 1859 To JUNE 1860。)

I LEFT Amboyna for my first visit to Ceram at three o'clock in the morning of October 29th; after having been delayed several days by the boat's crew; who could not be got together。 Captain Van der Beck; who gave me a passage in his boat; had been running after them all day; and at midnight we had to search for two of my men who had disappeared at the last moment。 One we found at supper in his own house; and rather tipsy with his parting
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