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riders of the purple sage-第68章

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 were driving them desperately。 Venters feared only an accident to Black Star or Night; and skilful riding would mitigate possibility of that。 One glance ahead served to show him that Bess could pick a course through the sage as well as he。 She looked neither back nor at the running riders; and bent forward over Black Star's neck and studied the ground ahead。

It struck Venters; presently; after he had glanced up from time to time; that Bess was drawing away from him as he had expected。 He had; however; only thought of the light weight Black Star was carrying and of his superior speed; he saw now that the black was being ridden as never before; except when Jerry Card lost the race to Wrangle。 How easily; gracefully; naturally; Bess sat her saddle! She could ride! Suddenly Venters remembered she had said she could ride。 But he had not dreamed she was capable of such superb horsemanship。 Then all at once; flashing over him; thrilling him; came the recollection that Bess was Oldring's Masked Rider。

He forgot Tullthe running ridersthe race。 He let Night have a free rein and felt him lengthen out to suit himself; knowing he would keep to Black Star's course; knowing that he had been chosen by the best rider now on the upland sage。 For Jerry Card was dead。 And fame had rivaled him with only one rider; and that was the slender girl who now swung so easily with Black Star's stride。 Venters had abhorred her notoriety; but now he took passionate pride in her skill; her daring; her power over a horse。 And he delved into his memory; recalling famous rides which he had heard related in the villages and round the camp…fires。 Oldring's Masked Rider! Many times this strange rider; at once well known and unknown; had escaped pursuers by matchless riding。 He had to run the gantlet of vigilantes down the main street of Stone Bridge; leaving dead horses and dead rustlers behind。 He had jumped his horse over the Gerber Wash; a deep; wide ravine separating the fields of Glaze from the wild sage。 He had been surrounded north of Sterling; and he had broken through the line。 How often had been told the story of day stampedes; of night raids; of pursuit; and then how the Masked Rider; swift as the wind; was gone in the sage! A fleet; dark horsea slender; dark forma black maska driving run down the slopea dot on the purple sagea shadowy; muffled steed disappearing in the night!

And this Masked Rider of the uplands had been Elizabeth Erne!

The sweet sage wind rushed in Venters's face and sang a song in his ears。 He heard the dull; rapid beat of Night's hoofs; he saw Black Star drawing away; farther and farther。 He realized both horses were swinging to the west。 Then gunshots in the rear reminded him of Tull。 Venters looked back。 Far to the side; dropping behind; trooped the riders。 They were shooting。 Venters saw no puffs or dust; heard no whistling bullets。 He was out of range。 When he looked back again Tull's riders had given up pursuit。 The best they could do; no doubt; had been to get near enough to recognize who really rode the blacks。 Venters saw Tull drooping in his saddle。

Then Venters pulled Night out of his running stride。 Those few miles had scarcely warmed the black; but Venters wished to save him。 Bess turned; and; though she was far away; Venters caught the white glint of her waving hand。 He held Night to a trot and rode on; seeing Bess and Black Star; and the sloping upward stretch of sage; and from time to time the receding black riders behind。 Soon they disappeared behind a ridge; and he turned no more。 They would go back to Lassiter's trail and follow it; and follow in vain。 So Venters rode on; with the wind growing sweeter to taste and smell; and the purple sage richer and the sky bluer in his sight; and the song in his ears ringing。 By and by Bess halted to wait for him; and he knew she had come to the trail。 When he reached her it was to smile at sight of her standing with arms round Black Star's neck。

〃Oh; Bern! I love him!〃 she cried。 〃He's beautiful; he knows; and how he can run! I've had fast horses。 But Black Star!。。。Wrangle never beat him!〃

〃I'm wondering if I didn't dream that。 Bess; the blacks are grand。 What it must have cost Janeah!well; when we get out of this wild country with Star and Night; back to my old home in Illinois; we'll buy a beautiful farm with meadows and springs and cool shade。 There we'll turn the horses freefree to roam and browse and drinknever to feel a spur againnever to be ridden!〃

〃I would like that;〃 said Bess。

They rested。 Then; mounting; they rode side by side up the white trail。 The sun rose higher behind them。 Far to the left a low fine of green marked the site of Cottonwoods。 Venters looked once and looked no more。 Bess gazed only straight ahead。 They put the blacks to the long; swinging rider's canter; and at times pulled them to a trot; and occasionally to a walk。 The hours passed; the miles slipped behind; and the wall of rock loomed in the fore。 The Notch opened wide。 It was a rugged; stony pass; but with level and open trail; and Venters and Bess ran the blacks through it。 An old trail led off to the right; taking the line of the wall; and his Venters knew to be the trail mentioned by Lassiter。

The little hamlet; Glaze; a white and green patch in the vast waste of purple; lay miles down a slope much like the Cottonwoods slope; only this descended to the west。 And miles farther west a faint green spot marked the location of Stone Bridge。 All the rest of that world was seemingly smooth; undulating sage; with no ragged lines of canyons to accentuate its wildness。

〃Bess; we're safewe're free!〃 said Venters。 〃We're alone on the sage。 We're half way to Sterling。〃

〃Ah! I wonder how it is with Lassiter and Miss Withersteen。〃

〃Never fear; Bess。 He'll outwit Tull。 He'll get away and hide her safely。 He might climb into Surprise Valley; but I don't think he'll go so far。〃

〃Bern; will we ever find any place like our beautiful valley?〃

〃No。 But; dear; listen。 Well go back some day; after yearsten years。 Then we'll be forgotten。 And our valley will be just as we left it。〃

〃What if Balancing Rock falls and closes the outlet to the Pass?〃

〃I've thought of that。 I'll pack in ropes and ropes。 And if the outlet's closed we'll climb up the cliffs and over them to the valley and go down on rope ladders。 It could be done。 I know just where to make the climb; and I'll never forget。〃

〃Oh yes; let us go back!〃

〃It's something sweet to look forward to。 Bess; it's like all the future looks to me。〃

〃Call meElizabeth;〃 she said; shyly。

〃Elizabeth Erne! It's a beautiful name。 But I'll never forget Bess。 Do you knowhave you thought that very soonby this time to…morrowyou will be Elizabeth Venters?〃

So they rode on down the old trail。 And the sun sloped to the west; and a golden sheen lay on the sage。 The hours sped now; the afternoon waned。 Often they rested the horses。 The glisten of a pool of water in a hollow caught Venters's eye; and here he unsaddled the blacks and let them roll and drink and browse。 When he and Bess rode up out of the hollow the sun was low; a crimson ball; and the valley seemed veiled in purple fire and smoke。 It was that short time when the sun appeared to rest before setting; and silence; like a cloak of invisible life; lay heavy on all that shimmering world of sage。

They watched the sun begin to bury its red curve under the dark horizon。

〃We'll ride on till late;〃 he said。 〃Then you can sleep a little; while I watch and graze the horses。 And we'll ride into Sterling early to…morrow。 We'll be married!。。。We'll be in time to catch the stage。 We'll tie Black Star and Night behindand thenfor a country not wild and terrible like this!〃

〃Oh; Bern!。。。But look! The sun is setting on the sagethe last time for us till we dare come again to the Utah border。 Ten years! Oh; Bern; look; so you will never forget!〃

Slumbering; fading purple fire burned over the undulating sage ridges。 Long streaks and bars and shafts and spears fringed the far western slope。 Drifting; golden veils mingled with low; purple shadows。 Colors and shades changed in slow; wondrous transformation。

Suddenly Venters was startled by a low; rumbling roarso low that it 
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