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tanglewood tales-第4章

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 a person to let them steal away his father's crown and scepter; which ought to be his own by right of inheritance。 Thus these bad…hearted nephews of King Aegeus; who were the own cousins of Theseus; at once became his enemies。 A still more dangerous enemy was Medea; the wicked enchantress; for she was now the king's wife; and wanted to give the kingdom to her son Medus; instead of letting it be given to the son of Aethra; whom she hated。

It so happened that the king's nephews met Theseus; and found out who he was; just as he reached the entrance of the royal palace。 With all their evil designs against him; they pretended to be their cousin's best friends; and expressed great joy at making his。acquaintance。 They proposed to him that he should come into the king's presence as a stranger; in order to try whether Aegeus would discover in the young man's features any likeness either to himself or his mother Aethra; and thus recognize him for a son。 Theseus consented; for he fancied that his father would know him in a moment; by the love that was in his heart。 But; while he waited at the door; the nephews ran and told King Aegeus that a young man had arrived in Athens; who; to their certain knowledge; intended to put him to death; and get possession of his royal crown。

〃And he is now waiting for admission to your majesty's presence;〃 added they。

〃Aha!〃 cried the old king; on hearing this。 〃Why; he must be a very wicked young fellow indeed! Pray; what would you advise me to do with him? 〃

In reply to this question; the wicked Medea put in her word。 As I have already told you; she was a famous enchantress。 According to some stories; she was in the habit of boiling old people in a large caldron; under pretense of making them young again; but King Aegeus; I suppose; did not fancy such an uncomfortable way of growing young; or perhaps was contented to be old; and therefore would never let himself be popped into the caldron。 If there were time to spare from more important matters; I should be glad to tell you of Medea's fiery chariot; drawn by winged dragons; in which the enchantress used often to take an airing among the clouds。 This chariot; in fact; was the vehicle that first brought her to Athens; where she had done nothing but mischief ever since her arrival。 But these and many other wonders must be left untold; and it is enough to say; that Medea; amongst a thousand other bad things; knew how to prepare a poison; that was instantly fatal to whomsoever might so much as touch it with his lips。

So; when the king asked what he should do with Theseus; this naughty woman had an answer ready at her tongue's end。

〃Leave that to me; please your majesty;〃 she replied。 〃Only admit this evil…minded young man to your presence; treat him civilly; and invite him to drink a goblet of wine。 Your majesty is well aware that I sometimes amuse myself by distilling very powerful medicines。 Here is one of them in this small phial。 As to what it is made of; that is one of my secrets of state。 Do but let me put a single drop into the goblet; and let the young man taste it; and I will answer for it; he shall quite lay aside the bad designs with which he comes hither。〃

As she said this; Medea smiled; but; for all her smiling face; she meant nothing less than to poison the poor innocent Theseus; before his father's eyes。 And King Aegeus; like most other kings; thought any punishment mild enough for a person who was accused of plotting against his life。 He therefore made little or no objection to Medea's scheme; and as soon as the poisonous wine was ready; gave orders that the young stranger should be admitted into his presence。

The goblet was set on a table beside the king's throne; and a fly; meaning just to sip a little from the brim; immediately tumbled into it; dead。 Observing this; Medea looked round at the nephews; and smiled again。

When Theseus was ushered into the royal apartment; the only object that he seemed to behold was the white…bearded old king。 There he sat on his magnificent throne; a dazzling crown on his head; and a scepter in his hand。 His aspect was stately and majestic; although his years and infirmities weighed heavily upon him; as if each year were a lump of lead; and each infirmity a ponderous stone; and all were bundled up together; and laid upon his weary shoulders。 The tears both of joy and sorrow sprang into the young man's eyes; for he thought how sad it was to see his dear father so infirm; and how sweet it would be to support him with his own youthful strength; and to cheer him up with the alacrity of his loving spirit。 When a son takes a father into his warm heart it renews the old man's youth in a better way than by the heat of Medea's magic caldron。 And this was what Theseus resolved to do。 He could scarcely wait to see whether King Aegeus would recognize him; so eager was he to throw himself into his arms。

Advancing to the foot of the throne; he attempted to make a little speech; which he had been thinking about; as he came up the stairs。 But he was almost choked by a great many tender feelings that gushed out of his heart and swelled into his throat; all struggling to find utterance together。 And therefore; unless he could have laid his full; over… brimming heart into the king's hand; poor Theseus knew not what to do or say。 The cunning Medea observed what was passing in the young man's mind。 She was more wicked at that moment than ever she had been before; for (and it makes me tremble to tell you of it) she did her worst to turn all this unspeakable love with which Theseus was agitated to his own ruin and destruction。

〃Does your majesty see his confusion?〃 she whispered in the king's ear。 〃He is so conscious of guilt; that he trembles and cannot speak。 The wretch lives too long! Quick! offer him the wine!〃

Now King Aegeus had been gazing earnestly at the young stranger; as he drew near the throne。 There was something; he knew not what; either in his white brow; or in the fine expression of his mouth; or in his beautiful and tender eyes; that made him indistinctly feel as if he had seen this youth before; as if; indeed; he had trotted him on his knee when a baby; and had beheld him growing to be a stalwart man; while he himself grew old。 But Medea guessed how the king felt; and would not suffer him to yield to these natural sensibilities; although they were the voice of his deepest heart; telling him as plainly as it could speak; that here was our dear son; and Aethra's son; coming to claim him for a father。 The enchantress again whispered in the king's ear; and compelled him; by her witchcraft; to see everything under a false aspect。

He made up his mind; therefore; to let Theseus drink off the poisoned wine。

〃Young man;〃 said he; 〃you are welcome! I am proud to show hospitality to so heroic a youth。 Do me the favor to drink the contents of this goblet。 It is brimming over; as you see; with delicious wine; such as I bestow only on those who are worthy of it! None is more worthy to quaff it than yourself!〃

So saying; King Aegeus took the golden goblet from the table; and was about to offer it to Theseus。 But; partly through his infirmities; and partly because it seemed so sad a thing to take away this young man's life。 however wicked he might be; and partly; no doubt; because his heart was wiser than his head; and quaked within him at the thought of what he was going to dofor all these reasons; the king's hand trembled so much that a great deal of the wine slopped over。 In order to strengthen his purpose; and fearing lest the whole of the precious poison should be wasted; one of his nephews now whispered to him:

〃Has your Majesty any doubt of this stranger's guilt? This is the very sword with which he meant to slay you。 How sharp; and bright; and terrible it is! Quick!let him taste the wine; or perhaps he may do the deed even yet。〃

At these words; Aegeus drove every thought and feeling out of his breast; except the one idea of how justly the young man deserved to be put to death。 He sat erect on his throne; and held out the goblet of wine with a steady hand; and bent on Theseus a frown of kingly severity; for; after all; he had too noble a spirit to murder even a treacherous enemy 
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