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riders of the purple sage-第48章

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citement and joy were spurs; inspirations; but she was utterly impracticable in her ideas; and she flitted from one plan to another with bewildering vacillation。 Moreover; he fancied that she grew more eager; youthful; and sweet; and he marked that it was far easier to watch her and listen to her than it was to work。 Therefore he gave her tasks that necessitated her going often to the cave where he had stored his packs。

Upon the last of these trips; when he was some distance down the terrace and out of sight of camp; he heard a scream; and then the sharp barking of the dogs。

For an instant he straightened up; amazed。 Danger for her had been absolutely out of his mind。 She had seen a rattlesnakeor a wildcat。 Still she would not have been likely to scream at sight of either; and the barking of the dogs was ominous。 Dropping his work; he dashed back along the terrace。 Upon breaking through a clump of aspens he saw the dark form of a man in the camp。 Cold; then hot; Venters burst into frenzied speed to reach his guns。 He was cursing himself for a thoughtless fool when the man's tall form became familiar and he recognized Lassiter。 Then the reversal of emotions changed his run to a walk; he tried to call out; but his voice refused to carry; when he reached camp there was Lassiter staring at the white…faced girl。 By that time Ring and Whitie had recognized him。

〃Hello; Venters! I'm makin' you a visit;〃 said Lassiter; slowly。 〃An' I'm some surprised to see you've aa young feller for company。〃

One glance had sufficed for the keen rider to read Bess's real sex; and for once his cool calm had deserted him。 He stared till the white of Bess's cheeks flared into crimson。 That; if it were needed; was the concluding evidence of her femininity; for it went fittingly with her sun…tinted hair and darkened; dilated eyes; the sweetness of her mouth; and the striking symmetry of her slender shape。

〃Heavens! Lassiter!〃 panted Venters; when he caught his breath。 〃What reliefit's only you! Howin the name of all that's wonderfuldid you ever get here?〃

〃I trailed you。 WeI wanted to know where you was; if you had a safe place。 So I trailed you。〃

〃Trailed me;〃 cried Venters; bluntly。

〃I reckon。 It was some of a job after I got to them smooth rocks。 I was all day trackin' you up to them little cut steps in the rock。 The rest was easy。〃

〃Where's your hoss? I hope you hid him。〃

〃I tied him in them queer cedars down on the slope。 He can't be seen from the valley。〃

〃That's good。 Well; well! I'm completely dumfounded。 It was my idea that no man could track me in here。〃

〃I reckon。 But if there's a tracker in these uplands as good as me he can find you。〃

〃That's bad。 That'll worry me。 But; Lassiter; now you're here I'm glad to see you。 Andand my companion here is not a young fellow!。。。Bess; this is a friend of mine。 He saved my life once。〃

The embarrassment of the moment did not extend to Lassiter。 Almost at once his manner; as he shook hands with Bess; relieved Venters and put the girl at ease。 After Venters's words and one quick look at Lassiter; her agitation stilled; and; though she was shy; if she were conscious of anything out of the ordinary in the situation; certainly she did not show it。

〃I reckon I'll only stay a little while;〃 Lassiter was saying。 〃An' if you don't mind troublin'; I'm hungry。 I fetched some biscuits along; but they're gone。 Venters; this place is sure the wonderfullest ever seen。 Them cut steps on the slope! That outlet into the gorge! An' it's like climbin' up through hell into heaven to climb through that gorge into this valley! There's a queer…lookin' rock at the top of the passage。 I didn't have time to stop。 I'm wonderin' how you ever found this place。 It's sure interestin'。〃

During the preparation and eating of dinner Lassiter listened mostly; as was his wont; and occasionally he spoke in his quaint and dry way。 Venters noted; however; that the rider showed an increasing interest in Bess。 He asked her no questions; and only directed his attention to her while she was occupied and had no opportunity to observe his scrutiny。 It seemed to Venters that Lassiter grew more and more absorbed in his study of Bess; and that he lost his coolness in some strange; softening sympathy。 Then; quite abruptly; he arose and announced the necessity for his early departure。 He said good…by to Bess in a voice gentle and somewhat broken; and turned hurriedly away。 Venters accompanied him; and they had traversed the terrace; climbed the weathered slope; and passed under the stone bridge before either spoke again。

Then Lassiter put a great hand on Venters's shoulder and wheeled him to meet a smoldering fire of gray eyes。

〃Lassiter; I couldn't tell Jane! I couldn't;〃 burst out Venters; reading his friend's mind。 〃I tried。 But I couldn't。 She wouldn't understand; and she has troubles enough。 And I love the girl!〃

〃Venters; I reckon this beats me。 I've seen some queer things in my time; too。 This girlwho is she?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃Don't know! What is she; then?〃

〃I don't know that; either。 Oh; it's the strangest story you ever heard。 I must tell you。 But you'll never believe。〃

〃Venters; women were always puzzles to me。 But for all that; if this girl ain't a child; an' as innocent; I'm no fit person to think of virtue an' goodness in anybody。 Are you goin' to be square with her?〃

〃I amso help me God!〃

〃I reckoned so。 Mebbe my temper oughtn't led me to make sure。 But; man; she's a woman in all but years。 She's sweeter 'n the sage。〃

〃Lassiter; I know; I know。 And the hell of it is that in spite of her innocence and charm she'sshe's not what she seems!〃

〃I wouldn't want toof course; I couldn't call you a liar; Venters;〃 said the older man。

〃What's more; she was Oldring's Masked Rider!〃

Venters expected to floor his friend with that statement; but he was not in any way prepared for the shock his words gave。 For an instant he was astounded to see Lassiter stunned; then his own passionate eagerness to unbosom himself; to tell the wonderful story; precluded any other thought。

〃Son; tell me all about this;〃 presently said Lassiter as he seated himself on a stone and wiped his moist brow。

Thereupon Venters began his narrative at the point where he had shot the rustler and Oldring's Masked Rider; and he rushed through it; telling all; not holding back even Bess's unreserved avowal of her love or his deepest emotions。

〃That's the story;〃 he said; concluding。 〃I love her; though I've never told her。 If I did tell her I'd be ready to marry her; and that seems impossible in this country。 I'd be afraid to risk taking her anywhere。 So I intend to do the best I can for her here。〃

〃The longer I live the stranger life is;〃 mused Lassiter; with downcast eyes。 〃I'm reminded of somethin' you once said to Jane about hands in her game of life。 There's that unseen hand of power; an' Tull's black hand; an' my red one; an' your indifferent one; an' the girl's little brown; helpless one。 An'; Venters there's another one that's all…wise an' all…wonderful。 That's the hand guidin' Jane Withersteen's game of life!。。。Your story's one to daze a far clearer head than mine。 I can't offer no advice; even if you asked for it。 Mebbe I can help you。 Anyway; I'll hold Oldrin' up when he comes to the village an' find out about this girl。 I knew the rustler years ago。 He'll remember me。〃

〃Lassiter; if I ever meet Oldring I'll kill him!〃 cried Venters; with sudden intensity。

〃I reckon that'd be perfectly natural;〃 replied the rider。

〃Make him think Bess is deadas she is to him and that old life。〃

〃Sure; sure; son。 Cool down now。 If you're goin' to begin pullin' guns on Tull an' Oldin' you want to be cool。 I reckon; though; you'd better keep hid here。 Well; I must be leavin'。〃

〃One thing; Lassiter。 You'll not tell Jane about Bess? Please don't!〃

〃I reckon not。 But I wouldn't be afraid to bet that after she'd got over anger at your secrecyVenters; she'd be furious once in her life!she'd think more of you。 I don't mind sayin' for myself that I think you're a good deal of a man。〃

In the further ascent Venters halted several times with the intention of saying good…by; yet he changed his mind and
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