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tanglewood tales-第8章

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l's roar; and withal so like a human voice; and yet like neither of them; that the brave heart of Theseus grew sterner and angrier at every step; for he felt it an insult to the moon and sky; and to our affectionate and simple Mother Earth; that such a monster should have the audacity to exist。

As he passed onward; the clouds gathered over the moon; and the labyrinth grew so dusky that Theseus could no longer discern the bewilderment through which he was passing。 He would have left quite lost; and utterly hopeless of ever again walking in a straight path; if; every little while; he had not been conscious of a gentle twitch at the silken cord。 Then he knew that the tender…hearted Ariadne was still holding the other end; and that she was fearing for him; and hoping for him; and giving him just as much of her sympathy as if she were close by his side。 O; indeed; I can assure you; there was a vast deal of human sympathy running along that slender thread of silk。 But still he followed the dreadful roar of the Minotaur; which now grew louder and louder; and finally so very loud that Theseus fully expected to come close upon him; at every new zizgag and wriggle of the path。 And at last; in an open space; at the very center of the labyrinth; he did discern the hideous creature。

Sure enough; what an ugly monster it was! Only his horned head belonged to a bull; and yet; somehow or other; he looked like a bull all over; preposterously waddling on his hind legs; or; if you happened to view him in another way; he seemed wholly a man; and all the more monstrous for being so。 And there he was; the wretched thing; with no society; no companion; no kind of a mate; living only to do mischief; and incapable of knowing what affection means。 Theseus hated him; and shuddered at him; and yet could not but be sensible of some sort of pity; and all the more; the uglier and more detestable the creature was。 For he kept striding to and fro; in a solitary frenzy of rage; continually emitting a hoarse roar; which was oddly mixed up with half…shaped words; and; after listening a while; Theseus understood that the Minotaur was saying to himself how miserable he was; and how hungry; and how he hated everybody; and how he longed to eat up the human race alive。

Ah! the bull…headed villain! And O; my good little people; you will perhaps see; one of these days; as I do now; that every human being who suffers any thing evil to get into his nature; or to remain there; is a kind of Minotaur; an enemy of his fellow…creatures; and separated from all good companionship; as this poor monster was。

Was Theseus afraid? By no means; my dear auditors。 What! a hero like Theseus afraid; Not had the Minotaur had twenty bull…heads instead of one。 Bold as he was; however; I rather fancy that it strengthened his valiant heart; just at this crisis; to feel a tremulous twitch at the silken cord; which he was still holding in his left hand。 It was as if Ariadne were giving him all her might and courage; and much as he already had; and little as she had to give; it made his own seem twice as much。 And to confess the honest truth; he needed the whole; for now the Minotaur; turning suddenly about; caught sight of Theseus; and instantly lowered his horribly sharp horns; exactly as a mad bull does when he means to rush against an enemy。 At the same time; he belched forth a tremendous roar; in which there was something like the words of human language; but all disjointed and shaken to pieces by passing through the gullet of a miserably enraged brute。

Theseus could only guess what the creature intended to say; and that rather by his gestures than his words; for the Minotaur's horns were sharper than his wits; and of a great deal more service to him than his tongue。 But probably this was the sense of what he uttered:

〃Ah; wretch of a human being! I'll stick my horns through you; and toss you fifty feet high; and eat you up the moment you come down。〃

〃Come on; then; and try it!〃 was all that Theseus deigned to reply; for he was far too magnanimous to assault his enemy with insolent language。

Without more words on either side; there ensued the most awful fight between Theseus and the Minotaur that ever happened beneath the sun or moon。 I really know not how it might have turned out; if the monster; in his first headlong rush against Theseus; had not missed him; by a hair's breadth; and broken one of his horns short off against the stone wall。 On this mishap; he bellowed so intolerably that a part of the labyrinth tumbled down; and all the inhabitants of Crete mistook the noise for an uncommonly heavy thunder storm。 Smarting with the pain; he galloped around the open space in so ridiculous a way that Theseus laughed at it; long afterwards; though not precisely at the moment。 After this; the two antagonists stood valiantly up to one another; and fought; sword to horn; for a long while。 At last; the Minotaur made a run at Theseus; grazed his left side with his horn; and flung him down; and thinking that he had stabbed him to the heart; he cut a great caper in the air; opened his bull mouth from ear to ear; and prepared to snap his head off。 But Theseus by this time had leaped up; and caught the monster off his guard。 Fetching a sword stroke at him with all his force; he hit him fair upon the neck; and made his bull head skip six yards from his human body; which fell down flat upon the ground。

So now the battle was ended。 Immediately the moon shone out as brightly as if all the troubles of the world; and all the wickedness and the ugliness that infest human life; were past and gone forever。 And Theseus; as he leaned on his sword; taking breath; felt another twitch of the silken cord; for all through the terrible encounter; he had held it fast in his left hand。 Eager to let Ariadne know of his success; he followed the guidance of the thread; and soon found himself at the entrance of the labyrinth。

〃Thou hast slain the monster;〃 cried Ariadne; clasping her hands。

〃Thanks to thee; dear Ariadne;〃 answered Theseus; 〃I return victorious。〃

〃Then;〃 said Ariadne; 〃we must quickly summon thy friends; and get them and thyself on board the vessel before dawn。 If morning finds thee here; my father will avenge the Minotaur。〃

To make my story short; the poor captives were awakened; and; hardly knowing whether it was not a joyful dream; were told of what Theseus had done; and that they must set sail for Athens before daybreak。 Hastening down to the vessel; they all clambered on board; except Prince Theseus; who lingered behind them on the strand; holding Ariadne's hand clasped in his own。

〃Dear maiden;〃 said he; 〃thou wilt surely go with us。 Thou art too gentle and sweet a child for such an iron…hearted father as King Minos。 He cares no more for thee than a granite rock cares for the little flower that grows in one of its crevices。 But my father; King Aegeus; and my dear mother; Aethra; and all the fathers and mothers in Athens; and all the sons and daughters too; will love and honor thee as their benefactress。 Come with us; then; for King Minos will be very angry when he knows what thou hast done。〃

Now; some low…minded people; who pretend to tell the story of Theseus and Ariadne; have the face to say that this royal and honorable maiden did really flee away; under cover of the night; with the young stranger whose life she had preserved。 They say; too; that Prince Theseus (who would have died sooner than wrong the meanest creature in the world) ungratefully deserted Ariadne; on a solitary island; where the vessel touched on its voyage to Athens。 But; had the noble Theseus heard these falsehoods; he would have served their slanderous authors as he served the Minotaur! Here is what Ariadne answered; when the brave prince of Athens besought her to accompany him:

〃No; Theseus;〃 the maiden said; pressing his hand; and then drawing back a step or two; 〃I cannot go with you。 My father is old; and has nobody but myself to love him。 Hard as you think his heart is; it would break to lose me。 At first; King Minos will be angry; but he will soon forgive his only child; and; by and by; he will rejoice; I know; that no more youths and maidens must come from Athens to be devoured by the 
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