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aromatic wine was offered to him。 He drank it; and asked for a second


The tetrarch had fallen upon his knees before the proconsul; saying

that he was grieved beyond words not to have known sooner of the

favour of his presence within those domains; had he been aware of the

approach of his distinguished guest; he would have issued a command

that every person along the route should place himself at the

proconsul's orders。 Of a surety; the proconsul's family was descended

direct from the goddess Vitellia。 A highway; leading from the

Janiculum to the sea; still bore their name。 Questors and consuls were

innumerable in that great family; and as for the noble Lucius; now his

honoured guest; it was the duty of the whole people to thank him; as

the conqueror of the Cliti and the father of the young Aulus; now

returning to his own domain; since the East was the country of the

gods。 These hyperboles were expressed in Latin; and Vitellius accepted

them impassively。

He replied that the great Herod was the honour and glory of the

nation; that the Athenians had chosen him to direct the Olympian

games; that he had built temples in the honour of Augustus; had been

patient; ingenious; terrible; and was faithful to all the Caesars。

Between the two marble columns; with bronze capitals; Herodias could

now be seen advancing with the air of an empress; in the midst of a

group of women and eunuchs carrying perfumed torches set in sockets of


The proconsul advanced three steps to meet her。 She saluted him with

an inclination of her head。

〃How fortunate;〃 she exclaimed; 〃that henceforth Agrippa; the enemy of

Tiberius; can work harm no longer!〃

Vitellius did not understand her allusion; but he thought her a

dangerous woman。 Antipas immediately declared that he was ready to do

anything for the emperor。

〃Even to the injury of others?〃 Vitellius asked; significantly。

He had taken hostages from the king of the Parthians; but the emperor

had given no further thought to the matter; because Antipas; who had

been present at the conference; had; in order to gain favour; sent off

despatches bearing the news。 From that time he had borne a profound

hatred towards the emperor and had delayed in sending assistance to


The tetrarch stammered in attempting to reply to the query of the

proconsul。 But Aulus laughed and said: 〃Do not be disturbed。 I will

protect thee!〃

The proconsul feigned not to hear this remark。 The fortune of the

father depended; in a way; on the corrupt influence of the son; and

through him it was possible that Antipas might be able to procure for

the proconsul very substantial benefits; although the glances that he

cast about him were defiant; and even venomous。

But now a new tumult arose just within the gates。 A file of white

mules entered the courtyard; mounted by men in priestly garb。 These

were the Sadducees and the Pharisees; who were drawn to Machaerus by

the same ambition: the one party hoping to be appointed public

sacrificers; the other determined to retain those offices。 Their faces

were dark; particularly those of the Pharisees; who were enemies of

Rome and of the tetrarch。 The flowing skirts of their tunics

embarrassed their movements as they attempted to pass through the

throng; and their tiaras sat unsteadily upon their brows; around which

were bound small bands of parchment; showing lines of writing。

Almost at the same moment; the soldiers of the advance guard arrived。

Cloth coverings had been drawn over their glittering shields to

protect them from the dust。 Behind them came Marcellus; the

proconsul's lieutenant; followed by the publicans; carrying their

tablets of wood under their arms。

Antipas named to Vitellius the principle personages surrounding them:

Tolmai; Kanthera; Schon; Ammonius of Alexandria; who brought asphalt

for Antipas; Naaman; captain of his troops of skirmishers; and Jacim;

the Babylonian。

Vitellius had noticed Mannaeus。

〃Who is that man?〃 he inquired。

The tetrarch by a significant gesture indicated that Mannaeus was the

executioner。 He then presented the Sadducees to the proconsul's


Jonathas; a man of low stature; who spoke Greek; advanced with a firm

step and begged that the great lord would honour Jerusalem with a

visit。 Vitellius replied that he should probably go to Jerusalem soon。

Eleazar; who had a crooked nose and a long beard; put forth a claim;

in behalf of the Pharisees; for the mantle of the high priest; held in

the tower of Antonia by the civil authorities。

Then the Galileans came forward and denounced Pontius Pilate。 On one

occasion; they said; a mad…man went seeking in a cave near Samaria for

the golden vases that had belonged to King David; and Pontius Pilate

had caused several inhabitants of that region to be executed。 In their

excitement all the Galileans spoke at once; Mannaeus's voice being

heard above all others。 Vitellius promised that the guilty ones should

be punished。

Fresh vociferations now broke out in front of the great gates; where

the soldiers had hung their shields。 Their coverings having now been

removed; on each shield a carving of the head of Caesar could be seen

on the umbo; or central knob。 To the Jews; this seemed an evidence of

nothing short of idolatry。 Antipas harangued them; while Vitellius;

who occupied a raised seat within the shadow of the colonnade; was

astonished at their fury。 Tiberius had done well; he thought; to exile

four hundred of these people to Sardinia。 Presently the Jews became so

violent that he ordered the shields to be removed。

Then the multitude surrounded the proconsul; imploring him to abolish

certain unjust laws; asking for privileges; or begging for alms。 They

rent their clothing and jostled one another; and at last; in order to

drive them back; several slaves; armed with long staves; charged upon

them; striking right and left。 Those nearest the gates made their

escape and descended to the road; others rushed in to take their

place; so that two streams of human beings flowed in and out;

compressed within the limits of the gateway。

Vitellius demanded the reason for the assembling of so great a throng。

Antipas explained that they had been invited to come to a feast in

celebration of his birthday; and he pointed to several men who;

leaning against the battlements; were hauling up immense basket…loads

of food; fruits; vegetables; antelopes; and storks; large fish; of a

brilliant shade of blue; grapes; melons; and pyramids of pomegranates。

At this sight; Aulus left the courtyard and hastened to the kitchens;

led by his taste for gormandizing; which later became the amazement of

the world。

As they passed the opening to a small cellar; Vitellius perceived some

objects resembling breast…plates hanging on a wall。 He looked at them

with interest; and then demanded that the subterranean chambers of the

fortress be thrown open for his inspection。 These chambers were cut

into the rocky foundation of the castle; and had been formed into

vaults; with pillars set at regular distances。 The first vault opened

contained old armour; the second was full of pikes; with long points

emerging from tufts of feathers。 The walls of the third chamber were

hung with a kind of tapestry made of slender reeds; laid in

perpendicular rows。 Those of the fourth were covered with scimitars。

In the middle of the fifth cell; rows of helmets were seen; the crests

of which looked like a battalion of fiery serpents。 The sixth cell

contained nothing but empty quivers; the seventh; greaves for

protecting the legs in battle; the eighth vault was filled with

bracelets and armlets; and an examination of the remaining vaults

disclosed forks; grappling…irons; ladders; cords; even catapults; and

bells for the necks of camels; and as they descended deeper into the

rocky foundation; it became evident that the whole 
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