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tanglewood tales-第45章

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 to make haste; disappeared among the duskiness of the trees。 Espying the two winged sons of the North Wind (who were disporting themselves in the moonlight; a few hundred feet aloft); Jason bade them tell the rest of the Argonauts to embark as speedily as possible。 But Lynceus; with his sharp eyes; had already caught a glimpse of him; bringing the Golden Fleece; although several stone walls; a hill; and the black shadows of the Grove of Mars; intervened between。 By his advice; the heroes had seated themselves on the benches of the galley; with their oars held perpendicularly; ready to let fall into the water。

As Jason drew near; he heard the Talking Image calling to him with more than ordinary eagerness; in its grave; sweet voice:

〃Make haste; Prince Jason! For your life; make haste!〃

With one bound; he leaped aboard。 At sight of the glorious radiance of the Golden Fleece; the nine and forty heroes gave a mighty shout; and Orpheus; striking his harp; sang a song of triumph; to the cadence of which the galley flew over the water; homeward bound; as if careering along with wings!

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