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tanglewood tales-第3章

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ferns and wild flowers; some of which crept quite over its surface。 To all appearance; the rock was as firmly fastened as any other portion of the earth's substance。

But; difficult as the matter looked; Theseus was now growing up to be such a vigorous youth; that; in his own opinion; the time would quickly come when he might hope to get the upper hand of this ponderous lump of stone。

〃Mother; I do believe it has started!〃 cried he; after one of his attempts。 〃The earth around it is certainly a little cracked!〃

〃No; no; child!〃 his mother hastily answered。 〃It is not possible you can have moved it; such a boy as you still are!〃

Nor would she be convinced; although Theseus showed her the place where he fancied that the stem of a flower had been partly uprooted by the movement of the rock。 But Aethra sighed; and looked disquieted; for; no doubt; she began to be conscious that her son was no longer a child; and that; in a little while hence; she must send him forth among the perils and troubles of the world。

It was not more than a year afterwards when they were again sitting on the moss…covered stone。 Aethra had once more told him the oft…repeated story of his father; and how gladly he would receive Theseus at his stately palace; and how he would present him to his courtiers and the people; and tell them that here was the heir of his dominions。 The eyes of Theseus glowed with enthusiasm; and he would hardly sit still to hear his mother speak。

〃Dear mother Aethra;〃 he exclaimed; 〃I never felt half so strong as now! I am no longer a child; nor a boy; nor a mere youth! I feel myself a man! It is now time to make one earnest trial to remove the stone。〃

〃Ah; my dearest Theseus;〃 replied his mother 〃not yet! not yet!〃

〃Yes; mother;〃 said he; resolutely; 〃the time has come!〃

Then Theseus bent himself in good earnest to the task; and strained every sinew; with manly strength and resolution。 He put his whole brave heart into the effort。 He wrestled with the big and sluggish stone; as if it had been a living enemy。 He heaved; he lifted; he resolved now to succeed; or else to perish there; and let the rock be his monument forever! Aethra stood gazing at him; and clasped her hands; partly with a mother's pride; and partly with a mother's sorrow。 The great rock stirred! Yes; it was raised slowly from the bedded moss and earth; uprooting the shrubs and flowers along with it; and was turned upon its side。 Theseus had conquered!

While taking breath; he looked joyfully at his mother; and she smiled upon him through her tears。

〃Yes; Theseus;〃 she said; 〃the time has come; and you must stay no longer at my side! See what King Aegeus; your royal father; left for you beneath the stone; when he lifted it in his mighty arms; and laid it on the spot whence you have now removed it。〃

Theseus looked; and saw that the rock had been placed over another slab of stone; containing a cavity within it; so that it somewhat resembled a roughly…made chest or coffer; of which the upper mass had served as the lid。 Within the cavity lay a sword; with a golden hilt; and a pair of sandals。

〃That was your father's sword;〃 said Aethra; 〃and those were his sandals。 When he went to be king of Athens; he bade me treat you as a child until you should prove yourself a man by lifting this heavy stone。 That task being accomplished; you are to put on his sandals; in order to follow in your father's footsteps; and to gird on his sword; so that you may fight giants and dragons; as King Aegeus did in his youth。〃

〃I will set out for Athens this very day!〃 cried Theseus。

But his mother persuaded him to stay a day or two longer; while she got ready some necessary articles for his journey。 When his grandfather; the wise King Pittheus; heard that Theseus intended to present himself at his father's palace; he earnestly advised him to get on board of a vessel; and go by sea; because he might thus arrive within fifteen miles of Athens; without either fatigue or danger。

〃The roads are very bad by land;〃 quoth the venerable king; 〃and they are terribly infested with robbers and monsters。 A mere lad; like Theseus; is not fit to be trusted on such a perilous journey; all by himself。 No; no; let him go by sea。〃

But when Theseus heard of robbers and monsters; he pricked up his ears; and was so much the more eager to take the road along which they were to be met with。 On the third day; therefore; he bade a respectful farewell to his grandfather; thanking him for all his kindness; and; after affectionately embracing his mother; he set forth with a good many of her tears glistening on his cheeks; and some; if the truth must be told; that had gushed out of his own eyes。 But he let the sun and wind dry them; and walked stoutly on; playing with the golden hilt of his sword; and taking very manly strides in his father's sandals。

I cannot stop to tell you hardly any of the adventures that befell Theseus on the road to Athens。 It is enough to say; that he quite cleared that part of the country of the robbers about whom King Pittheus had been so much alarmed。 One of these bad people was named Procrustes; and he was indeed a terrible fellow; and had an ugly way of making fun of the poor travelers who happened to fall into his clutches。 In his cavern he had a bed; on which; with great pretense of hospitality; he invited his guests to lie down; but; if they happened to be shorter than the bed; this wicked villain stretched them out by main force; or; if they were too tall; he lopped off their heads or feet; and laughed at what he had done; as an excellent joke。 Thus; however weary a man might be; he never liked to lie in the bed of Procrustes。 Another of these robbers; named Scinis; must likewise have been a very great scoundrel。 He was in the habit of flinging his victims off a high cliff into the sea; and; in order to give him exactly his deserts; Theseus tossed him off the very same place。 But if you will believe me; the sea would not pollute itself by receiving such a bad person into its bosom; neither would the earth; having once got rid of him; consent to take him back; so that; between the cliff and the sea; Scinis stuck fast in the air; which was forced to bear the burden of his naughtiness。

After these memorable deeds; Theseus heard of an enormous sow; which ran wild; and was the terror of all the farmers round about; and; as he did not consider himself above doing any good thing that came in his way; he killed this monstrous creature; and gave the carcass to the poor people for bacon。 The great sow had been an awful beast; while ramping about the woods and fields; but was a pleasant object enough when cut up into joints; and smoking on I know not how many dinner tables。

Thus; by the time he reached his journey's end; Theseus had done many valiant feats with his father's golden…hilled sword; and had gained the renown of being one of the bravest young men of the day。 His fame traveled faster than he did; and reached Athens before him。 As he entered the city; he heard the inhabitants talking at the street corners; and saying that Hercules was brave; and Jason too; and Castor and Pollux likewise; but that Theseus; the son of their own king; would turn out as great a hero as the best of them。 Theseus took longer strides on hearing this; and fancied himself sure of a magnificent reception at his father's court; since he came thither with Fame to blow her trumpet before him; and cry to King Aegeus; 〃Behold your son!〃

He little suspected; innocent youth that he was; that here; in this very Athens; where his father reigned; a greater danger awaited him than any which he had encountered on the road。 Yet this was the truth。 You must understand that the father of Theseus; though not very old in years; was almost worn out with the cares of government; and had thus grown aged before his time。 His nephews; not expecting him to live a very great while; intended to get all the power of the kingdom into their own hands。 But when they heard that Theseus had arrived in Athens; and learned what a gallant young man he was; they saw that he would not be at all the kind of a person to let them steal away his father's crown and scepter; which ought to be his own by right 
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