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tanglewood tales-第12章

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pon the ground; I am five hundred times stronger! I am ashamed to kill such a puny little dwarf as you seem to be。 I will make a slave of you; and you shall likewise be the slave of my brethren here; the Pygmies。 So throw down your club and your other weapons; and as for that lion's skin; I intend to have a pair of gloves made of it。〃

〃Come and take it off my shoulders; then;〃 answered Hercules; lifting his club。

Then the Giant; grinning with rage; strode tower…like towards the stranger (ten times strengthened at every step); and fetched a monstrous blow at him with his pine tree; which Hercules caught upon his club; and being more skilful than Antaeus; he paid him back such a rap upon the sconce; that down tumbled the great lumbering man…mountain; flat upon the ground。 The poor little Pygmies (who really never dreamed that anybody in the world was half so strong as their brother Antaeus) were a good deal dismayed at this。 But no sooner was the Giant down; than up he bounced again; with tenfold might; and such a furious visage as was horrible to behold。 He aimed another blow at Hercules; but struck awry; being blinded with wrath; and only hit his poor innocent Mother Earth; who groaned and trembled at the stroke。 His pine tree went so deep into the ground; and stuck there so fast; that; before Antaeus could get it out; Hercules brought down his club across his shoulders with a mighty thwack; which made the Giant roar as if ali sorts of intolerable noises had come screeching and rumbling out of his immeasurable lungs in that one cry。 Away it went; over mountains and valleys; and; for aught I know; was heard on the other side of the African deserts。

As for the Pygmies; their capital city was laid in ruins by the concussion and vibration of the air; and; though there was uproar enough without their help; they all set up a shriek out of three millions of little throats; fancying; no doubt; that they swelled the Giant's bellow by at least ten times as much。 Meanwhile; Antaeus had scrambled upon his feet again; and pulled his pine tree out of the earth; and; all aflame with fury; and more outrageously strong than ever; he ran at Hercules; and brought down another blow。

〃This time; rascal;〃 shouted he; 〃you shall not escape me。〃

But once more Hercules warded off the stroke with his club; and the Giant's pine tree was shattered into a thousand splinters; most of which flew among the Pygmies; and did them more mischief than I like to think about。 Before Antaeus could get out of the way; Hercules let drive again; and gave him another knock… down blow; which sent him heels over head; but served only to increase his already enormous and insufferable strength。 As for his rage; there is no telling what a fiery furnace it had now got to be。 His one eye was nothing but a circle of red flame。 Having now no weapons but his fists; he doubled them up (each bigger than a hogshead); smote one against the other; and danced up and down with absolute frenzy; flourishing his immense arms about; as if he meant not merely to kill Hercules; but to smash the whole world to pieces。

〃Come on!〃 roared this thundering Giant。 〃Let me hit you but one box on the ear; and you'll never have the headache again。〃

Now Hercules (though strong enough; as you already know; to hold the sky up) began to be sensible that he should never win the victory; if he kept on knocking Antaeus down; for; by and by; if he hit him such hard blows; the Giant would inevitably; by the help of his Mother Earth; become stronger than the mighty Hercules himself。 So; throwing down his club; with which he had fought so many dreadful battles; the hero stood ready to receive his antagonist with naked arms。

〃Step forward;〃 cried he。 〃Since I've broken your pine tree; we'll try which is the better man at a wrestling match。〃

〃Aha! then I'll soon satisfy you;〃 shouted the Giant; for; if there was one thing on which he prided himself more than another; it was his skill in wrestling。 〃Villain; I'll fling you where you can never pick yourself up again。〃

On came Antaeus; hopping and capering with the scorching heat of his rage; and getting new vigor wherewith to wreak his passion; every time he hopped。

But Hercules; you must understand; was wiser than this numskull of a Giant; and had thought of a way to fight himhuge; earth…born monster that he wasand to conquer him too; in spite of all that his Mother Earth could do for him。 Watching his opportunity; as the mad Giant made a rush at him; Hercules caught him round the middle with both hands; lifted him high into the air; and held him aloft overhead。

Just imagine it; my dear little friends。 What a spectacle it must have been; to see this monstrous fellow sprawling in the air; face downwards; kicking out his long legs and wriggling his whole vast body; like a baby when its father holds it at arm's length towards the ceiling。

But the most wonderful thing was; that; as soon as Antaeus was fairly off the earth; he began to lose the vigor which he had gained by touching it。 Hercules very soon perceived that his troublesome enemy was growing weaker; both because he struggled and kicked with less violence; and because the thunder of his big voice subsided into a grumble。 The truth was that unless the Giant touched Mother Earth as often as once in five minutes; not only his overgrown strength; but the very breath of his life; would depart from him。 Hercules had guessed this secret; and it may be well for us all to remember it; in case we should ever have to fight a battle with a fellow like Antaeus。 For these earth…born creatures are only difficult to conquer on their own ground; but may easily be managed if we can contrive to lift them into a loftier and purer region。 So it proved with the poor Giant; whom I am really a little sorry for; notwithstanding his uncivil way of treating strangers who came to visit him。

When his strength and breath were quite gone; Hercules gave his huge body a toss; and flung it about a mile off; where it fell heavily; and lay with no more motion than a sand hill。 It was too late for the Giant's Mother Earth to help him now; and I should not wonder if his ponderous bones were lying on the same spot to this very day; and were mistaken for those of an uncommonly large elephant。

But; alas me! What a wailing did the poor little Pygmies set up when they saw their enormous brother treated in this terrible manner! If Hercules heard their shrieks; however; he took no notice; and perhaps fancied them only the shrill; plaintive twittering of small birds that had been frightened from their nests by the uproar of the battle between himself and Antaeus。 Indeed; his thoughts had been so much taken up with the Giant; that he had never once looked at the Pygmies; nor even knew that there was such a funny little nation in the world。 And now; as he had traveled a good way; and was also rather weary with his exertions in the fight; he spread out his lion's skin on the ground; and; reclining himself upon it; fell fast asleep。

As soon as the Pygmies saw Hercules preparing for a nap; they nodded their little heads at one another; and winked with their little eyes。 And when his deep; regular breathing gave them notice that he was asleep; they assembled together in an immense crowd; spreading over a space of about twenty…seven feet square。 One of their most eloquent orators (and a valiant warrior enough; besides; though hardly so good at any other weapon as he was with his tongue) climbed upon a toadstool; and; from that elevated position; addressed the multitude。 His sentiments were pretty much as follows; or; at all events; something like this was probably the upshot of his speech:

〃Tall Pygmies and mighty little men! You and all of us have seen what a public calamity has been brought to pass; and what an insult has here been offered to the majesty of our nation。 Yonder lies Antaeus; our great friend and brother; slain; within our territory; by a miscreant who took him at disadvantage; and fought him (if fighting it can be called) in a way that neither man; nor Giant; nor Pygmy ever dreamed of fighting; until this hour。 And; adding a grievous contumely to the wrong already done us; the miscreant has now fallen as
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