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bells for the necks of camels; and as they descended deeper into the

rocky foundation; it became evident that the whole mass was a

veritable honeycomb of cells; and that below those already seen were

many others。

Vitellius; Phineas; his interpreter; and Sisenna; chief of the

publicans; walked among these gloomy cells; attended by three eunuchs

bearing torches。

In the deep shadows hideous instruments; invented by barbarians; could

be seen: tomahawks studded with nails; poisoned javelins; pincers

resembling the jaws of crocodiles; in short; the tetrarch possessed in

his castle munitions of war sufficient for forty thousand men。

He had accumulated these weapons in anticipation of an alliance

against him among his enemies。 But he bethought him that the proconsul

might believe; or assert; that he had collected this armoury in order

to attack the Romans; so he hastened to offer explanations of all that

Vitellius had observed。

Some of these things did not belong to him at all; he said: many of

them were necessary to defend the place against brigands and

marauders; especially the Arabs。 Many of the objects in the vault had

been the property of his father; and he had allowed them to remain

untouched。 As he spoke; he managed to get in advance of the proconsul

and preceded him along the corridors with rapid steps。 Presently he

halted and stood close against the wall as the party came up; he spoke

quickly; standing with his hands on his hips; so that his voluminous

mantle covered a wide space of the wall behind him。 But just above his

head the top of a door was visible。 Vitellius remarked it instantly;

and demanded to know what it concealed。

The tetrarch explained that the door was fastened; and that none could

open it save the Babylonian; Jacim。

〃Summon him; then!〃 was the command。

A slave was sent to find Jacim; while the group awaited his coming。

The father of Jacim had come from the banks of the Euphrates to offer

his services; as well as those of five hundred horsemen; in the

defence of the eastern frontier。 After the division of the kingdom;

Jacim had lived for a time with Philip; and was now in the service of


Presently he appeared among the vaults; carrying an archer's bow on

his shoulder and a whip in his hand。 Cords of many colours were lashed

tightly about his knotted legs; his massive arms were thrust through a

sleeveless tunic; and a fur cap shaded his face。 His chin was covered

with a heavy; curling beard。

He appeared not to comprehend what the interpreter said to him at

first。 But Vitellius threw a meaning glance at Antipas; who quickly

made the Babylonian understand the command of the proconsul。 Jacim

immediately laid both his hands against the door; giving it a powerful

shove; whereupon it quietly slid out of sight into the wall。

A wave of hot air surged from the depths of the cavern。 A winding path

descended and turned abruptly。 The group followed it; and soon arrived

at the threshold of a kind of grotto; somewhat larger than the other

subterranean cells。

An arched window at the back of this chamber gave directly upon a

precipice; which formed a defence for one side of the castle。 A

honeysuckle vine; cramped by the low…studded ceiling; blossomed

bravely。 The sound of a running stream could be heard distinctly。 In

this place was a great number of beautiful white horses; perhaps a

hundred。 They were eating barley from a plank placed on a level with

their mouths。 Their manes had been coloured a deep blue; their hoofs

were wrapped in coverings of woven grass; and the hair between their

ears was puffed out like a peruke。 As they stood quietly eating; they

switched their tails gently to and fro。 The proconsul regarded them in

silent admiration。

They were indeed wonderful animals; supple as serpents; light as

birds。 They were trained to gallop rapidly; following the arrow of the

rider; and dash into the midst of a group of the enemy; overturning

men and biting them savagely as they fell。 They were sure…footed among

rocky passes; and would jump fearlessly over yawning chasms; and;

while ready to gallop across the plains a whole day without tiring;

they would stop instantly at the command of the rider。

As soon as Jacim entered their quarters; they trotted up to him; as

sheep crowd around the shepherd; and; thrusting forward their sleek

necks; they looked at him with a gaze like that of inquiring children。

From force of habit; he emitted a raucous cry; which excited them;

they pranced about; impatient at their confinement and longing to run。

Antipas; fearing that if Vitellius knew of the existence of these

creatures; he would take them away; had shut them up in this place;

made especially to accommodate animals in case of siege。

〃This close confinement cannot be good for them;〃 said Vitellius; 〃and

there is a risk of losing them by keeping them here。 Make an inventory

of their number; Sisenna。〃

The publican drew a writing…tablet from the folds of his robe; counted

the horses; and recorded the number carefully。

It was the habit of the agents of the fiscal companies to corrupt the

governors in order to pillage the provinces。 Sisenna was among the

most flourishing of these agents; and was seen everywhere with his

claw…like fingers and his eyelids continually blinking。

After a time the party returned to the court。 Heavy; round bronze

lids; sunk in the stones of the pavement; covered the cisterns of the

palace。 Vitellius noticed that one of these was larger than the

others; and that when struck by his foot it had not their sonority。 He

struck them all; one after another; then stamped upon the ground and


〃I have found it! I have found the buried treasure of Herod!〃

Searching for buried treasure was a veritable mania among the Romans。

The tetrarch swore that no treasure was hidden in that spot。

〃What is concealed there; then?〃 the proconsul demanded。

〃Nothingthat is; only a mana prisoner。〃

〃Show him to me!〃

The tetrarch hesitated to obey; fearing that the Jews would discover

his secret。 His reluctance to lift the cover made Vitellius impatient。

〃Break it in!〃 he cried to his lictors。 Mannaeus heard the command;

and; seeing a lictor step forward armed with a hatchet; he feared that

the man intended to behead Iaokanann。 He stayed the hand of the lictor

after the first blow; and then slipped between the heavy lid and the

pavement a kind of hook。 He braced his long; lean arms; raised the

cover slowly; and in a moment it lay flat upon the stones。 The

bystanders admired the strength of the old man。

Under the bronze lid was a wooden trap…door of the same size。 At a

blow of the fist it folded back; allowing a wide hole to be seen; the

mouth of an immense pit; with a flight of winding steps leading down

into the darkness。 Those that bent over to peer into the cavern beheld

a vague and terrifying shape in its depths。

This proved to be a human being; lying on the ground。 His long locks

hung over a camel's…hair robe that covered his shoulders。 Slowly he

rose to his feet。 His head touched a grating embedded in the wall; and

as he moved about he disappeared; from time to time; in the shadows of

his dungeon。

The rich tiaras of the Romans sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight;

and their glittering sword…hilts threw out glancing golden rays。 The

doves; flying from their cotes; circled above the heads of the

multitude。 It was the hour when Mannaeus was accustomed to feed them。

But now he crouched beside the tetrarch; who stood near Vitellius。 The

Galileans; the priests; and the soldiers formed a group behind them;

all were silent; waiting with painful anticipation for what might


A deep groan; hollow and startling; rose from the pit。

Herodias heard it from the farther end of the palace。 Drawn by an

irresistible though terrible fascination; sh
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