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riders of the purple sage-第40章

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 golden…red haze of the afterglow of sunset。 A shadow lengthened from under the western wall across the valley。 As straight and rigid as steel rose the delicate spear…pointed silver spruces; the aspen leaves; by nature pendant and quivering; hung limp and heavy; no slender blade of grass moved。 A gentle splashing of water came from the ravine。 Then again from out of the west sounded the low; dull; and rumbling roll of thunder。

A wave; a ripple of light; a trembling and turning of the aspen leaves; like the approach of a breeze on the water; crossed the valley from the west; and the lull and the deadly stillness and the sultry air passed away on a cool wind。

The night bird of the canyon; with clear and melancholy notes announced the twilight。 And from all along the cliffs rose the faint murmur and moan and mourn of the wind singing in the caves。 The bank of clouds now swept hugely out of the western sky。 Its front was purple and black; with gray between; a bulging; mushrooming; vast thing instinct with storm。 It had a dark; angry; threatening aspect。 As if all the power of the winds were pushing and piling behind; it rolled ponderously across the sky。 A red flare burned out instantaneously; flashed from the west to east; and died。 Then from the deepest black of the purple cloud burst a boom。 It was like the bowling of a huge boulder along the crags and ramparts; and seemed to roll on and fall into the valley to bound and bang and boom from cliff to cliff。

〃Oh!〃 cried Bess; with her hands over her ears。 〃What did I tell you?〃

〃Why; Bess; be reasonable!〃 said Venters。

〃I'm a coward。〃

〃Not quite that; I hope。 It's strange you're afraid。 I love a storm。〃

〃I tell you a storm down in these canyons is an awful thing。 I know Oldring hated storms。 His men were afraid of them。 There was one who went deaf in a bad storm; and never could hear again。〃

〃Maybe I've lots to learn; Bess。 I'll lose my guess if this storm isn't bad enough。 We're going to have heavy wind first; then lightning and thunder; then the rain。 Let's stay out as long as we can。〃

The tips of the cottonwoods and the oaks waved to the east; and the rings of aspens along the terraces twinkled their myriad of bright faces in fleet and glancing gleam。 A low roar rose from the leaves of the forest; and the spruces swished in the rising wind。 It came in gusts; with light breezes between。 As it increased in strength the lulls shortened in length till there was a strong and steady blow all the time; and violent puffs at intervals; and sudden whirling currents。 The clouds spread over the valley; rolling swiftly and low; and twilight faded into a sweeping darkness。 Then the singing of the wind in the caves drowned the swift roar of rustling leaves; then the song swelled to a mourning; moaning wail; then with the gathering power of the wind the wail changed to a shriek。 Steadily the wind strengthened and constantly the strange sound changed。

The last bit of blue sky yielded to the on…sweep of clouds。 Like angry surf the pale gleams of gray; amid the purple of that scudding front; swept beyond the eastern rampart of the valley。 The purple deepened to black。 Broad sheets of lightning flared over the western wall。 There were not yet any ropes or zigzag streaks darting down through the gathering darkness。 The storm center was still beyond Surprise Valley。

〃Listen!。。。Listen!〃 cried Bess; with her lips close to Venters's ear。 〃You'll hear Oldring's knell!〃

〃What's that?〃

〃Oldring's knell。 When the wind blows a gale in the caves it makes what the rustlers call Oldring's knell。 They believe it bodes his death。 I think he believes so; too。 It's not like any sound on earth。。。。It's beginning。 Listen!〃

The gale swooped down with a hollow unearthly howl。 It yelled and pealed and shrilled and shrieked。 It was made up of a thousand piercing cries。 It was a rising and a moving sound。 Beginning at the western break of the valley; it rushed along each gigantic cliff; whistling into the caves and cracks; to mount in power; to bellow a blast through the great stone bridge。 Gone; as into an engulfing roar of surging waters; it seemed to shoot back and begin all over again。

It was only wind; thought Venters。 Here sped and shrieked the sculptor that carved out the wonderful caves in the cliffs。 It was only a gale; but as Venters listened; as his ears became accustomed to the fury and strife; out of it all or through it or above it pealed low and perfectly clear and persistently uniform a strange sound that had no counterpart in all the sounds of the elements。 It was not of earth or of life。 It was the grief and agony of the gale。 A knell of all upon which it blew!

Black night enfolded the valley。 Venters could not see his companion; and knew of her presence only through the tightening hold of her hand on his arm。 He felt the dogs huddle closer to him。 Suddenly the dense; black vault overhead split asunder to a blue…white; dazzling streak of lightning。 The whole valley lay vividly clear and luminously bright in his sight。 Upreared; vast and magnificent; the stone bridge glimmered like some grand god of storm in the lightning's fire。 Then all flashed black againblacker than pitcha thick; impenetrable coal…blackness。 And there came a ripping; crashing report。 Instantly an echo resounded with clapping crash。 The initial report was nothing to the echo。 It was a terrible; living; reverberating; detonating crash。 The wall threw the sound across; and could have made no greater roar if it had slipped in avalanche。 From cliff to cliff the echo went in crashing retort and banged in lessening power; and boomed in thinner volume; and clapped weaker and weaker till a final clap could not reach across the waiting cliff。

In the pitchy darkness Venters led Bess; and; groping his way; by feel of hand found the entrance to her cave and lifted her up。 On the instant a blinding flash of lightning illumined the cave and all about him。 He saw Bess's face white now with dark; frightened eyes。 He saw the dogs leap up; and he followed suit。 The golden glare vanished; all was black; then came the splitting crack and the infernal din of echoes。

Bess shrank closer to him and closer; found his hands; and pressed them tightly over her ears; and dropped her face upon his shoulder; and hid her eyes。

Then the storm burst with a succession of ropes and streaks and shafts of lightning; playing continuously; filling the valley with a broken radiance; and the cracking shots followed each other swiftly till the echoes blended in one fearful; deafening crash。

Venters looked out upon the beautiful valleybeautiful now as never beforemystic in its transparent; luminous gloom; weird in the quivering; golden haze of lightning。 The dark spruces were tipped with glimmering lights; the aspens bent low in the winds; as waves in a tempest at sea; the forest of oaks tossed wildly and shone with gleams of fire。 Across the valley the huge cavern of the cliff…dwellers yawned in the glare; every little black window as clear as at noonday; but the night and the storm added to their tragedy。 Flung arching to the black clouds; the great stone bridge seemed to bear the brunt of the storm。 It caught the full fury of the rushing wind。 It lifted its noble crown to meet the lightnings。 Venters thought of the eagles and their lofty nest in a niche under the arch。 A driving pall of rain; black as the clouds; came sweeping on to obscure the bridge and the gleaming walls and the shining valley。 The lightning played incessantly; streaking down through opaque darkness of rain。 The roar of the wind; with its strange knell and the re…crashing echoes; mingled with the roar of the flooding rain; and all seemingly were deadened and drowned in a world of sound。

In the dimming pale light Venters looked down upon the girl。 She had sunk into his arms; upon his breast; burying her face。 She clung to him。 He felt the softness of her; and the warmth; and the quick heave of her breast。 He saw the dark; slender; graceful outline of her form。 A woman lay in his arms! And he held her closer。 He who had been alone in the sad; silent watches of the night was not now and never must be again alone。 He who had yearned for the touch of a hand
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