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the fortunes of oliver horn-第85章

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 got up; including Richard; and with roars of laughter followed the devious trail out into the hall and so on down the staircase as far as they could see。 Only when Mrs。 Mulligan on their return to the room held up the tureen and pointed to a leak in its bottom; was the mystery explained。

And so the merry dinner went on。

Ah; dear old man; if these happy days could only have gone on till the end。

On the afternoon of the day following this joyous nightthe day the contracts were to be signed; a  culmination which would make everybody happy Margaret hurried up the stairs of her building; and pushed open the door。 She knew she should find the inventor waiting for her; and she wanted to be the first to get the glad news from his lips。 It was  varnishing day at the Academy; and she had gone down to put the last touches on her big portraitthe one of 〃Madame X。〃 that she had begun in Paris the year before。

Richard did not move when she entered。 He was leaning back in the chair she had placed for him; his head on his hand; his attitude one of thoughtful repose;  the light of the fast…fading twilight making a silhouette of his figure。 She thought he was dozing; and so crept up behind him to make sure。

〃Ah; my dear; is that you?〃 he asked。 The voice did not sound like Richard's。

〃YesI thought you were asleep。〃

〃No; my childI'm only greatly troubled。 I'm glad you have come〃and he took her hand and smoothed it with his own。 〃Bring your stool; I have something to say to you。〃

Without taking off her bonnet and cloak; she took her place at his feet。 The tones of his voice chilled her。 A great fear rose in her heart。 Why she could not tell。

〃Has anything happened to Oliver?〃 she asked; eagerly。

〃No; nothing so terrible as that。 It is about the motor。 The bankers have refused the loan; and the attorneys have withdrawn the papers。〃

〃Withdrawn the papers! Oh; no it can't be!〃 She had leaned forward now; her anxious; startled eyes looking into his。

〃Yes; my dear; a Mr。 Gorton from Maine has perfected  a machine which not only accomplishes what I claim for my own; but is much better in every way。 The attorneys have been looking into this new motor for a week past; so I learn now。 Here is their letter〃 and he put his hand in his pocket and took out a white envelope。 〃They will; perhaps; take up Mr。 Gorton's machine instead of mine。 I made a hasty examination of this new motor this morning with my old friend Professor Morse; and we both agree that the invention is all Mr。 Gorton claims for it。 It is only a beginning; of course; along the lines of galvanic  energy; but it is a better beginning than mine; and I feel sure it is all the inventor claims for it。 I have so informed them; and I have also written a letter  to Mr。 Gorton congratulating him on his success。〃  The calmness and gentleness of his voice thrilled her。

〃I suppose I ought to have telegraphed the news to Mrs。 Horn; as I promised;〃 he continued; slowly; as if each word gave him pain; 〃but I really had not the heart; so I came up here。 I've been here all the afternoon hoping you would come in。 The room felt a little cold; my dear; and your good woman made a fire for me; as you see。 You don't mind; do you?〃

Margaret bowed her head on his hands and kissed the thin fingers that lay in her own。 Her heart was full to bursting。 The pathos of the bent figure; the despairing sound of his voiceso unlike his buoyant tones; the ghostly light that permeated the room; so restful always before; so grewsome and forbidding now; appealed to her in a way she had never known。 She was not thinking of herself; nor of Oliver; nor of the wife waiting for the news at home; she was only thinking of this dear old man who sat with bowed head; his courage gone; all the joyousness out of his life。 What hurt her most was her own utter helplessness。  In most things she could be of service: now she was powerless。 She knew it when she spoke。

〃Is it ended?〃 she asked at last; her practical mind wanting to know the worst。

〃Yes; my child; ended。 I wish I could give you some hope; but there is none。 I shall go home to… morrow and begin again;on what I do not know somethingI cannot tell。〃

Oliver's footsteps sounded in the outer hall。 She rose quickly and met him on the outside; half closing the door; so that she could tell him the dreadful news without being overheard。

〃Broken their promises to father? Impossible! Why? What for? Another invention? Oh; it cannot  be!〃

He walked quickly toward him。 〃But father; what about your patents? They can't rob you of them。 Suppose this man's motor is better。〃

Richard did not move。 He seemed unwilling to look his son in the face。

〃Let me take hold of this thing。〃 Oliver was bending over him now; his arms about his neck。 〃I'll see Mr。 Slade at once。 I met him this morning and told him you were here; and he is coming to call on you。 He has always stood by me and will now。 These people who have disappointed you are not the only ones who have got money。 Mr。 Slade; you know; is now a banker himself。 I will begin to…morrow  to fight this new man who〃

〃No; no; my son; you must do nothing of the kind;〃 said Richard leaning his cheek wearily against Oliver's hand; as if for warmth and protection; but still looking into the fire。 〃It would not be right to take from him what he has honestly earned。 The lifting  power of his machine is four times my own; and the adjustment of the levers much simpler。 He has only accomplished what I failed to do。 I am not quite sure but I think he uses the same arrangement of levers that I do; but everything else is his。 Such a man is to be helped; not worried with lawsuits。 No; my son; I must bear it as best I may。 Your poor mother!〃 He stopped suddenly and passed his hand over his eyes; and in a broken; halting voice; added: 〃I've tried so hard to make her old age happier。 I fear for the result when the news reaches her。 And you and this poor girl!〃and he reached out his hand to Margaret〃this is the part that is hardest to bear。〃

Oliver disengaged his arm from his father's neck and walked up and down the room; Madge watching him。 His mind was searching about for some way to stem the tide of disaster。 Every movement of his body expressing his determination。 He was not thinking of himself。 He saw only Madge and his mother。 Then he turned again and faced his father。

〃Will you let me try?〃 he urged in a firm voice。

〃No; Oliver! Positively no。〃

As he spoke he straightened himself in his chair and turned toward Oliver。 His voice had regained something of its old…time ring and force。 〃To rob a man of the work of his brain is worse than to take his purse。 You will agree with me; I know; when you think it over。 Mr。 Gorton had never heard of my invention  when he perfected his; nor had I ever heard of his when I perfected mine。 He is taking nothing from me; how can I take anything from him! Give me your hand my son; I am not feeling very well。〃 His voice fell again as if the effort had been too much for him。 〃I think I will go back to the hotel。 A night's rest will do me good。〃

He rose slowly from his chair; steadied himself by holding to Oliver's strong arm; stood for an instant  looking into Margaret's eyes; and said; with infinite tenderness:

〃Come close; my daughter; and kiss me。〃

She put her arms about him; cuddling her head against his soft cheek; smoothing his gray hair with her palm。

〃My child;〃 he said; 〃you have been a delight and joy to me。 A woman like you is beyond price。 I thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my son。〃

With something of his old manner he again straightened himself up; threw his shoulders back as if strengthened by some new determination; walked firmly across the room; and picked up his cloak。 As he stood waiting for Oliver to place it about his shoulders; he put his hand to his side; with a quick movement; as if smitten by some sudden pain; staggered backward; his head upon his breast; and would have sunk to the floor but for Oliver's hand。 Margaret sprang forward and caught his other arm。

〃It's nothing; my son;〃 he said; between his gasps for breath; holding on to Oliver。 〃A sudden giddiness。 I'm often subject to it。 I; perhaps; got up too quickly。
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