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the life of stephen a. douglas-第27章

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But it was evident that the current was running with Douglas。 The great reception at Chicago had been a glorious opening。  His journeys through the State were triumphal processions。  Special trains; splendidly decorated; were at his service。  Military escorts received him with the firing of cannon and the loud music of bands。  He commanded and marshaled with the skill of a great artist all the pomp and circumstance of victory。  He owned much property in Chicago; which with the growth of the city had greatly increased in value。  He mortgaged this for campaign funds; borrowing eighty thousand dollars; a debt that harassed him to the grave。 Wealthy friends contributed freely and the campaign was run regardless of expense。

Yet with all these advantages the contest was evidently a hard one。 Two years before; the combined Republicans and Whigs of the State outnumbered the Democrats by nearly thirty thousand。  The Whig party was breaking up。  It was a serious question of practical politics whether they would drift to the Democrats or the Republicans。 Illinois comprised two utterly distinct communities。  The northern part of the State was settled by people from New England and the Northwest。  The Southern part was settled from Kentucky and the other Southern States。  The growth of Chicago and the rapid development of the northern counties had made the State extremely doubtful even for Douglas。  To any other man his task was hopeless。  In the north the anti…slavery sentiment was strong; even to fanaticism; and many of his own supporters prayed fervently for the arrival of the day when slavery would be blotted from existence。  In the south; though slavery was prohibited by law; it was cherished in the hearts of the people who remembered with warm affection the old homesteads in Kentucky and Tennessee。

Lincoln had; with more frankness than discretion announced his views on the great question。  It was supremely important to compel Douglas to explicitly declare himself; to hold him down to the dangerous issue and force him to speak plainly。  Each had the disadvantage of pleasing one section of the State at the cost of offending the other section。  But Douglas was further embarrassed by the necessity of avoiding offense to the slave holding States of the South。  He was a candidate not only for the Senate; but also for the Presidency。

Chapter XIV。  The Debates with Lincoln。

Chicago; Ill。; July 24; 1858。  〃Hon。 S。 A。 Douglas:

〃My dear Sir:Will it be agreeable to you to make an arrangement for you and myself to divide time and address the same audiences the present canvass?  Mr。 Judd; who will hand you this; is authorized to receive your answer; and; if agreeable to you; to enter into the terms of such an arrangement。

〃Your obedient servant;

〃A。 Lincoln。〃

This is the note received by Douglas a week after his return from Springfield。  On the same day he returned the following answer:

〃Chicago; Ill。; July 24; 1858。  〃Hon。 A。 Lincoln:

〃Dear Sir:Your note of this date * * * was handed me by Mr。 Judd。  * * * I went to Springfield last week for the purpose of conferring with the Democratic State Central Committee upon the mode of conducting the canvass; and with them * * * made a list of appointments covering the entire period until late in October。  The people of the several localities have been notified of the times and places of the meetings。  * * * I cannot refrain from expressing my surprise; if it was your original intention to invite such an arrangement; that you should have waited until after I had made my appointments; in as much as we were both here in Chicago together for several days after my arrival; and again at Bloomington; Atlanta; Lincoln and Springfield; where it was well known I went for the purpose of consulting with the State Central Committee and agreeing upon the plan of campaign。  * * * I will; in order to accommodate you; as far as it is in my power to do so; take the responsibility of making an arrangement with you for a discussion between us at one prominent point in each congressional district in the State; except the Second and Sixth; where we have both spoken and in each of which you had the concluding speech。  If agreeable to you; I will indicate the following places as the most suitable in the several congressional districts at which we should speak; to wit:  Freeport; Ottawa; Galesburg; Quincy; Alton; Jonesboro and Charleston。  * * *

〃Very respectfully; your most obedient servant;

〃S。 A。 Douglas。〃

Lincoln replied:

〃Springfield; July 29; 1858。

〃Hon。 S。 A。 Douglas:

Dear Sir:Yours of the 24th in relation to an arrangement to divide time and address the same audiences; is received; and; in apology for not sooner replying; allow me to say that; when I sat by you at dinner yesterday; I was not aware that you had answered my note; nor; certainly; that my own note had been presented to you。  An hour after; I saw a copy of your answer in the Chicago Times; and reaching home I found the original awaiting me。  * * * As to your surprise that I did not sooner make the proposal to divide time with you; I can only say; I made it as soon as I resolved to make it。  I did not know but that such a proposal would come from you; I waited respectfully to see。  * * * I agree to an arrangement for us to speak at the seven places you have named and at your own times; provided you name the times at once; so that I; as well as you; can have to myself the time not covered by the arrangement。 As to the other details; I wish perfect reciprocity; and no more。 I wish as much time as you and that conclusions shall alternate。 That is all。

〃Your obedient servant;

〃A。 Lincoln。〃

On the next day Douglas wrote:

〃Bement; Piatt Co。; Ill。; July 30; 1858。

〃Dear Sir:Your letter; dated yesterday; accepting my proposition for a joint discussion at one prominent point in each congressional district * * * was received this morning。  The times and places designated are as follows:

Ottawa; La Salle County 。。。。。。。。。 August 21; 1858。 Freeport; Stephenson County 。。。。。 August 27; 1858。 Jonesboro; Union County 。。。。。。 September 15; 1858。 Charleston; Coles County 。。。。。 September 18; 1858。 Galesburgh; Knox County 。。。。。。。。。 October 7; 1858。 Quincy; Adams County 。。。。。。。。。。。 October 13; 1858。 Alton; Madison County 。。。。。。。。。。 October 15; 1858。

〃I agree to your suggestion that we shall alternately open and close the discussion。  I will speak at Ottawa one hour; you can reply; occupying an hour and a half; and I will then follow for half an hour。  At Freeport; you shall open the discussion and speak one hour; I will follow for an hour and a half; and you can then reply for half an hour。  We will alternate in like manner in each successive place。

〃Very respectfully; your obedient servant;

〃S。 A。 Douglas。〃

To which Lincoln replied:

〃Springfield; July 31; 1858。

〃Hon。 S。 A。 Douglas:

〃Dear Sir:Yours of yesterday; naming places; time and terms for joint discussions; between us; was received this morning。  Although by the terms as you propose; you take four openings and closes to my three; I accede; and thus close the arrangement。  * * *

〃Your obedient servant;

〃A。 Lincoln。〃

Now that Lincoln has become idealized and is safely classed with the great men of all ages; his modest challenge seems like a condescension of the immortal President to his rival。  It then seemed an act of temerity bordering on madness。  Lincoln's friends thought it rash。  Douglas' friends had no hope that his adversary would be so easily delivered into his hands。

Yet Lincoln was not a despised antagonist。  He was the most prominent Republican in Illinois。  But Douglas was the recognized head of a great national party; the giant of the Senate; the most resourceful American statesman then living。  Through years of desperate battling he had successfully repelled the assaults of Seward; Sumner and Chase。  He had more recently encountered with equal ease all the Southern Senators。  It seemed a simple task to meet this humble Western lawyer and make his friends ashamed of their senatorial candidate。  Douglas did not share the pleasant illusion of his friends。  Before leaving Washington; when he heard that Lincoln wa
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